The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
don't make me rape n pillage ur ass lol but yeah true n Irish were brought over long before to England than expected they discovered old Irish scripture on some wood basically horizontal lines over a diagonal line..lemme try n find it... Bet u watch time team n a all.. Here we are shits epic cool View attachment 3369503
fusksake lax is really going to start talking in fenien code. we're all fucked hahaha


Well-Known Member
Yeh 25g oz sounds nice n simple deffo got a good eye G .....Yeh but on eBay undont know what they gonna be like do ya fucknit I'm gonna go another McDonalds and beg em for a load of paper bags lolol


Well-Known Member
a 5er buys 20lb of silver? fuck me i'm in the wrong job i think. i heard from a decent source that silver is a better long term investment than gold as we have more use for it in the real world and it too like gold is in finite supply.

can't get much with bluey these days can you?


Well-Known Member
or the ones they used to remove a mountain leaving a temple made of granite at this place
Kailash Hindu Temple


Well-Known Member
I think our idea of history is fuked, lol v stoned, Churchill was an occultist, a druid in fact, so was hitler, the aneheube? SS were conducting séances and practising the occult, they were probably working toward the same ends as outlined by freemason albert pike s letter to Mazzini ( outlines the 2 world wars dated August 15, 1871), history is written by the victor but is mostly bullshit and as for german s paying reparations lol u couldn't make this shit up, google rhine meadows concentration camps so many of them were starved to death its unimaginable.....but tune into UK programming and Churchill is a hero, battle of Britain...poppies...fukin poppies u know what this is all about....drugs


Well-Known Member
Afternoon cock gobblers, I've just switched my mh out for the HPS and switched my shit to flower, 9 weeks and I'm gonna be a happy man.
This run is just 1 exo, 1 psycho, 1 Zlh and 1 zlh x psycho seed.
Need to keep em smallish this run but still aiming for at least 3 or more of each


Well-Known Member
me 80mg oxy come today, bit scared of it tbh lol last time i had one id also taken a shitload of other drugs and alot more oxy and o'd badly.

fuck it tho just 1 without all the rest i should be fine, fucking expensive 35quid for a single 80mg.

my lappy is fucked carnt work out how to stop this airplane mode, its a common fault from what ive read sumfin to do with the drivers? i carnt work it out for shit,

am on a ethernet cable at the mo.


Well-Known Member
me 80mg oxy come today, bit scared of it tbh lol last time i had one id also taken a shitload of other drugs and alot more oxy and o'd badly.

fuck it tho just 1 without all the rest i should be fine, fucking expensive 35quid for a single 80mg.

my lappy is fucked carnt work out how to stop this airplane mode, its a common fault from what ive read sumfin to do with the drivers? i carnt work it out for shit,

am on a ethernet cable at the mo.
sounds good think I could do with one of them sounds nice