

Active Member
has anybody ever used Neem Oil against spider mites?Was it effective.Its my 1st grow & I found 2 lil ass webs on a stalk on 2 of my Ladies,so this morning b4 lights out I Neem Oiled the underside & the tops of the leaves & stalks.


Well-Known Member
Sevin dust is available at any home % garden store. Comes in a shaker-type jar like cleanser. Just shake a bit of the dry powder over your plants and mites will be gone. Safe even on pets and children, sevin dust does the job!


phil k

Well-Known Member
regardless of what anyone says AVID is by far the only way to treat and eradicate mites. after its under control use it as a preventor in veg just dip your clones prior to placing them in the veg... if your seeing them and the webs you have a good amount.

phil k

Well-Known Member
Sevin dust is available at any home % garden store. Comes in a shaker-type jar like cleanser. Just shake a bit of the dry powder over your plants and mites will be gone. Safe even on pets and children, sevin dust does the job!

actually I've never used seven dust for that but i use it on my vegetables.. i don't think the seven dust kills the eggs though does it? you'd have to rub it all over the underside.


Well-Known Member
regardless of what anyone says AVID is by far the only way to treat and eradicate mites. after its under control use it as a preventor in veg just dip your clones prior to placing them in the veg... if your seeing them and the webs you have a good amount.
Not so.
Co2....less invasive,guaranteed to work,and benefits the plants at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Sevin dust is available at any home % garden store. Comes in a shaker-type jar like cleanser. Just shake a bit of the dry powder over your plants and mites will be gone. Safe even on pets and children, sevin dust does the job!

Omg this is the worst information I've seen to date on r.I.u.
Please do not use sevin dust on anything you can't wash...especially if you're going to smoke it.
Holy cow....

phil k

Well-Known Member
the co2 is bull crap it doesnt kill the eggs... please have you ever done it ? elevating the c02 levels will not kill them completely no does it kill the eggs


Well-Known Member
actually I've never used seven dust for that but i use it on my vegetables.. i don't think the seven dust kills the eggs though does it? you'd have to rub it all over the underside.
It won't kill all the eggs..
Eradication involves removal of all pots,replacement,and weekly heavy treatment for a month or so for stray eggs that may still be present under your a.c. stand or whatever..
Best way to deal with em is to not get em..this means no clones for a lot of growers...


Well-Known Member
the co2 is bull crap it doesnt kill the eggs... please have you ever done it or do you just read? elevating the c02 levels will not kill them completely no does it kill the eggs
Read my next post,capt critter killer. .

phil k

Well-Known Member
i figured that much i didn't know it could even be used for mites.. i thought seven dust was a vegetable pesticide for like outdoor things.. but i didn't know

phil k

Well-Known Member
Read my next post,capt critter killer. .
i have had people here in michigan that have ran the c02 thing.. not sure where they got the info on how to do it.. but they fairly knowledgeable growers... all said they still had them and it only killed parents and it didn't even kill all them the first treatment only some.... not like there was hundreds of people i know that tried it.. there was two separate instances people mentioned it to me ... but it doesnt really make much sense unless the c02 levels are elevated for days on end.. because the mites can really be hiding in may places they aren't all always on the leaves 24/7

phil k

Well-Known Member
i mean most people aren't going to be able to fill their rooms with C02 anyway very little amount of growers are running setups sealed enough to hold high c02 levels. no do they have the c02 equipment to do it. id rather treat my veg properly with a light avid and eradicate everything proplery and go on with my day instead of worrying if i pumped enough c02 to kill everything into my room or if it was a waste... 20$ worth of avid will last a grower years.

and i know what you wanna say! why are you chemically treating!! but when its done properly and not used in flower or close to flower start theres no issues.


Active Member
I don't have co2 yet so I'm using Neem Oil.they say hit the undersides & tops of the leaves & the stalks.i seen 2 gnats 3 weeks ago I used the Neem Oil & about a week later no more gnats.I hope Neem is King.


Well-Known Member
"Omg this is the worst information I've seen to date on r.I.u."

Rory, I spent 15 years at UCLA as an animal tech. in the research labs. Sevin dust is so benign that it was vet-approved for direct bedding of rodents. Means the product is so tame that it was approved for direct use on research mice. Certain transgenic mice are valued at close to six figures because of all the labor they represent and nothing got OK'd for them unless we were positive of it's possible dangers. I have used it for 10 years on pot plants with nary a problem. I admit it is a good idea to use a spray bottle to wetten the leaves of any plant treated with an insecticide.


phil k

Well-Known Member
OOOOHH are we all pulling out our degrees to show why were better than others!! jesus.. no one cares about what your experience is rory could have been nicer!! :) rory!! but spending time in a lab doesnt mean your advice is right or the best... i wouldn't have suggested seven dust ever and I'm not going to sit here and beat my dick off with my education level to show i know what I'm talking about.

phil k

Well-Known Member
Avid?ive never heard of it,is it natural or is it a chemical?Neem oil is 100% natural
its not natural... its a pesticide specifically designed for mites and mite eggs. you only use 4-6 drips from a eye dropper in a spray bottle and spray the plants .. you do it once a week for two weeks sometimes 3 it will eradicate them.

phil k

Well-Known Member
I'm telling you your not going to kill them with neem.. and your going to make a fucking mess from neem oil dripping and spraying everywhere it gets stick and nasty on the walls and shit...

where are you located in the states?

phil k

Well-Known Member
well if your located in the US send me a message with your name and address i have to go to the post office to ship some soil ill send you a small bottle of the avid if you want some i have some little bottles here i give away to outdoor growers.