Two eyes for an eye

Have you not internalized the right wing mantras? If you don't recognize white superiority, you're racist. If you don't hate all Muslims, you're a bigot. If you are offended by racial slurs, you're a fascist who wants to cull words.

Also, everything Rob Roy doesn't like is similar to rape,


You're just not interesting enough for me to read your bs when I can already guess the content.

Rape comparison, free market, no true Scotsmen, rinse repeat.

Inb4 the civil rights movement gets compared to rape.

Translation = Stop exposing Abandon Conflicts hypocrisy. You got nothing.

Funny how labels get applied erroneously. I am not "right wing". I am "greener" than most people. I live off the grid, raise much of my food organically and my social network includes people of diverse economic, racial and life style preferences. One of my sons is gay and I have no issues with that. He's a great guy. Yet you attempt to label me in your collectivist speak. I think the USA, is entirely wrong by being in the Middle East, militaristic and Empire building. I do not travel on the dime of the captive tax payers like you claim to, I voluntarily spend my time helping to feed people.
I could give a fuck if a person is a Muslim, Jew or Hindu. I judge them on their actions as individuals.

I'm not a racist. I think all people have the right of self determination and the right to control their justly acquired property. I think NO people should force others to associate with them. You do.

You are the one that likes to use government force, "Mr. Anarchist", not me. I have judged you as a hypocrite and you don't like it. Tough shit.
You have not convinced me that you are not racist. Please keep trying.

See the difference between you and me is that you think calling me an Asst Manager at Wendy's is some sort of dig, when I would say that you being a technical team lead of a Fortune 1000 company, making a measly $130,000 a year, would be a dig for me.

Do you see how we don't even play in the same ballpark brah?

Can I get fries with that?
Government exists to serve the ruling class and protect private property. Capitalism can not exist without government. Therefore capitalism and anarchism are mutually exclusive terms.

Since your philosophy is an oxymoron, you're fucking dumb.
Government exists to serve the ruling class and protect private property. Capitalism can not exist without government. Therefore capitalism and anarchism are mutually exclusive terms.

Since your philosophy is an oxymoron, you're fucking dumb.

See? You label me a "capitalist", when I am opposed to a coercive monopoly and coercive government constructs. You are the one that seems to think that a coercive government is required, not me. The evidence there is self evident.

I am for a free market, wherein the individuals involved in a given interaction decide to make a mutual agreement or they leave each other alone.

Your inability or fear to discuss what property is and who can own it is the problem in our communication.

I am not dumb either, maybe that's what you're afraid of?
So now you're opposed to the private ownership of economic infrastructure and resources. Always nice to meet a fellow socialist.

All economic infrastructure is not the same is it?

In an agrarian society, the economic infrastructure might be a water delivery system you made to water your crops. If you made it, shouldn't you also own it? Control it? Benefit from it?

There's nothing wrong with voluntary socialism. Everything wrong with forced socialism.

Also, I think you continually run from the what is property and who can own it question. Please work on that.

You also run from the what is a voluntary agreement line of questioning.

Although, I do thank you for keeping this recent exchange some what on point.

I need to take care of some things now...perhaps another time we will discuss what property is and isn't and which kinds of agreements are voluntary and which are coerced?
then why do you so adamantly lobby for a return to a time when it was legal to discriminate against others based solely on their skin color, a policy which you yourself have called racist?

Context escapes you, Meathead.

I am lobbying for the right of anyone to control their own body and their own property, but not the body or property of others.

I advocate for consensual human relations and you advocate that sometimes it is okay to force people to interact.

Harry Anslinger called and said he likes you.
so people aren't allowed to open a private club if they want to kick people out of their store based on skin color then?

When you say people are "allowed to" you are really showing your lack of understanding what property really is or ought to be.

If people need permission to control property they allegedly they really own it?

Sometimes you are a real Oxymoron and sometimes just a regular moron.
i'm not going to read your bible rob roy

If reading light in your basement bedroom is a problem, do the dishes for your mom and maybe she'll glue the Ninja Turtle lamp back together for you. Also, don't forget the dishes stacked under your bed and on your cheesy cardboard bureau.
you know why barely any copies of your favorite anarchocapitalist book sold?

the free market has decided

Aided of course by a heavy dose of dumbing down by the unfree market of a coercively funded public school indoctrination system designed to produce sycophantic cannon fodder and obedient workers....the killer henchmen class with accolades of "hero" and "thank you for your service" mindless mantras.

Did your mom fix your lamp yet?
Aided of course by a heavy dose of dumbing down by the unfree market of a coercively funded public school indoctrination system designed to produce sycophantic cannon fodder and obedient workers....

no, it's just a retarded fucking ancap propaganda book and the only sort of people interested in that crap are neckbearded, fedora wearing teenagers who also love ayn rand, like you.

the market decided
no, it's just a retarded fucking ancap propaganda book and the only sort of people interested in that crap are neckbearded, fedora wearing teenagers who also love ayn rand, like you.

the market decided

Except, I'm not a teenager, don't have a fedora and have a beautiful long and flowing beard. Also, you forgot to include any reference to cheetohs.

I'm more peaceful than you are. You might consider putting down the gun. Your plan cannot exist without the offensive use of it.
so now you want to disarm people...

No. I think people to have the right to defend themselves and be armed if that is there choice.

The "gun" is a term for how you approach other people. If you are not party to their agreement, your "gun" appears when you interject yourself into their affairs.

I thought you knew that one, sorry for not being more direct.

In a very real sense when you advocate the kinds of interjections you propose, you are holding that gun in a manner of speaking of course. Put down the gun is my suggestion.

Oh, you've NEVER answered my question as to what property is and who can own it?