horse manure for tea


Well-Known Member
Can i use horse manure for a compost tea?

if its composted down for 6months .

its just for the bennies:)

thank you
GMO Horses?

worked with horses my whole life...all kinds

they get fed raw grains and hay grown in fields

hay fields are rarely fertilized and if they are, only organic sources are used such as domestic livestock manure because the different species found in hay fields are easily burned

horses by far get the purest diet out of all domestic livestock simply because most serious breeders and hobbiest owners choose to feed them local ingredients, because they are more valued than a cow or a chicken, which is stupid if you think about it becuase were not even eating them

no, pigs, chickens cows, they get much more exposure to hormones and antibiotics.

some chickens are actually only given iodine tho instead of antibiotics....maple leaf poultry for instance and thats mass production chicken farming

no horses are as pure as it gets

i live in north america and while GMO's are popular, they aren't as prevailent as the public likes to think, atleast in my experience

have never even seen gmo feed or strains in my life.. and i grew up/live on a farm
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Is it good for cannibis or is all the American bat shit better ?

Nearly a third of my soil is composted horse manure. Since I've seen how well it works, I wouldnt even think of using guano ever again. Guano is not environmentally responsible and I can't help but think that handling guano is super nasty for your health. Fuck guano. Seriously. There are so many better "fertilizers" to use that are either local and/or not as destructive to the earth.

In my area I can get composted manure by the truckload for free. Just check craigslist.
Nearly a third of my soil is composted horse manure. Since I've seen how well it works, I wouldnt even think of using guano ever again. Guano is not environmentally responsible and I can't help but think that handling guano is super nasty for your health. Fuck guano. Seriously. There are so many better "fertilizers" to use that are either local and/or not as destructive to the earth.

In my area I can get composted manure by the truckload for free. Just check craigslist.
is that craigslist for uk aswell ?
a simple yes would have been fine but thanks anyway:)

iv been looking and there's tons and tons of the stuff around where i live so i can get it free or £1 a bag .

you can get alot of weeds and shit in manure ? Is the true?

I hear that horse manure can have a lot of weed seeds in it, but I haven't had any "weeds" pop up. Composting will kill most seeds if they're in the poo.
I hear that horse manure can have a lot of weed seeds in it, but I haven't had any "weeds" pop up. Composting will kill most seeds if they're in the poo.
iv got a 6'x6' raise plant box in my back garden, a plant loved the sun hours last year so im going to fill that fucker with horse shit and plant me some ganja lol !!

wish me luck ;)