Yes they are. Even though you didn't mention a key part of that equation is resistance. Easiest way to describe is a water line. Amperage would be the amount or volume of water moved through at a given time, voltage would be the pressure behind that volume of flowing water, And resistance in this case more of a constant such as the size of pipe. To get higher voltage will equate to added resistance in the line. Think if the pipe is the same size and more pressure is applied there is more resistance as a result. Similar to the opposite like putting your thumb over a waterhose and it increases the stream pressure even though the actual line pressure was not changed from the source. So voltage resistance are proportional. Amperage as well is proportionate. You flow through a pipe designed for 2 gal per minute but try to force 10 gal per minute you will build resistance. Resistance equals heat. Heat means lower efficiency and loss of power not being put to work.