Our Rising Oceans: VICE


Well-Known Member
This is a good watch. You're into it, too?
I like VICE's style of reporting on things and almost all of their stories are entertaining to watch. I saw a small preview of this clip they posted last week, it looked pretty good to me. Have you watched this episode yet?


Well-Known Member
I like VICE's style of reporting on things and almost all of their stories are entertaining to watch. I saw a small preview of this clip they posted last week, it looked pretty good to me. Have you watched this episode yet?
Not the new season. But, I have a good feeling about the wholes series for sure. Great thread.


Well-Known Member

Can you explain how the history of the Earth pertains to the current warming trend?

Earth has warmed in the past due to different reasons, that's true, right now the Earth is warming because humans have been adding carbon dioxide to the biosphere at an exponential rate for over a century. So what does the previous warm periods have to do with the current warming period?


Well-Known Member
Can you explain how the history of the Earth pertains to the current warming trend?

Earth has warmed in the past due to different reasons, that's true, right now the Earth is warming because humans have been adding carbon dioxide to the biosphere at an exponential rate for over a century. So what does the previous warm periods have to do with the current warming period?


Well-Known Member
Can you explain how the history of the Earth pertains to the current warming trend?

Earth has warmed in the past due to different reasons, that's true, right now the Earth is warming because humans have been adding carbon dioxide to the biosphere at an exponential rate for over a century. So what does the previous warm periods have to do with the current warming period?
has anyone ever really proved that humans alone are the soul contribution to global warming?


Well-Known Member
has anyone ever really proved that humans alone are the soul contribution to global warming?
No one has proven humans are anything to do with whatsoever.

It's a lefty hail Mary.

Cos the planet never changed climate before industrialisation, it was definitely not cyclical ;)


Well-Known Member
No one has proven humans are anything to do with whatsoever.
so then why has the greenhouse gas CO2 jumped from ~300 PPM to 400+ PPM in just over a hundred years, after staying between 200-300 PPM for 800,000 years?

It's a lefty hail Mary.

Cos the planet never changed climate before industrialisation, it was definitely not cyclical ;)
show me how this fits into the cycle.



Well-Known Member
has anyone ever really proved that humans alone are the soul contribution to global warming?
I don't think so, but then again, nobody in academia is arguing that humans are the sole cause of increasing climate change

What they are arguing is that humans are obviously a factor (and indeed, the main factor) in increasing climate change. A handful of conservative members here don't believe that, they believe that humans couldn't possibly contribute to global climate change, which also means they believe humans can do nothing to prevent it... "since it's happened for millions of years" (even though they don't believe the Earth is millions of years old, but that is a discussion for another thread...)

What the scientific consensus says is that anthropogenic climate change (human caused) plays the most significant role in the current warming of the planet, and if we choose to do nothing about it, future generations of people will face the consequences. Our country is notoriously famous for ignoring pressing issues that deal with the future, so as more of a cynical person, I don't expect our government to act accordingly.. Instead, I suspect those that are of my grandkids age will face the brunt of our collective negligence today, and they will likely hold people like Harrekin and spandy responsible for it..


Well-Known Member
I don't think so, but then again, nobody in academia is arguing that humans are the sole cause of increasing climate change

What they are arguing is that humans are obviously a factor (and indeed, the main factor) in increasing climate change. A handful of conservative members here don't believe that, they believe that humans couldn't possibly contribute to global climate change, which also means they believe humans can do nothing to prevent it... "since it's happened for millions of years" (even though they don't believe the Earth is millions of years old, but that is a discussion for another thread...)

What the scientific consensus says is that anthropogenic climate change (human caused) plays the most significant role in the current warming of the planet, and if we choose to do nothing about it, future generations of people will face the consequences. Our country is notoriously famous for ignoring pressing issues that deal with the future, so as more of a cynical person, I don't expect our government to act accordingly.. Instead, I suspect those that are of my grandkids age will face the brunt of our collective negligence today, and they will likely hold people like Harrekin and spandy responsible for it..

So how bout a list of those grave consequences ? Most of the ... "deniers" are not about saying people are not part of the cause but they say that the courses taken now are not the answers. It`s the money grab thing, you know, let`s do the money grab now so we don`t get forced to do it later, (being a hundred years from now)

No matter how much money the Politics demands to aid in the prevention of AGW, it wont do a damn thing until you get the rest of the world to act with them. Not until South America/Africa, stop cutting rain forests, or China stops unregulated emissions, or Japan and Taiwan stop the chemical dumping into the seas, and Russia stops leaking radioactive`s into the sky, will action taken by America to stop or prevent anything AGW be effective. or Even matter.

But they do it anyway because everyone loves a good money grab. So to think that paying scientists with self proclamations to alter their findings and up the urgency for cash now, shows the desperations in the Political money grab,....is accurate. These same people get added to the denialist list. It`s part of the BS money grab and nothing has shown otherwise.

Some facts they don`t tell you are also the mindset you`re dealing with. You`re not gonna build a Natural gas engine for a ship and expect it to hall weight fast or distant,...it wont, you are not gonna get a Natural gas train to pull or shunt freight with ease,...it wont, you won`t get a dozer to push earth around by the ton without diesel,....it wont.

Like already mentioned, you can`t put the world in "park" until solutions are offered or found.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
so then why has the greenhouse gas CO2 jumped from ~300 PPM to 400+ PPM in just over a hundred years, after staying between 200-300 PPM for 800,000 years?

show me how this fits into the cycle.

Why would you use a graph to show the world your point of view about Carbon Dioxide when Mona Loa is just a few miles away from one of the most active volcanos in the world? This is why I watch fox news because the left is in a big make believe fantasy land fairy tale.

Mona Loa is the hill above my house and Kilauea is the next volcano to the north east a few miles away and it puts out a bunch of gasses all the time. Buck is a lot like gruber , hoping everybody is stupid enough to believe his lie's.