Police beatings are not Racial

I never said I prevent crime. I said I protect myself and my family. If fear of jail worked then why are people in jail? Bad people will be bad. I will not leave my life in the hands of others to protect.

Our justice system is broken and corrupt.
They are protecting just being there idc if you realize it or not you know how much shit I would do if I didn't have to worry about cops
Goodnight whitebb. Like I said I undersrand what you saying but
Then that shows your true character. I do right because its right not because Johnny Law.
oh now your talking about my true character your just a chronic complainer. I do illegal shit and ain't affraid to admit it
Goodnight whitebb. Like I said I undersrand what you saying but

oh now your talking about my true character your just a chronic complainer. I do illegal shit and ain't affraid to admit it
You made it sound bad. You said you would do things if it weren't for cops not me.
Whitebb sorry your so upset and don't understand why we have cops but You keep complaining I am going to keep living and dealing with it
Yes I agree with you, I don't agree with a ton of laws, I mean a ton and I break them all the time I just think we need some type of law to keep most people doing their best to stay out of jail and and keeps things some what decent. All though true criminals don't care and do whatever anyway.
Oh @panhead man I don't know that I could have kept my cool. Sorry that your wife and mom would have to experience that. I mean to keep your cool now and your outlook.
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