SWAT Team Kills Two Dogs In Pot Raid


Well-Known Member
i dont understand why they shot the dogs.... personaly i could never shoot a dog or cat or any animal


Well-Known Member
I think its disgusting how the police went about this whole raid, especially shooting a dog from behind thats not even doing anything.


New Member
I love my dog!
If that happened to me, i might have to declair war!
My dog is like my children or family


Well-Known Member

I realize with some drug dealers, there is a need to raid with live ammunition..

Some of us aren't gonna go quietly into the night...

But this guy was a fuckin mayor...

Did they really think he was gonna go out blastin...

Why the fuck don't they use tranquilizers or tazers when they do this shit?

Why research non-lethal technology if their not gonna use it?

I wonder how many little kids they've blasted away when they could of just shocked their ass a bit?

Fuck the govt! Fuck trigger happy Pigs!


Well-Known Member
The thing about this was undercover officers delivered him the package, and later that day raided his house only to find the package wasnt even opened. Its so fucked up and that could happen to anyone. Then they shot his god damn dogs. Its things like this that make me wanna leave this country.


Well-Known Member
no offense to you and your respective cats...but i hate cats
you have never owned one have you? IMG_0797.JPG


i keep getting these images of feds in storm trooper outfits raiding a medical grower. some of us don't even own guns yet they storm in, 20 at a time, fully geared and armed. i wonder what it is they fear. :-|


Well-Known Member
id rather kill a person than a dog..if anyone killed my dog..i think a new side of evil would come outa me..id go on a rampage:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Heavy handed assholes they are .. thats my worst senerieo they shoot my 2 doggs because they will attack there german shepards naturally not them though i do try and learn the to get the pigs haha.

They shot my friends staffy at a party after kicking his dog in with barking dogs , A simple knock of the door would of saved a lot of hassle as the only problem was noise

If i lived in the state im afraid id have to have a rattle back at them ya cant shot a mans dog... you filthy pigs i know your there
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