Doctors that will sign.

Concentrates are illegal. except in BC and until further notice?
MMJ is illegal/legal
Rech smoker are illegal.
I live in canada I'm familiar with the law other than how bc is exempt from the concentrate law.

We're u baked when you posted. Obv recreational smoking is illegal, I've been busted for it...multiple times

But like I said I see med users from ontario picking up bho and hash and smoking it on camera without a care lol

This whole thing is pretty
My friend got declined from green dr network but he had zero medical history and no documents.
The script from your dr becomes your license under the MMPR. The script gets sent in and your licensed producer sends you a patient card which is your "licence." The card says your name, dr name, daily dose and amount you can posses at one time.
You no longer get a license from health Canada like the MMAR provided.
If your dr won't give you a script for MMJ get him to write out your diagnoses and give it to green dr network. They will hook you up with a dr who will write your script which becomes your license to posses. If you have any questions feel free to ask as I recently went through the MMPR process with green dr network.

I think it's more accurate to say your bottle label from the LP is your "licence".
A card isn't even mentioned in HC's regulations. The card is a marketing gimmick.
I think it's more accurate to say your bottle label from the LP is your "licence".
A card isn't even mentioned in HC's regulations. The card is a marketing gimmick.
The purpose of the card is so u can carry without the bottle the meds are shipped in.
The back of the card is exactly whats printed on the bottle label.
I live in canada I'm familiar with the law other than how bc is exempt from the concentrate law.

We're u baked when you posted. Obv recreational smoking is illegal, I've been busted for it...multiple times

But like I said I see med users from ontario picking up bho and hash and smoking it on camera without a care lol

This whole thing is pretty
I've only stated what's legal and what's not legal.
being A MMJ patient.. you are the grey area!
Burning anything other than Herb is Illegal. well....there is Banana's
Burning Herb puts you in a grey area.

I'm not burning enough it seems. ;)
I've only stated what's legal and what's not legal.
being A MMJ patient.. you are the grey area!
Burning anything other than Herb is Illegal. well....there is Banana's
Burning Herb puts you in a grey area.

I'm not burning enough it seems. ;)
Lol never enough :p

Yeah its whacked..and I really don't like Trudeau either so it's one turd over the other...
My documents from the LP say the card can be used in place of the bottle label because they know most people prefer mason jars over the plastic prescription bottles.
I'm not sure what the card would do at the side of the road but I know it's accepted at the airports if you are traveling with meds.
The LP also said they have held seminars and given pamphlets to law enforcement showing what their card looks like and how to verify etc.
Still could be a pain in the ass and waste time if you ever were stopped.
Oh I know...check out HC regs though, last time I checked the only proof was the label on the container.

Nope. You are the loudest self-declared 'expert' on here and you're wrong more than Toshie.

"Licensed producers must meet strict security and quality standards. A list of licensed producers is available and the client's proof of authority to possess marijuana for medical purposes may either be the label on the packaging or a separate document accompanying the shipment of dried marijuana provided by the licensed producer."

"If an individual presents you with the packaging or a document included in their order of dried marijuana from a licensed producer, you may contact the licensed producer to confirm the registration and the daily quantity of dried marijuana. The licensed producer must confirm that you are a member of a Canadian police force, the information must be requested in the context of an investigation under the CDSA or the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations and you must provide the name of the individual, the date of birth and the gender."
Nope. You are the loudest self-declared 'expert' on here and you're wrong more than Toshie.

"Licensed producers must meet strict security and quality standards. A list of licensed producers is available and the client's proof of authority to possess marijuana for medical purposes may either be the label on the packaging or a separate document accompanying the shipment of dried marijuana provided by the licensed producer."

"If an individual presents you with the packaging or a document included in their order of dried marijuana from a licensed producer, you may contact the licensed producer to confirm the registration and the daily quantity of dried marijuana. The licensed producer must confirm that you are a member of a Canadian police force, the information must be requested in the context of an investigation under the CDSA or the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations and you must provide the name of the individual, the date of birth and the gender."
I've certainly never claimed to be an expert.
It's been awhile, I'm doing other things now...
Please let me know where I've been wrong before.
Glad you appreciate my posts, I know I've learned a lot from yours.
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My documents from the LP say the card can be used in place of the bottle label because they know most people prefer mason jars over the plastic prescription bottles.
I'm not sure what the card would do at the side of the road but I know it's accepted at the airports if you are traveling with meds.
The LP also said they have held seminars and given pamphlets to law enforcement showing what their card looks like and how to verify etc.
Still could be a pain in the ass and waste time if you ever were stopped.
Cool info, thanks
My documents from the LP say the card can be used in place of the bottle label because they know most people prefer mason jars over the plastic prescription bottles.
I'm not sure what the card would do at the side of the road but I know it's accepted at the airports if you are traveling with meds.
The LP also said they have held seminars and given pamphlets to law enforcement showing what their card looks like and how to verify etc.
Still could be a pain in the ass and waste time if you ever were stopped.
Im very aware of what "they say" is good and what is not.
Truth is. MMJ is a grey area.
Anyone can be charged at a Road Side police Check.
At the Airport. depending on where you're going.
It could see you go straight to jail ...and not collect 200 dollars.. :lol:
Oh I know...check out HC regs though, last time I checked the only proof was the label on the container.
Remember how they liked that at wonderland..then even York Reg didn't accept it....rely on a bottle if you will...but seems scary to me.
Remember how they liked that at wonderland..then even York Reg didn't accept it....rely on a bottle if you will...but seems scary to me.

Wonderland was a hash, seed, probably more issues. Doubt we heard the whole story. New pieces were added to the puzzle with every post.
Surprised I haven't seen a knock off bottle / label / card or document service in London.
The kids will have that figured out in no time lol. Lets face it. even under mmar there wasn't much really....did anyone actually have the photo card they had once?
I know when ever I travel I put my meds back in the pill bottle. The less reasons I give the cops to fuck with me the better.

And I'm pretty sure the original regs stated that the label on the pill bottle was the only acceptable form of proof as your authorization to posses. But I'm sure the regs have been revised many times by now.