Club 600

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
Good morning club 600!

Here are some girls under a gavita 6/750 running at 600w. It's on a light mover for now, moving about 12in.






They're getting flipped soon.

Do you guys takes clones, clean up the lowers,and flip all at once? Or give them some recovery time before flip? I have a couple more clones to take then flip em before they get too beastly on me...

Have a good day y'all!

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I try to get my clones rooted before flipping but clean up lowers then flip.

I take clones, clean lowers and then rest for 3 days then flip and will clean up again after the stretch.

Thanks guys, I've been having rooting issues and I've attributed it to the package of peat plugs. That whole batch seems to be bad. I took some more with a fresh bag and they're looking good, no roots yet though.

I'll take more asap and flip soon. Those plants are gonna be BIG! they're all at least 9wkers... The amnesia haze I heard is a 12wk strain, FML!