Riots in Baltimore

@abandonconflict @UncleBuck since everyone is in the mood for jokes, i have a funny one for ya..

Why did @Uncle Ben cross the road?
To join his Klansmen in a NAMBLA convention.

Why did @althor cross the road?
To join his Klansmen in a NAMBLA convention.

Why did @Red1966 cross the road?
To burn the NAMBLA convention down and start a new Klan.

I am on fire!
Was NAMBLA ever real? I thought it was just a south park joke.
You're basically calling all black people drug addicts and ignoring the problem of police brutality. I never denied that black people are targeted specifically and discriminantly by the drug laws but the problems in Baltimore have more to do with systematic racism and police impunity in brutality against black people than drug laws. Your attempts to distort my arguments are as tenuous as your understanding of the concerns of the communities in Baltimore and Ferguson.

Black mayor. Black chief of police. A democrat shit hole. Why are Democrats "systematically racist" against black people?

The problems in Baltimore and Ferguson are caused by government bloat. Too many laws, too many venal politicians handing out free shit. Socialism at work.
so you're gonna sit here and try to play stupid after uncle benis reels off half a dozen racist "jokes" and tell me you can't tell that he's clearly a racist?

yep, you're fucking stupid. i have no use for idiotic shitbags like you.

Wow. I see you now have alienated one of the, if not THE nicest, most helpful and positive guys here on RIU. Quite the meltdown, Uncle Puke. I have concluded that you actually own this site because no right-minded business owner would put up with your unfounded harassment and libel of members here. You are a sad, creepy thing and someday even your current flock of flying monkeys and sock puppets will recognize those facts and the fact that you are a cancer here. Thanks for pinging me though...train wrecks a'coming, wouldn't wanna miss it.
Black mayor. Black chief of police. A democrat shit hole. Why are Democrats "systematically racist" against black people?

The problems in Baltimore and Ferguson are caused by government bloat. Too many laws, too many venal politicians handing out free shit. Socialism at work.
oh come on man, in a different discussion did you not say "If you want fewer people arrested, murdered, beaten, and buggered, then end the drug war"? You can't have it both ways.
Black mayor. Black chief of police. A democrat shit hole. Why are Democrats "systematically racist" against black people?

The problems in Baltimore and Ferguson are caused by government bloat. Too many laws, too many venal politicians handing out free shit. Socialism at work.

No, they're not caused by "government bloat" they're caused by systematic racism and inequality.

I mean seriously, socialism at work? It's clear to this entire site that you're fucking stupid. But blaming socialism for the Baltimore riots? Really Desert Dude? You have stooped to a new low in your reasoning.

It's quite certainly the opposite. It's capitalism. It's the American way. It's subprime loans and stratification swindling entire communities of opportunity and livelihood. It's a police state brutalizing the poor in a feeble attempt to protect private property and avert revolution.

What the fuck has been nationalized in Baltimore? Stop being such a fatuously dismal ignoramus. Really, you're blaming socialism for the Baltimore riots.

The frequency of this brutality correlates to the percentage of a community's black population. That's what Ferguson and Baltimore have in common. There's no fucking difference between the parties and the fact that the cop is black means nothing. The fact in both cases is that overwhelmingly black communities are disaffected and brutalized by the gov't because the neighboring communities can't be gentrified any further.
No, they're not caused by "government bloat" they're caused by systematic racism and inequality.

I mean seriously, socialism at work? It's clear to this entire site that you're fucking stupid. But blaming socialism for the Baltimore riots? Really Desert Dude? You have stooped to a new low in your reasoning.

It's quite certainly the opposite. It's capitalism. It's the American way. It's subprime loans and stratification swindling entire communities of opportunity and livelihood. It's a police state brutalizing the poor in a feeble attempt to protect private property and avert revolution.

What the fuck has been nationalized in Baltimore? Stop being such a fatuously dismal ignoramus. Really, you're blaming socialism for the Baltimore riots.

The frequency of this brutality correlates to the percentage of a community's black population. That's what Ferguson and Baltimore have in common. There's no fucking difference between the parties and the fact that the cop is black means nothing. The fact in both cases is that overwhelmingly black communities are disaffected and brutalized by the gov't because the neighboring communities can't be gentrified any further.

You shouldn't attempt to speak for the "this entire site" when you denigrate Desert Dude. You should speak for yourself as an individual, it would make more sense. Thank you.

Your analysis as government being the cause of the problem is in the right direction. Desert Dude has made essentially the same analysis, that government is the problem when you peel back the layers.
oh come on man, in a different discussion did you not say "If you want fewer people arrested, murdered, beaten, and buggered, then end the drug war"? You can't have it both ways.

Ending the drug war is a MAJOR first step in deflating government bloat. There is nothing inconsistent in those posts.

If politicians had nothing to sell, the lobbyists for monied interests would not be buying. AC's position, and Paddy whacker's (and maybe yours) is that we just need to pass laws to "tax the rich" and distribute the proceeds to the poor. How somebody can be so naive as to suggest life will be better if we just give more power to the political class that created a 500,000 page long tax code is beyond me.

Hillary Clinton is the poster child that illustrates the problem. She is bribed daily with $275,000/hour speaking fees. Any rational person would happily pay $15 to not have to hear her annoying drivel.
Sorry, I don't understand the context of the UncleBen quote or know anything about his views on racial issues.

I don't wonder at all why @bravedave sported a rather funny poster of Ted Cruz as his avatar. I wonder how stupid a person has to be to think that hispanic guys are using Ted Cruz as a white supremacist avatar!

Stay classy!

Do you know who Bob Beckel is, former advisor to Bill Clinton and ultra liberal host on FOX The Five? He has said over and over again that Ted Cruz is "my man". Go figure. Now, he's on the right track regarding Cruz but to endorse someone that doesn't share any of his talking points is rather odd.

Then again we all know that liberalism is a mental disease.
No, they're not caused by "government bloat" they're caused by systematic racism and inequality.

Bullshit, it's 50 years of black, liberal politics and corruption. Whites moved out of such urban shitholes and said to the minorities, "here ya go, it's all yours and good luck." The rest is history in Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Cleveland.

Get a shot of reality dude -

It is what it is. ;)
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Do you know who Bob Beckel is, former advisor to Bill Clinton and ultra liberal host on FOX The Five? He has said over and over again that Ted Cruz is "my man". Go figure. Now, he's on the right track regarding Cruz but to endorse someone that doesn't share any of his talking points is rather odd.

Then again we all know that liberalism is a mental disease.

I don't know any such thing but suspect that is sarcasm.

What can be a symptom of a mental illness is a constant refusal to concede obvious points in arguments, I believe pathological is the term. Common in bipolar.

I would guess Bob Beckel likes Ted Cruz because he believes he would be the easiest guy to beat.

I haven't read your earlier posts where it was suggested you made racist jokes. I'm not really into those so I haven't bothered to look and haven't formed an opinion on it. I enjoy your thoughts on marijuana and don't give racial issues much thought when pot is the topic. But if you do believe blacks are inferior, please PM me and we can have a meaningful discussion on it where I will not invoke ad hominem attacks and we can agree to disagree if we can't find common ground.
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You shouldn't attempt to speak for the "this entire site" when you denigrate Desert Dude. You should speak for yourself as an individual, it would make more sense. Thank you.

Your analysis as government being the cause of the problem is in the right direction. Desert Dude has made essentially the same analysis, that government is the problem when you peel back the layers.


"Gov't = socialism"

Just admit it, that's what you think. No long winded bs, just acknowledge it. I don't have time for the argument regarding why you think it, I used to think it also when I was still a Paulbot.

Good thing I grew out of that shit.
Bullshit, it's 50 years of black, liberal politics and corruption. Whites moved out of such urban shitholes and said to the minorities, "here ya go, it's all yours and good luck."

Please go on. I'm genuinely interested in your views. Please describe black, liberal politics. Please also describe how black people choose to keep Baltimore from being as nice as say, DC, the next city over.

In particular correlate with "Gov't bloat" and since you did include the part of my argument in your tiny snippet, at least have the decency to address the part you quoted. Rebut my claim regarding systematic racism and inequality. You seem to actually agree with that, although you're turning it into a partisan jab and blaming the black people. You still clearly didn't disagree regarding systematic racism and inequality, just turned it around.

By all means, elucidate those things for us.
oh come on man, in a different discussion did you not say "If you want fewer people arrested, murdered, beaten, and buggered, then end the drug war"? You can't have it both ways.
Apparently our white supremacist friend thinks black skin is detrimental to governing.