What deficiency is this?


Well-Known Member
Here bro ill help you ill give you my feed schedule I use advanced nutrients sensi grow and bloom.

this schedule is for autos but you can use it on photos just extend the veg longer and the bloom longer for photos.

days 1 to 10 - plain tap water (PH 7.4) mix to 1 gallon

Days 10 to 15 - 2.5ml Sensi Grow A, 2.5ml Sensi Grow B, 5ml Voodoo Juice.

Days 15 to 20 - 5ml Sensi Grow A, 5ml Sensi Grow B, 5ml Voodoo Juice, 5ml Carboload.

Days 20 to 25 - 6ml Sensi Grow A, 6ml Sensi Grow B, 5ml B52, 5ml SensiZym, 5ml Carboload, 5ml RhinoSkin.

Days 25 to 30 - 7ml Sensi Grow A, 7ml Sensi Grow B, 5ml B52, 5ml SensiZym, 5ml Carboload, 5ml RhinoSkin.

Day 30 - Flush medium of mineral build up by passing water through soil,I will use water straight from the tap no sitting out and I will put 40L through my 15L pots with the last 5L containing 5ml Sensi Bloom A, 5ml Sensi Bloom B and 5ml Voodoo juice. The medium will not need watering on day 31.

Day 32 to 35 - 8ml Sensi Bloom A,8 ml Sensi Bloom B,5ml Voodoo Juice,5ml BigBud, 5ml Carboload,5ml Calmag.

Day 35 to 40 - 10ml Sensi Bloom A, 10ml Sensi Bloom B, 5ml Voodoo Juice, 5ml BigBud, 5ml Carboload, 5ml Calmag.

Day 40 to 45 - 10ml Sensi Bloom A, 10ml Sensi Bloom B, 5ml B52, 5ml BigBud, 5ml Carboload, 5ml Calmag.

Day 45 to 60 - 10ml Sensi Bloom A, 10ml Sensi Bloom B, 5ml B52, 5ml Overdrive, 5ml Calmag, 10ml Carboload, 10ml Bud Factor X.
Day 60 to 70 - just water with un-PH'd water.

This schedule was shared with me so ill share with you. or anyone else who needs a nice rock solid feed schedule.
there is no need to worry about PH with this feed schedule..
any1 that uses advanced nutes is just like the owner a kid fucking scum bag ;) btw an is shit just like fox farm its a toss up on which one is more shit house

Ray Band$

Looks close to the issue I am having. Pretty sure miracle grow is part of the problem I bet we are using the same soil? miracle grow 6 month? in any case in my experience the ph is messed up in that specific soil look at my leaves they resemble yours in a way. I'm going to make her go to atleast day 65. But I'm treating for a calcium def with no such luck but I've slowed it down . You can normally order nice soil like happy frog thru a store like true value for around 9 bucks for eah 12 quart bag they will order it in for you. it's cheaper then ordering online and will save you the chase of having to fight not knowing what nutes are in soil As miracle grow has time released nutes and imo soil becomes acidic really quick
It might be, I am using the same soil as you but I don't think that's the ONLY problem I have, because I haven't used any nutes ever except little alternatives here and there but a while back I did start seeing those little spots you're getting but they're gone now.

The Elvis

Well-Known Member
Ray band using the schedule i shared with you gives me no issues what so ever here is my 30 plant mephisto grow. I feel like the AN nutes are doing the job at just 21 days from sprout! Rob333 do you see any issues on any of the plants in these pics? judging from your past posts you must be a pro! AN nutes work and they work very well!! I dont give shit about the owner ..Ray band good luck with your plants brother ..


Ray Band$

Ray band using the schedule i shared with you gives me no issues what so ever here is my 30 plant mephisto grow. I feel like the AN nutes are doing the job at just 21 days from sprout! Rob333 do you see any issues on any of the plants in these pics? judging from your past posts you must be a pro! AN nutes work and they work very well!! I dont give shit about the owner ..Ray band good luck with your plants brother ..
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Your plants do look great, I hope they grow to amazing yields. I'm kinda growing on a budget that's why I was looking for any alternatives but I guess I have no choice but to buy some lol

The Elvis

Well-Known Member
Well I will do you one more solid because i like helping new growers make their own meds. if you decide on AN hit up the e bay put in advanced nutrients lowest price first . I get my whole AN line up for just under 100 bucks man.. the nute house.

Ray Band$

Well I will do you one more solid because i like helping new growers make their own meds. if you decide on AN hit up the e bay put in advanced nutrients lowest price first . I get my whole AN line up for just under 100 bucks man.. the nute house.
I will definitely look into AN sometime, if not this season maybe something to try for next years grow :)


Well-Known Member
Raybands, has your light been pretty close to the top of the plant? It looks way too short, typically suggesting that the light has been very close to the top. If so, raise the light some. Also, your leaves look pretty dark green and you have some leaf tip death, both suggesting that your soil is too hot. Many people that use MG soil come to a website wondering what is wrong. It seems that this soil tends to be too hot for this kind of plant. Some people have success with it, but this may be dependent on strain. Some strains can tolerate MG soil. Maybe flush with some water if you feel that I'm correct about your soil, and use Roots or Foxfarms next time.

Ray Band$

Raybands, has your light been pretty close to the top of the plant? It looks way too short, typically suggesting that the light has been very close to the top. If so, raise the light some. Also, your leaves look pretty dark green and you have some leaf tip death, both suggesting that your soil is too hot. Many people that use MG soil come to a website wondering what is wrong. It seems that this soil tends to be too hot for this kind of plant. Some people have success with it, but this may be dependent on strain. Some strains can tolerate MG soil. Maybe flush with some water if you feel that I'm correct about your soil, and use Roots or Foxfarms next time.
She's outside and what do you mean by the soil getting too hot? The soil is never dry and next year i'm staying far away from miracle gro lol


Well-Known Member
Hot soil mean too much fertilizer. This can overfeed a plant and cause problems with leaves dying. I don't think I was use both MG soil and fert because there should be fert in the soil already. Hence the use of "hot."

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I just bought Miracle Gro Plant Food, so I know it says to feed every 7-14 days but between those days can you spray her with the fertz or is that too much?

DO NOT ADD ANY FERT/NUTRIENT to that soil!!!!!
Do NOT over water the soil,,,,,when, and I do mean when, it begins to show nutrient "burn" or over fertilization........DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES "FLUSH" the soil to "remove" nutrient!!!!!! MG soil has a shit ton of little "timed release" balls of (death) "fertilizer" that feed (not too good for them either) house plants.
You see those little balls break open by moisture and the wetter the soil gets/stays,, the more "fertilizer" is released to the soil. So then, if you attempt to "flush" out fert's. Your only adding more in reality!
Do NOT use ANY nutrient with that soil.....It has everything you (don't) need, already in it! If you add more nutrient it will only "burn" it faster!
Water it as little as you can!
It will finish,,,but, not give you what the best plant should/could be.


Other then Kills and Polish who were on the right track,,,,,,everyone else should sit down on your hands as your not ready to answer this question with actual knowledge .......

Elvis can use what ever nutrient he wants to. It's his choice.....With that said...

Elvis, we don't care that you use AN. It does work...BUT, I'll warn you one time. Don't start a thread about how it's the best or how anyone else should change from what they use to AN. You will be virtually gang raped and have severe virtual butt hurt!!!
AN nutrients are not well received around here.....

I'll explain....AN makes claims that are ,,,, over the top and want you to spend money on their products that are overpriced and have too many unneeded "supplements" to attain the "perfect" result.....You can do better with many other nutrient lines or even better,,,,Water only home made organic soils.
BTW, your plants look nice!

Be nice kiddies

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Ray Band$


DO NOT ADD ANY FERT/NUTRIENT to that soil!!!!!
Do NOT over water the soil,,,,,when, and I do mean when, it begins to show nutrient "burn" or over fertilization........DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES "FLUSH" the soil to "remove" nutrient!!!!!! MG soil has a shit ton of little "timed release" balls of (death) "fertilizer" that feed (not too good for them either) house plants.
You see those little balls break open by moisture and the wetter the soil gets/stays,, the more "fertilizer" is released to the soil. So then, if you attempt to "flush" out fert's. Your only adding more in reality!
Do NOT use ANY nutrient with that soil.....It has everything you (don't) need, already in it! If you add more nutrient it will only "burn" it faster!
Water it as little as you can!
It will finish,,,but, not give you what the best plant should/could be.


Other then Kills and Polish who were on the right track,,,,,,everyone else should sit down on your hands as your not ready to answer this question with actual knowledge .......

Elvis can use what ever nutrient he wants to. It's his choice.....With that said...

Elvis, we don't care that you use AN. It does work...BUT, I'll warn you one time. Don't start a thread about how it's the best or how anyone else should change from what they use to AN. You will be gang raped and have severe virtual butt hurt!!!
AN nutrients are not well received around here.....

I'll explain....AN makes claims that are ,,,, over the top and want you to spend money on their products that are overpriced and have too many unneeded "supplements" to attain the "perfect" result.....You can do better with many other nutrient lines or even better,,,,Water only home made organic soils.
BTW, your plants look nice!

Be nice kiddies

About half of my pot is mixed with MG soil, the other half is real good soil. My baby is only like the size of my hand at 2 months and shows many signs of deficiencies. Yesterday was my first time ever feeding so I made sure not to use a lot but I feel like if i don't feed at all the most i'll get is a few grams..

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Great, good soil , mixed with bad soil......
IF your pics are where they are now-----it's NOT under feed!

I would STILL NOT use a nutrient!!!!

You may have just buffered the MG soil down to workable by diluting it with other soil!
Now you add a nute that you DON'T need (at least yet by your pics as some of the deal with the leaves show the soil is HOT).

Just water it dude! I see NO defs in your picks......You might add a bit of Ca/Mg once in a while......but nothing else!

I'll bet I've been growing this longer then you have been alive.....Please....try what I suggest...


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I just went back to page 1 and looked again at your pics.

If your worried about plant size and growth rate.....You need to transplant to a bigger pot! It's getting root bound.

Keep this in mind for a baseline on yield size. 1 gallon of pot size = 1 oz of dried product.......Pro's can dbl that.....your not yet so don't try......

When you transplant.....go to a soil like FF Ocean forest and begin the use of nutrition after 21 - 25 days.


Ray Band$

I just went back to page 1 and looked again at your pics.

If your worried about plant size and growth rate.....You need to transplant to a bigger pot! It's getting root bound.

Keep this in mind for a baseline on yield size. 1 gallon of pot size = 1 oz of dried product.......Pro's can dbl that.....your not yet so don't try......

When you transplant.....go to a soil like FF Ocean forest and begin the use of nutrition after 21 - 25 days
Her growth was stunted because I started her out in a small pot smaller than a dixie cup and waited too long to transplant. When I transplanted her into a 1 gallon pot she grew a few inches but was still short. A week or 2 ago I transplanted her into a much bigger pot. Not sure how many gallons but it's obviously much bigger than the 1 gallon so it should be good for now right? She has started growing a little since she has been placed in the bigger pot but I'm worried she won't get any taller because she has already started flowering..


Well-Known Member
Ray band using the schedule i shared with you gives me no issues what so ever here is my 30 plant mephisto grow. I feel like the AN nutes are doing the job at just 21 days from sprout! Rob333 do you see any issues on any of the plants in these pics? judging from your past posts you must be a pro! AN nutes work and they work very well!! I dont give shit about the owner ..Ray band good luck with your plants brother ..
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yeah i see i serious issue when they grow up there gunna turn into kid fuckers all an nutes do that 0.o


Well-Known Member
You need to get the mites under control now!! You'll lose your crop if you flower with that mite infestation.


Well-Known Member
Rob333 Is the guy who owns AN a kid fucker or something? I'm a little lost here!!
yeah i'm just messing with ya but on a serious yes the owner got done for banging kids a few in fact so that why were i work we dont stock there line and same as many shops around my area kinda like our own boycot google it