Does anyone have any photos of diy cobs growing product like the latter runs in this video?
Buds like this may look impressive, but in practice may not be as great as they look. From a pair of 600 HPS:
Large and impressive but in reality they were fluffy and farmy and worked out to .57 gpw. There was some dreading, white pistils etc. I call it a sloppy finish because the new calyxs will not have mature trichs. Not what I would consider top shelf, although hopefully the LEC would increase potency and terpenes to some extent it still has the 825nm infrared peak.
This Ace of Spades cutting grown under HPS in the first pic. It came out nice, no complaints. But the same cutting run under LED in the second pic was truly top shelf and a great response from testers. In the HPS setup it consistently turned out .35 gpw and in that early LED setup .93 gpw. The LED buds are denser and danker. Actually some indica doms can get so dense that you have to watch out for white mold in the center of buds even in dry indoor conditions, even with a 56 day finish.
Sorry for the off-topic but it makes the point, I had the choice between LED and HID and the data point I have to add, LED kills it. And that was
before COBs