Well, Ms Schuylaar ( Netherlands?) here I am.
Netanyahu came over to Congress singing his same scenario, that if Iran develops ANY form of nuclear energy development, no matter for WHATEVER reason, even if it is scrutinized under EVERY commission on the planet Earth, (which they themselves, the Israelites, are the only non-signee in the Middle East to the Non-Proliferation Agreement ), it is a disaster for the world at large. Bull Shit.
But, you should know by now that the Iran nuclear discussions are over. With his invigorating dialogue, Netanyahu gave every Republican on the floor an erection. The Republicans and evangelicals are joined in lockstep to impose MORE sanctions, on a country that is pretty much sanctioned out. Fuck them. Let the discussions between whatever that shit is called, G5+1 or 3+3=5, (you get my point?) at least come to a conclusion, and THEN, talk about more sanctions.
So what's up.
Allow a sovereign nation the ability to develop nuclear energy for peaceful, MONITERED, purposes, or to insist that it will never be allowed that capability, basically, because Israel insists upon it.
So, it should be obvious, that one way or the other, the US is going to lose.
The work that this Administration has been doing to create an agreement, just got FUCKED.
But who really gives a shit? Maybe the rest of the planet, that just watches as the US, and by proxy Israel, seemingly rule the world?
Anyway my friend, was that good enough for a start of new comments on Zionist Israel, and that POS Netanyahu, who will lead us to war again, if he gets his way. Shalom