
Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
@Racist Rob

Is your son really gay? Why do you believe your son shouldn't be allowed service because of his sexual orientation? Why do you respect these bigoted cunts? Why is your penis so very, very tiny?
Yes one of my sons is gay. I don't believe he shouldn't be allowed service because he is gay. I think people that do that are stupid, and I wish they would behave differently.

My wishes should not be their commands though.

Why? Because I also think people have the right to determine the use of their own property and their own body. That means nobody should take away my sons right to be himself, but he correspondingly has no right to run another persons property or tell them how they must use their body.

My respect for another persons right to control their own body and property doesn't disappear even if I disagree with how that person uses it if they confine it to themselves and their own property.

Also can you give Uncle Buck a hug, he seems like he needs one and I'm just not up for it now. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
That means nobody should take away my sons right to be himself, but he correspondingly has no right to run another persons property or tell them how they must their body.
You run a radio shack. I want to come in and buy some batteries. You say, "Fuck off, fag. We don't sell batteries to fags."

Why would you say something like that, Gaycist Rob?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Then these businesses who would like to practice discrimination should have a sign outside of their door to let others who would like to enter, come to the mutual agreement to interact with them before even entering the property/business? Would only seem fair in your perfect world.
If that were the case those of us that don't approve of them would know in an instant who not to give out business to wouldn't we?

Should a black baker be forced to bake a cake depicting a heinous act on a black person? I say no, he should tell the bigot to fuck off, what do you think?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You run a radio shack. I want to come in and buy some batteries. You say, "Fuck off, fag. We don't sell batteries to fags."

Why would you say something like that, Gaycist Rob?
Okay, numb nuts, I'll type slowly.... I .....wouldn'

If you owned the shop and only wanted to serve gay people, I wouldn't like it, but I wouldn't force you to serve me.


Well-Known Member
If that were the case those of us that don't approve of them would know in an instant who not to give out business to wouldn't we?

Should a black baker be forced to bake a cake depicting a heinous act on a black person? I say no, he should tell the bigot to fuck off, what do you think?
No, he should sell him a cake just like everyone else.


Well-Known Member
there is something mentally off with someone who thinks they can use force of government to make others do things they do not believe in or support.
No wonder this country has lost all of its freedom,
We have liberals begging to put chains on everyone through the government, leave people the fuck alone, mind your own business,
I don't want your hope and chains.
As a free American the business owner has a right to serve whoever they want, If I don't like it and enough people don't like it he goes out of business.
Its called freedom ,you can try and read about it in American history books.
I thought you liberals were boycotting chic filiet?How did that work out for you?
All over that guys freedom to do with his business as be believes.
Real tolerant bunch you liberals are, Believe as we want you to believe or else.
Your free to think what you want so long as we agree with your thinking.
whatever happened to the classical liberal? like Jefferson,


Well-Known Member
If you owned the shop and only wanted to serve gay people, I wouldn't like it, but I wouldn't force you to serve me.
Why not? I would never do something like that. Because I do not discriminate based on sexuality, or race. I think, if someone opens a shop, they should serve everyone/anyone. Unless I open a private club, I am required by law to serve all of my customers. Would you agree?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
yet that's exactly what you are sitting here arguing for, and exactly what you say you "can't condemn".

When do my beliefs of how another person should behave become rules for them that they must obey if they are confining their actions to their own property and their own body?

You just solidified and exposed your prohibitionist mindset. You like controlling other people.

I believe your shitting on your floor is dumb, and wrong in the sense I disapprove of it. Yet, I have no right to make you stop your foul behavior if you confine it to your own property.


Well-Known Member
I don't like bigots, but I can't find a way to justify telling another person how to live their life if they simply think something but confine themselves to their own property. I don't endorse their thoughts, but can't condemn their actions since they are confining themselves to their own property and their own body.

A bigot or anybody else for that matter who goes to another persons property to insist a person behave in a certain way has violated the right of the other party. Even bigots deserve to control their own property, nobody should control others property or body but the owner though.

As far as a more peaceful time, I think you are confusing enforced order with peace. People often do.

A right that everybody should have is to be free from being forced into interactions they do not consent to, that is taken away when one party can make another interact with them. I don't make exceptions to this for government, many do.

I will say even though I am a strong proponent of property rights, I did at one time think government forcing bigots to interact was acceptable. I've since realized I was mistaken as force cannot beget peace.
You're ignoring the distinction between private property and privately owned property open to the general public; a house v. a theme park or restaurant. There's a reason why there are different sets of rules for each type of place. I think all of us would agree with you when it comes to a persons house, be as bigoted as you like, that is your right at home, you're not going to see me arguing in favor of someone walking into your house and demanding you serve them... When it comes to privately owned property open to the public, protection against discrimination must be enforced, because if it isn't, it will cause harm that will lead to discrimination that will lead to violence.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I would never do something like that. Because I do not discriminate based on sexuality, or race. I think, if someone opens a shop, they should serve everyone. Unless I open a private club, I am required by law to serve my customers. Would you agree?
I think laws that force people to interact are based in the initiation of force, therefore I reject them as leading to peace.

I wish people would serve everyone, but its not for me to make anybody do anything or prevent them from controlling their own body or property. I am not a prohibitionist that thinks I have the right to control other people. I do have the right to prevent them from controlling me however.


Well-Known Member
I think laws that force people to interact are based in the initiation of force, therefore I reject them as leading to peace.

I wish people would serve everyone, but its not for me to make anybody do anything or prevent them from controlling their own body or property. I am not a prohibitionist that thinks I have the right to control other people. I do have the right to prevent them from controlling me however.
How could you openly disgrace your son like that?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You're ignoring the distinction between private property and privately owned property open to the general public; a house v. a theme park or restaurant. There's a reason why there are different sets of rules for each type of place. I think all of us would agree with you when it comes to a persons house, be as bigoted as you like, that is your right at home, you're not going to see me arguing in favor of someone walking into your house and demanding you serve them... When it comes to privately owned property open to the public, protection against discrimination must be enforced, because if it isn't, it will cause harm that will lead to discrimination that will lead to violence.
You are ignoring the violence already present in the government threat which forces people to interact on a nonconsensual basis.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
How could you openly disgrace your son like that?
I taught my son he owns his own body, nobody else does. Reciprocably he doesn't own anybody else either, none of us do.

Why do you think you can force people to interact when one party would prefer not to? That seems like a tactic people I'd rather not associate with would employ, like thugs and thieves and rapists.


Well-Known Member
You are ignoring the violence already present in the government threat which forces people to interact on a nonconsensual basis.
No, because as I already explained, enforcing equal protection under the law is not forcing people to interact, it's ensuring people simply can't act in a way that will lead to violence


Well-Known Member
How am I forcing someone to interact with me by offering them money for a service they are freely offering to the public?
We reserve the RIGHT to refuse service to anyone,for any reason I deem fit,You ever seen one of those signs?
No, because as I already explained, enforcing equal protection under the law is not forcing people to interact, it's ensuring people simply can't act in a way that will lead to violence
im not sure what you mean by equal protection under the law,
but what it means is the same laws that apply to you or I apply to any man or woman,(unless you are a liberal leader)
That amendment called the 14th amendment was supposed to protect black people from laws made specifically against black people,That the laws would be distributed and enforced equally.
I could go into detail about it but wont.
I has nothing to do with making a jewish deli serve ham sandwichs.


Well-Known Member
Yes one of my sons is gay. I don't believe he shouldn't be allowed service because he is gay. I think people that do that are stupid, and I wish they would behave differently.

My wishes should not be their commands though.

Why? Because I also think people have the right to determine the use of their own property and their own body. That means nobody should take away my sons right to be himself, but he correspondingly has no right to run another persons property or tell them how they must use their body.

My respect for another persons right to control their own body and property doesn't disappear even if I disagree with how that person uses it if they confine it to themselves and their own property.

Also can you give Uncle Buck a hug, he seems like he needs one and I'm just not up for it now. Thanks.
you can control your own property. Open your business as a private club. When you go public, you agree to open your business to the community as a whole


Well-Known Member
im not sure what you mean by equal protection under the law,
but what it means is the same laws that apply to you or I apply to any man or woman
OK, so how would LGBT people enjoy equal protection under the law if a religious business owner refused them goods/services based on their gender, sexual identity or sexual orientation?
That amendment called the 14th amendment was supposed to protect black people from laws made specifically against black people,That the laws would be distributed and enforced equally.
What was the purpose of the civil rights movement in the 1960's?


Well-Known Member
If that were the case those of us that don't approve of them would know in an instant who not to give out business to wouldn't we?

Should a black baker be forced to bake a cake depicting a heinous act on a black person? I say no, he should tell the bigot to fuck off, what do you think?
Why would the bigot racist even want the black baker to bake him a cake? Wouldn't you think he would choose another baker? I doubt the baker would do anything but make him a cake, usually people who open up businesses are there to make money, not so they can have a reason to not make money and discriminate. I bet a true baker would welcome the challenge. "Enjoy the white frosting on the klan hoods!"
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