
Screwed or not you have the legal right to face any & all wittnesses against you , in person in court , atleast you'll know who the snitch ass thief who dropped dime on you to save his own ass .

With facebook & all social media people use a 10 yr old could track him down , then i'd wait till he was sound asleep, creep into his house , find him laying in bed tucked in all cozy & safe then BLAMO , at the very least i'd crush his ankle with a 3lb sledge hammer .

Ive crept in a dudes house when he was sleeping & gave him some lumps & stuffed a butt plug in his mouth & left , felt damm good too .
Very same thing happened here, except they took most of the weed and then got caught, the police still went heavy after the grower. Case is still pending.
Yeah find out who he is. Then plaster his name all over the place. Hell reddit, Topix. Anywhere with a town forum. Damage has been done as far as you're concerned. Word travels and hey at least no one with any brains will want him around.
I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles friend . I'm from eastern coast of Australia which is devided Into seven states and territory's
All of two states have dramatically predated laws , yes it's legal to grow in the state where the major politicians and there children reside , however in the other states you can be charged for as much as .25 grams possession

And I'v heard about the Nsw police making out a " multi million dollar drug ring "
It was 10 mature plants outdoor in a greenhouse , all of which were low thc content plants and we're produced for a late stage pancreatic cancer patient ( being his wife )

He was stitched up fined nearly a million dollars by the state and thrown away for a non parole period of 9 years maximum of 25

I knew this man personally

He never did a single thing wrong on his life
He was charitable courteous polite hardworking honest

He was fucked

He was thrown in jail
The property sold and the wife does months later in a state facility which was her last dying wish to not be put there

Australia really needs to pick its game up

That's a tragedy against humanity
Those poor people
Very same thing happened here, except they took most of the weed and then got caught, the police still went heavy after the grower. Case is still pending.

When shit like that happens in Colorado, the police go after the THIEF; theft of a controlled substance, burglary, breaking n entering, any weapons found add to the stack of violations.

Since us growers aren't supposed to have weapons, they take their job REAL serious- just have cards and a count to cover your crop.

Most of our police and sheriff's dept officers around here are ex military- they just loooooove hunting and finding bad guys!

So the moral of this story is that if you come to Colorado to grow, get your cards and your counts in order, keep any weapons off site and then you will be in the (perhaps unfamiliar) position of being able to let the COPS do your dirty work for you!
lmao a thief breaks into somebody's house and reports a grow operation, what a fucking hypocrite

more like.. gets caught breaking into other houses.. thinks he can get charges lessened gives up the GROW he found last time that he was going to rob again. but turns out he can use it either way... that's why if ur growing.. your house should pass the break in test.. and that's each door and window.
more like.. gets caught breaking into other houses.. thinks he can get charges lessened gives up the GROW he found last time that he was going to rob again. but turns out he can use it either way... that's why if ur growing.. your house should pass the break in test.. and that's each door and window.

2x4's on the floor between your wall and the door, perfect
we got.. those kick plates.. u screw into the lock part of the door frame.. and the hinge part of the door frame.. making it harder to kick in the doors.. and for windows.. security film.. makes it take long to get in trying to break a window. .meaning most people give up an get the fuck out of there because the noise and time being spent.. isn't worth getting arrested..

good luck .
i know this is huge everybody and im very sorry you got raided friend. Its pieces of shit like him that will get a wrath of karma in the end game. Really fast seeds are germinated im ready to put them in peat pellets or cups with top soil and bio tone seed starter. thanks guys i cant get much attention or an answer
What a move dont ask that when dudes got major issues..
hey @tommybomb ...get a lawyer

1 if a robber broken in and sawl the stuff then they got caught and turned the info over to the cops ...the info they got is from a Illegal source as the info was found out in the commission of a crime ......they raided on the word of that person ...they did not set up and watch u and get info from a 3rd source to verify they acted on info that was illegally gotten during a commission of a crime it is fruit from the poison tree

they are going to try to plea deal u so that info never comes up in court ...........they are going to over charge u with any and everything they can think of (your lawyer will go to them see if can get something worked out ....they will hmm and haul and then make a offer so they look good for the conviction)

u need to go jury trial and make them admit the info came from criminal action
lol its funny how i was watching better call saul, paused it to check my rollitup notification and thats the post i see about lawyers