Islam can dish it out, but can't take it



I can't believe that lady in the bottom left picture wore those with a hole out in public how embarrassing for her. It distracts from the rear camel toe. I don't even...

You do realize that representative is just on the local level. He has as much pull on making laws in this nation as you do.
Ryan Zinke is Montana's Congressional representative.

i love how they rush to defend the GOP when they do this shit but then rush to excoriate any muslim who would say the same.

hypocrisy at its finest.
It is the very center of the Faith. You cannot even denouce HAMAS. HAMAS is legal under Sharia and to denouce it is death. "Do you want me on a cross?" she said. Then she backpedeled artfully, into Homeland Security would get her. I guess they would suspend her right to Speak Freely, as if it is un-lawful to say you support HAMAS. She was clearly meaning HAMAS supporters would crucify her. Nice little slips, even our own friend Muslims cannot avoid. How can there be Reformation if the entire thing is based on this, core denial of other Gods' "right" to be worshiped?

(doesn't it all sound insane, any ideology?)
It is not enough for a person to merely utter the statement Laa ilaaha illallaah (none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah) for them to enter Islam or be a Muslim. There are conditions that have to be met by the individual uttering the shahaadah. These conditions are 8, and we will go through each one of them in the following posts, if Allaah wills. All conditions must be met, and the absence of anyone of them makes the shahaadah (testimony) of the individual invalid. Laa ilaaha illallaah is the key to paradise, and the conditions are like the ridges of the key. For the gate of paradise to open the person must come with the key having the right ridges.
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I wonder how much of the damages paid by Germany and Switzerland over the decades since world war two for the holocaust actually went to the survivors.

As much as those people are used in political rhetoric, Zionists don't really seem to give too many fucks about what they have to say themselves. I'm sure those of them who support Palestine (quite a few) are just antisemitic, self hating Jews...
So, tell us. What are your thoughts on Laa ilaaha illallaah, ethabhae?

What does it mean to you? Can the Faith be reformed? Do you think it needs Reform?
ISIL, UAE, many muslims corrupted and you need reform @Doer

All you have is personal insults and I have never said anything bad to you. I challenge you ideas and you fold like paper.

You admit that many Muslims are corrupted but I need reform. Silly.