what are your thoughts on this?

that big trash can would only nee like 4 cups of D-earth when mixed in properly.. its easier to do it when its all dry or drier
I mixed 2 bags of ocean Forrest with 1 bag of happy frog and a bag of light warrior. I Added a cup per cubic foot of soil of Garden lime.. 6 lbs of Ewc. 3 lbs of Blood meal. And 1.5 lb of bat guano.. I wanted to also add some kelp meal and some aZomite maybe some bone meal. Any thoughts?

Am I a dumbass ?
I would do it much differently, but the last thing I want to do is get into another argument with phil, he does things differently than many of us do.
If you want my advice i'll offer it, but I REFUSE to argue with phil again, he is disrespectful, to say the least.
I would do it much differently, but the last thing I want to do is get into another argument with phil, he does things differently than many of us do.
If you want my advice i'll offer it, but I REFUSE to argue with phil again, he is disrespectful, to say the least.
How would you do it? so far I just used the bags of foxfarm. 5 cups of pelitized Lime,6 lbs ewc, 3 lbsblood meal and 1.5 lbs of bat guano....what else would you add?
How would you do it? so far I just used the bags of foxfarm. 5 cups of pelitized Lime,6 lbs ewc, 3 lbsblood meal and 1.5 lbs of bat guano....what else would you add?
well, that's the thing, I would have done that differently, not saying i'm king shit, or that my way is the ONLY way. Just different.
I'd cut that entire mix with a bale of pro-mix.
All those nutrients are soluble.
Also that a lot of lime for a mix that is stabilized already.
it's ok bro, just cut the mix with promix to dilute it a bit.
well like i said you don't wanna get too hot... but i would do the bone and chick manure. rock phosphates a good idea too..
How would you do it? so far I just used the bags of foxfarm. 5 cups of pelitized Lime,6 lbs ewc, 3 lbsblood meal and 1.5 lbs of bat guano....what else would you add?
for nutrients, i'd add shrimp or crab meal, fish bone meal, rock phosphates, alfalfa meal, kelp meal.
BUT you already have too much nutrients (in my opinion) so in order to ADD more, you'll need to dilute the overall media.
with either aeration, compost, peat, or coco.
for nutrients, i'd add shrimp or crab meal, fish bone meal, rock phosphates, alfalfa meal, kelp meal.
BUT you already have too much nutrients (in my opinion) so in order to ADD more, you'll need to dilute the overall media.
with either aeration, compost, peat, or coco.
Sounds good.. When I add the pro mix I'm going to have a lot left over. how long can I leave the leftover soil in the trash can? Does it even matter? I know zero about amending soil..
Sounds good.. When I add the pro mix I'm going to have a lot left over. how long can I leave the leftover soil in the trash can? Does it even matter? I know zero about amending soil..
its good for at least a year.. amendment wise the microbes and shit can very depending on the moisture levels and stuff but you should be fine for a year just keep it in a decently controlled environment .. nt a garage or something that gets blazing hot in the summer.. the amendments aren't the issues on time, they really are good till the expire date on the bags you used.. obviously you wanna use them much sooner but you can keep it a year with zero issues.

cut it after the burn off now that you've already mixed.
Sounds good.. When I add the pro mix I'm going to have a lot left over. how long can I leave the leftover soil in the trash can? Does it even matter? I know zero about amending soil..
personally i'd go with something other than a trashcan, the simplest thing I like for aging my soil is their final containers.
So much easier, also gives you an opportunity to grow a cover crop on it to not only establish a soilweb but to visually give you an indication on when the soils nutrients are available to the plant.
Course the downfall of that is you have to give them light, water, air etc.
But you should really do that for your soil anyways.
personally i'd go with something other than a trashcan, the simplest thing I like for aging my soil is their final containers.
So much easier, also gives you an opportunity to grow a cover crop on it to not only establish a soilweb but to visually give you an indication on when the soils nutrients are available to the plant.
Course the downfall of that is you have to give them light, water, air etc.
But you should really do that for your soil anyways.
actually storing it in the grow pots won't bring the burn temps to where you want them..which will keep the soil way too strong and hot for his babies on first plant.. if it was a weaker soil recipe i would say say you don't have to do the burn off in something sealed but i don't think in a pot that reaction would happen like it does in a trash can/sealed container. and thats a lot of pots just sitting around stinking till they burn off.. plus if you don't have room in your grow area you have to store the pots somewhere and chances are thats a basement or garage where bugs will get in and reside in the soil. keeping it in a trashcan will be much easier till the time you place the soil in the pots. the only bitch is remixing it. .. but the best thing is to get a big soil tumbler.. like a compost tumbler. keep it in that so you can turn it all the time.. i would suggest however not using the metal can when the metal scratches which it will it will rust and leech shit.. nothing in mass amounts that would effect the plants but its still not good..
actually storing it in the grow pots won't bring the burn temps to where you want them..which will keep the soil way too strong and hot for his babies on first plant.. if it was a weaker soil recipe i would say say you don't have to do the burn off in something sealed but i don't think in a pot that reaction would happen like it does in a trash can/sealed container. and thats a lot of pots just sitting around stinking till they burn off.. plus if you don't have room in your grow area you have to store the pots somewhere and chances are thats a basement or garage where bugs will get in and reside in the soil. keeping it in a trashcan will be much easier till the time you place the soil in the pots. the only bitch is remixing it. .. but the best thing is to get a big soil tumbler.. like a compost tumbler. keep it in that so you can turn it all the time.. i would suggest however not using the metal can when the metal scratches which it will it will rust and leech shit.. nothing in mass amounts that would effect the plants but its still not good..
I have ZERO idea what you are talking about, i'm not composting my soil, i'm merely aging it, there is no thermophilic composting involved.
You soil gets hot because of all your nitrogen and animal products in it.
Comparing apples to oranges.
Plus my soil NEVER stinks.
Just leave it there Phil, we grow VASTLY differently.
nothing wrong with that, but I assure you, aging in smartpots with a cover of nitrogen fixing legumes is absolutely a GREAT way to age your soil.
who said anything to you about how you do what your doing? did i? who the hell is comparing what you do to what I'm telling him to do with the soil he's making? I'm lost are you looking to be a dick or can you not read a post?
and please i know you feel like you know what our soil is and how we make it but you don't so don't sit and tell me what happens with our soil and what the fuck is in it when you have no clue what your talking about. put your little cock back in your pants and read posts properly. nothing at all was said to you other than me saying that the mix that Sunshine has listed isn't one that should be burned off in smart pots.. no one said shit to you about how you do anything you do.. i don't know what you do nor do i care.