Dr. Who
Well-Known Member
I disagree and and I am curious why youre so passionate about Dyna gro and dissing advanced nutrients and my comments,when this is a advanced nutrients thread?
If you want to advocate dyna grow and hate on advanced when you probably haven't even used it then visit a dyna grow thread
Ah, Huh,,,,,what?
A few posts up:
Come on you guy's. Really?
It's fine to disagree about what nutrient you like......But don't start making claims that are patently BS.....
I can take Hesi, use the grow, bloom and PK and add a little Sea Green and/or Age Old Kelp and do everything you can and most likely more.....I'll bet someone can do the same with Canna or a host of others.....a few may best my method.....But the point is that AN is not the Holy grail of synthetic's.
The way I see it explained around here (this and other threads) is that it's the end-all, do-all of synthetic nutrients......NOT!
I don't want to hear again about how they did this or balanced that.....It's all done the same way. The base materials may differ some and formulation plays a big roll. But to say that AN is the shit,,,,,,is as ignorant as "I saw a difference in 2 days".......
In my Opinion, based on testing I've done......It's...drum roll please....
Hesi: Soil/Hydro
Canna: Soil/Hydro/Coco
Cyco: Hydro/Soil
As the top 3,,,,,,sorry AN
I did add this and drop that here and there to maximize my runs. It took several+ runs of each to dial in to reach my goals...But these 3 did the best job the fastest.....
Now to really stir the pot......I went right back to organic, water only growing to achieve the best product possible....You can say what you want....but for the money and effective time to $ spent in the grow room.....Organic, water only wins hands down.....My customers/patients aren't wrong!
Where did I say Dyna Grow here?
Dyna Grow is a 1 bottle, start to finish nutrient that is the simplest way to learn to grow for the first time grower.
When you learn more about growing and begin to understand the plant and it's needs......You move up the ladder to the product of your choice....
What we are saying as members of the "AN haters club" is that we disagree with the marketing practices of AN in how they package, describe, sell their product, not to mention the outlandish promises they make about using their product!
Does it work? Yes.
Does it work as well as others? For some.
Can you do better with another product? Oh, my YES...!!!
Btw....Cyco is too damned split marketed too! But it works better!
The rage in MM nutrient marketing is to bottle this and that and charge a lot......For things you don't need to get outstanding results!
It takes experience, knowledge of the plant and it's needs and the time and patience to learn those things!
NO ONE NUTRIENT LINE can supply that!
@chuck estevez Bout right?
@Jbonezz420 Let me ask you a simple 2 part question......What are MM NPK ratio's for Veg and Bloom?
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