Sheriffs sue Colorado over legal marijuana


Well-Known Member
No matter how many times he says he never would you will never believe him will you.
racists always try to deny their racism. there's a reason why he so vigorously argues for the right to kick people out based on skin color and refers to the president by racial slurs.


Well-Known Member
Blah blah racist blah blah. I sometimes wonder if even you get tired of yourself sometimes.
it's more interesting than folding 8 3 over and over, or waiting for the guy who hit his flush to lead out into my full house.

and you dumb racists are too dumb to ever river me. your wells run shallow.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
and racists like you caused a lot of harm when it was like that. you do not have a right to cause harm. hence why a law was put in place to keep you from causing harm.

and you racists can still control your own property. you just can't kick out black people while calling yourself open to the public anymore.

you've never told me what the most peaceful, non-aggressive way to kick black people out of your store is.

As you get older, I think you should hook up with the company that makes adult diapers. I bet you could be a well paid spokesperson and get some face time in their ads. Something about how they've really made your life so much more sudden stops to foul a floor somewhere. The convenience and freedom it has given you, etc. Give it some thought?

To answer your question would require you to have a working knowledge of property rights and for you to stop holding your ideas that it is okay for some people to control another persons body or justly acquired property without the owners consent.

As I've stated many times, what you do with YOUR property is your business. Even if you do things many others might not like, it IS your property.

So, when you ask a person to leave your property, that you don't want there, yet they remain there anyway...who is the person initiating aggression? The property owner remaining on his property or the person forcing the interaction? By the way, when you don't answer, you are a Meathead...and I'm winning.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
He can never answer the way to peacefully, non-aggressively kick black people out of a store. I'm curious as to why ? but not really
Wrong question. The assumption in this discussion is that a property owner has the right to determine the use of their property and that all people have the right to associate with people on a consensual and mutual basis, absent force by one party or a third party.

So, you should be answering this question - Is there a peaceful way to make a person associate with you, if they remain on their property and ask you not to be there?


Well-Known Member
Wrong question. The assumption in this discussion is that a property owner has the right to determine the use of their property and that all people have the right to associate with people on a consensual and mutual basis, absent force by one party or a third party.

So, you should be answering this question - Is there a peaceful way to make a person associate with you, if they remain on their property and ask you not to be there?
Your backward looking arguments boggle me -- segregation is no longer law in the deep south, so your argument about a "property right" that isn't upheld in today's society or courts is nonsense.

Let me ask you this: I don't understand the motivation for excluding a paying customer. Could you give a justification for why a shop owner would or should ask a customer to leave if they have the wrong skin color? I'm not discussing property rights -- an area where we deeply disagree -- I'm just asking why a shop owner would discriminate against a customer based upon skin color?


Well-Known Member
Your backward looking arguments boggle me -- segregation is no longer law in the deep south, so your argument about a "property right" that isn't upheld in today's society or courts is nonsense.

Let me ask you this: I don't understand the motivation for excluding a paying customer. Could you give a justification for why a shop owner would or should ask a customer to leave if they have the wrong skin color? I'm not discussing property rights -- an area where we deeply disagree -- I'm just asking why a shop owner would discriminate against a customer based upon skin color?
Because they obviously have poor business acumen?


Well-Known Member
So I'm just curious- what does any of the above have to do with the original topic?

Is this how the trolls drive off any intelligent discourse?

Sad, because we all lose.


Well-Known Member
So I'm just curious- what does any of the above have to do with the original topic?

Is this how the trolls drive off any intelligent discourse?

Sad, because we all lose.
Liberal Prediction of Events leading from lawsuit: It's the excuse for Obama has been waiting for to reschedule!!!

My prediction?

I haven't a clue, Supreme Court could easily rule against Colorado and there isn't anything Mr President can do.

Will be interesting to watch unfold tho.


Well-Known Member
I haven't a clue, Supreme Court could easily rule against Colorado and there isn't anything Mr President can do.
That would certainly be an interesting situation. I can't imagine all the chaos that would cause in Colorado. I think it is too late to do something like that.


Well-Known Member
So I'm just curious- what does any of the above have to do with the original topic?

Is this how the trolls drive off any intelligent discourse?

Sad, because we all lose.
Because Rob Roy started commenting and now the thread is all like ermagerd muh private properteh and non-aggression principal because he doesn't realize that those two things are contradictory.

There are many other such oxymoronic neologisms in his world view like "Anarchocapitalism" and "consensual pedophilia". When he isn't mismatching ideas he's comparing things to rape like VA disability and having to sell gas to black people.

Right wing ideology is pathological.