What Are You Listening To?

skip to 2:15 it gets to his real rapping the intro is shitty

but i meet j cole one time in Charlotte he was in the airport and said he was waiting on a ride to fayetteville i didnt realize who he was till someone came up to him and said how he loved his music and asked for a autograph and i was like oh fuck its j cole

he looks Cuban kinda
Pierre Boulez is no slouch either, he loved Zappa's works.

Yup, Zappa was a brilliant, blinding, dazzling, genius. The likes of which come along about every one hundred years or so.
He composed unique, thorny, beautiful melodies which will be remembered by future generations with awe and gratitude.
He was one of the greatest composers America has yet managed to produce! Sadly he left us way too soon!
Here are two of my favorite Zappa Melodies.

I love all FZ's works & " Peaches " is one of my favorites because it translates well weather its the rock version or the orchestral version . Ive allways liked modern classical music & the older i get the more im attracted to Franks orchestral works .

I rember seeing an interview with Jimmy Carl Black where the Mothers were working with the London Symphony Orchestra & Frank just jumped up on the podium & started conducting the most famous orchestra in the world & doing it with authority .

After the LSO finished the piece of music Jimmy asked Frank " Man where the fuck did you learn to conduct an orchestra !" Frank replied " Oh i went to the library over the weekend & read a book " .

Heres Frank Conducting the Yellow Shark Evening with one of my favorite electronic pieces from Jazz from Hell , this is right before he passed away .

The G-Spot tornado , the standing ovation from the orchestra & audience speaks volumes , too damm bad 99% of Americans only know him for Montana & Yellow snow .

Here's one I KNOW most us 70's guys forgot .

The great Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush , one of the best live shows i ever saw .
