If you are going to troll go to politics


Well-Known Member
Idk bout y'all but if I was going to make sock puppets and act a fool on RIU I'd go to politics. That's where people seem to get butt hurt the most.. @mainliner @Iloveskywalkerog
Limit Free speech!? That makes U worse than a bad troll ( read Red), something more like a Tea party Publican. U must be the poster child 4 the truism "Americans can't remember longer than 1 news cycle" If U will recall, about 2 months ago, one of the greatest meltdowns I have seen in my 6 or 7 yrs of following RIU happened. This epic event was spread over at least 2 threads Politics and Toke n Talk. Think of what may have been missed if speech Nazis had P.Ced that PARTY into THEIR selected pigeon hole.


Well-Known Member
@mainliner you're one of us ??? that's a suprise.
bit busy in a buisness meeting with growan and one unnamed atm luuuuuuuuke.

iv actually forgotten alittle why your a dick while im typing this so ....... You've been marked for future memory recal of this situation.

don't fuck with me luke, im like a mind fuck ninja !! .

have a nice day sir :)