Beaner has toooo much time on his hands!

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Well-Known Member
I got bored the other night, and germinated 65 seeds in a moist paper towel. They were 3 years old and had been sitting in my basement in a tacklebox so i didn't really expect more than a dozen to sprout...I forgot about them and then forgot where i put them. 3 days after they went in i found them in my computer drawer, looking a little wild.


Well-Known Member
Of course me being as lazy as i am i went to the bar instead of planting them, and left them for another day in the paper towel, they became pretty tangled and just barely were getting a tad to dry. I gathered my equiptment and headed of the woods.



Well-Known Member
So you didn't plant them or you planted them today?????? Yeah there gettin alittle crazy..


Well-Known Member
I love this scotts stuff, really good black soil, with peat so it's still fluffy, well for seedlings i like to go at least half virmiculite , i think i would say i went 5 parts topsoil 6 parts virmiculite...It's important to give your seedlings really loose soil, the roots will grow faster, giving them a little head start.



Well-Known Member
it was pretty easy to fill the jiffy pots, with everything nice and dry still, and this coleman jug is perfect for moistening it up before the sowing. the hardest part was untangling the roots without touching them, after that they all went in smoothly, i ended up with 55 out of 65 germed after 4 days.



Well-Known Member
so you put the seeds in the paper towel to right now and thats 4 days?

it seems like your off a bit. because you lost the seeds for 3 days and when you found em you didnt plant em you wen to to the bar instead. lol

then this is the 4th day

so your seed wouldve been in the paper towel for over 7 days am i correct?


Well-Known Member
Here is where i took a wee little bong break in the woods, and as i usually do when i smoke from my bong "Gerber" i started to zone out and think deap... this led me to the realization that i did not plan on what to do with them once i finished. there are tons of rabbits and possums and deer all over.


Well-Known Member
can i please make a thread without all of these lougrew references and crap?!?!jeez give me a bit to finish. the seeds were in the paper towel for 3 days yesterday, and that makes today day 4.


Well-Known Member
The weed gears started turning and i came up with a temporary idea; I whittled and lashed together a little deer stand type thingy to keep the sprouts out of reach to all but birds and squirrels.


Well-Known Member
after a little lashing and leaves and bark for camo i have finished my overnight stand. it looks pretty invisible from 30+feet away, and is high enough to keep away all but the most detirmined deer.



Well-Known Member
how creative sir...what did you use to tie the sticks together, your shoe string...And srry if you don't want me to post just let me know..
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