What deficiency is this?

Ray Band$

What soil? Maybe your soil is hot.... experiencing some bs of my own right now as well
Miracle Gro and I don't know. It's looking like Nitrogen deficiency because I read that it causes bottom leaves to turn yellow and stunted growth and that's 2 problems she has. But I had another plant in the same soil and same growing conditions and she was atleast 3 feet at only 2 months until she was stolen :(

The Elvis

Well-Known Member
I think you plants are suffering from a zinc and potassium issue .. are you feeding them any cal+mag? what are you feeding them? they look hungry and what is you PH? you do have lock out.. save this chart it will help you..

def charts.jpg

The Elvis

Well-Known Member
you can use some molasses and Epsom salt it will help but IMO id feed with AN nutes and boticare cal+mag.

please don't use that soil anymore .. its not good for canna . FF is a ok soil i guess its works much better than the soil your using.

The Elvis

Well-Known Member
Here bro ill help you ill give you my feed schedule I use advanced nutrients sensi grow and bloom.

this schedule is for autos but you can use it on photos just extend the veg longer and the bloom longer for photos.

days 1 to 10 - plain tap water (PH 7.4) mix to 1 gallon

Days 10 to 15 - 2.5ml Sensi Grow A, 2.5ml Sensi Grow B, 5ml Voodoo Juice.

Days 15 to 20 - 5ml Sensi Grow A, 5ml Sensi Grow B, 5ml Voodoo Juice, 5ml Carboload.

Days 20 to 25 - 6ml Sensi Grow A, 6ml Sensi Grow B, 5ml B52, 5ml SensiZym, 5ml Carboload, 5ml RhinoSkin.

Days 25 to 30 - 7ml Sensi Grow A, 7ml Sensi Grow B, 5ml B52, 5ml SensiZym, 5ml Carboload, 5ml RhinoSkin.

Day 30 - Flush medium of mineral build up by passing water through soil,I will use water straight from the tap no sitting out and I will put 40L through my 15L pots with the last 5L containing 5ml Sensi Bloom A, 5ml Sensi Bloom B and 5ml Voodoo juice. The medium will not need watering on day 31.

Day 32 to 35 - 8ml Sensi Bloom A,8 ml Sensi Bloom B,5ml Voodoo Juice,5ml BigBud, 5ml Carboload,5ml Calmag.

Day 35 to 40 - 10ml Sensi Bloom A, 10ml Sensi Bloom B, 5ml Voodoo Juice, 5ml BigBud, 5ml Carboload, 5ml Calmag.

Day 40 to 45 - 10ml Sensi Bloom A, 10ml Sensi Bloom B, 5ml B52, 5ml BigBud, 5ml Carboload, 5ml Calmag.

Day 45 to 60 - 10ml Sensi Bloom A, 10ml Sensi Bloom B, 5ml B52, 5ml Overdrive, 5ml Calmag, 10ml Carboload, 10ml Bud Factor X.
Day 60 to 70 - just water with un-PH'd water.

This schedule was shared with me so ill share with you. or anyone else who needs a nice rock solid feed schedule.
there is no need to worry about PH with this feed schedule..


Active Member
Looks close to the issue I am having. Pretty sure miracle grow is part of the problem I bet we are using the same soil? miracle grow 6 month? in any case in my experience the ph is messed up in that specific soil look at my leaves they resemble yours in a way. I'm going to make her go to atleast day 65. But I'm treating for a calcium def with no such luck but I've slowed it down . You can normally order nice soil like happy frog thru a store like true value for around 9 bucks for eah 12 quart bag they will order it in for you. it's cheaper then ordering online and will save you the chase of having to fight not knowing what nutes are in soil As miracle grow has time released nutes and imo soil becomes acidic really quick

