Bus beheading in Canada...


Well-Known Member
I'm just curious.... would you consider a woman using a concealed firearm to kill a male attacker (say twice her size and weight) attempting to rape her ... a coward????

Perhaps you think it's less "cowardly" she just do her best at hand-to-hand combat and get the shit beat out of her on top of being raped????
OR, don't go to places where rape can occur like: a dark alley, drive thru's at fast food restaurants, Clubs in Birmingham, 2 story parking garage at midnight... Just an observation I saw in numerous of movies...


Well-Known Member
OR, don't go to places where rape can occur like: a dark alley, drive thru's at fast food restaurants, Clubs in Birmingham, 2 story parking garage at midnight... Just an observation I saw in numerous of movies...
What about greyhound busses? They seem safe.... oh wait


Well-Known Member
I'm just curious.... would you consider a woman using a concealed firearm to kill a male attacker (say twice her size and weight) attempting to rape her ... a coward????

Perhaps you think it's less "cowardly" she just do her best at hand-to-hand combat and get the shit beat out of her on top of being raped????
no you are going a different way.
to attack with a weapon is cowardly


Well-Known Member
ok... my bad... your other post didn't clarify that.

I support the use of firearms for personal defense.... not for committing crimes ;)
iam not going to get in a pissin match with you...
the subject of the thread is what we are talking about..
not someone getting raped....
i donot suport firearms for personal defence eithier.
if you attact with weapon you are a coward..
as you stated in your first post that you are not here to debate ,you are pro gun .
that is your bussinesif you attack some body with it you are a coward..
all these gang banger running around shooting people cowards..put the weapon down and see how tuff they are...
the guy who did that on the bus among other things acoward....
but instead of figting i would rather :joint::joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
iam not going to get in a pissin match with you...
the subject of the thread is what we are talking about..
not someone getting raped....
i donot suport firearms for personal defence eithier.
if you attact with weapon you are a coward..
as you stated in your first post that you are not here to debate ,you are pro gun .
that is your bussinesif you attack some body with it you are a coward..
all these gang banger running around shooting people cowards..put the weapon down and see how tuff they are...
the guy who did that on the bus among other things acoward....
but instead of figting i would rather :joint::joint::hump:
alright man go roll through your nearest ghetto and fight a grown man(crackheads don't count:P)...he'd probably fuck you up unless you're like a trained UFC fighter or something. Go find a goon and try to punk him:mrgreen:

edit:I bet you wouldn't call that psycho a coward to his face...seriously though you say that stuff but in real life you wouldn't call any of the people your talking about cowards.(unless you're some crazy cage fighter!)
editX2:woowww what do you live in a cave? You don't support guns for self-defense?!?! what if someone runs up on you with a gun then what? You'll get shot and bleed like all hell/die, but if you had a gun you might've been able to fire back.

What if this was you getting shot up? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEpP_Ew0UWo you'd want a gun then...the video isn't real but that really does happen.
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Well-Known Member
alright man go roll through your nearest ghetto and fight a grown man(crackheads don't count:P)...he'd probably fuck you up unless you're like a trained UFC fighter or something. Go find a goon and try to punk him:mrgreen:

edit:I bet you wouldn't call that psycho a coward to his face...seriously though you say that stuff but in real life you wouldn't call any of the people your talking about cowards.(unless you're some crazy cage fighter!)
your not understanding what i am saying....
i am not saying i am tuff and can go beat all thier asses...
gang are fighting gangs.iam not fighting them..
what i am saying is they would be a lot lesskilling if they had to do it with out weapons...
there are some real tuff dudes out thier ,but some are just punks..
i live in the country man and i just smoked a :joint:. so i hope you understand what i am saying
maybe to say the act of using a weapon to attact somebody is cowardly
would be better..


Well-Known Member
en garde!!
Sssshwing, sssshwing! Passe!

I really hope you beat the crap out of him. Who the hell carrys a sword nowadays.
After I had disarmed him he was too stunned to stand up and I had the tip to his stomach. It was a fencing partner that got jealous because he was the "best" when I started fencing and I became better, so our rounds became more heated and when I was closing up one night he shows up with a damn rapier telling me I better watch my ass next time we matched (he had brought quite a few real swords in to show, so I didn't know what he had planned). It was harmless really the tip was blunt but you can still inflict some major pain with them... I quit there and never went back, he was family with our teacher and they were both whacked in the head. The look on his face when I disarmed him was my prize, that sucka fool. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Maybe that's what happens when you get road rage and you're stuck on a bus.

In America he would of shot him first and then cut him up. Thank God we live in a free country!

Canada is enacting a new law making all knives illegal. They figure this will stop the bus killings. No word yet on the deadly spoon attack but it looks like it's going to be chopsticks for Canada...

People die all the time. Sad fact of life. In fact there is a cancer victim dying right now as you read this. You might be able to help save their life.

Maybe you would of helped on the bus and maybe you wouldn't, who can say. But you can help a cancer patient right now (with no risk of getting stabbed)!

It seems all people ever do is talk shit and never actually do anything. Now is your chance to actually stop a killing. It may be a slow killing but it ends in death none the less.

Find them and give them some medicine instead of worrying about someone it's too late to help.

Quit reading this thread right now and do a search for your local marijuana activists. They should be able to point you in the right direction.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm not sure what I would do, unless I had a knife too! If you were in that situation, you might not want to approach a guy who is cutting up somebody's limbs!


Active Member
are people allowed to carry a gun around in canada? cuz if theyre not then if they were allowed to it probably would have saved that mans life. this is an absolutely disgusting story. especially since all i hear about people from canada is that theyre the nicest people in the world. now im gonna have to roll up a blunt :blsmoke:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
especially since all i hear about people from canada is that theyre the nicest people in the world.

Well... in defense of our neighbors to the North..... the lunatic is an immigrant from China. Even if he were a Canadian from birth.... CRAZY is not limited to any one geographic location.... we certainly have our fair share here in the US. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
how could someone save this guy gettin stabbed when after one or 2 stabs its likly he would die anyways?? im from canada and it is the best country in the world!!! OH CANADA :p