First time grower


Basically i'm getting a 4x4 pot 11l DWC 2x 250watt cfl and a 1.2m x 1.2m mylar grow tent set up with the fan and carbon filter and duct i've never grown weed before but have a fair bit of knowledge from videos and friends
but i want to grow some northernlights 4 plants i'm getting the nutrients and ph tester plus the ph up and down
i was wondering what sort of yeilds i'd be looking at if i did'nt fuck anything up lol
That's only if you really know your stuff. No way a newb pulls that. More like .5 grams a watt if things go good. Maybe less.

Ya true, but he asked what he would get if he didn't fuck anything up. If he doesn't fuck anything up it would be a perfect grow, which would get 1g per watt.
putting me off doing it now :( looking to start it next week il put up some pictures of the stuff and we can watch it grow together
Basically i'm getting a 4x4 pot 11l DWC 2x 250watt cfl and a 1.2m x 1.2m mylar grow tent set up with the fan and carbon filter and duct i've never grown weed before but have a fair bit of knowledge from videos and friends
but i want to grow some northernlights 4 plants i'm getting the nutrients and ph tester plus the ph up and down
i was wondering what sort of yeilds i'd be looking at if i did'nt fuck anything up lol
look in to this line up ez to follow feed chart
Don't let anyone put you off doing it. 1g/watt would be in a perfect world, which is what I thought you were asking. Wasn't trying to start shit man, sorry.

I'd keep them either lst'd or do a scrog for the best yield with cfls. They don't penetrate the canopy much, so it is best to keep them low and level to open up the bud sites.

If you haven't got the cfls yet hps would yield better, denser nugs.

Happy growing bro
The biggest mistake noobs make is growing in hydro first time, you will fuck up and you will lose all your crop.
CFL yield = shit, no matter what strain you grow and if it's in hydro or not.
Drop the DWC and order a ballast with a 250w HPS lamp, 6l pots (minimum), 12l pots (recommended).
You are looking at 1-2 ounce/plant in 12l pots under 250w HPS vs 5-15g/plant in hydro under CFL.

First time grow in soil, don't be stupid.
Good luck!
I disagree. I started in DWC and had great harvest for a first time grower. It really is not that difficult as long as you have the proper supplies and knowledge. Just food for thought for the OP.

I do agree that cfl produce subpar yields. Hps is the way to go for it to be worthwhile imo
it was more to do with the fact that hps bulbs run up the electrisity bills like crazy plus i work 9 till 5 i want to be able to leave the plants sometimes
if i went with soil id grow way more i know i should'nt be yield hungry but i need to get as much as i can other wise it will be a waste im not going to go into to much detail im having a little money troubles