Well-Known Member
So i posted a thread about a month a half ago. Basically my truck kept overheating so I listened to snapsprovolone and had a pressure test done on the cooling system. $20 bucks later they found the waterpump was leaking, which I could have changed myself. But decided to have a shop do it for me because I wanted the timing belt changed too, which I didn't want to do.. also had the front main seal replaced.. So $530 dollars later my truck is still overheating.. So I take it back in and they did another pressure test and said the it was thermostat housing, I was like fine replace, but make sure it's not overheating.. So $240 dollars later I get it back and is still over heating. Now it's in the shop and now the say it's the radiator.. The shop owner says "it's really weird".. WTF? Am getting raped?