Americans Favor Bush Over Obama

Fuck. I'm sorry to hear it, brother. Storms were nasty all up and down the northern front range today.

Summer before last, I had this great idea to grow tomatoes and peppers under the eave of my house on the south side. Between the garage and the trees, they just never got enough sun. It hailed that year, too. Can't win...

I'm thinking Kevlar greenhouse. You?

oh yeah, my greenhouse got destroyed too. corrugated clear PVC panels, about $200 worth, just swiss cheese now.

i could have put PVC hoops over the raised beds and covered them with 6 mil plastic and it wouldn't have saved anything. we got quarter sized hail here. about an inch of it.
oh yeah, my greenhouse got destroyed too. corrugated clear PVC panels, about $200 worth, just swiss cheese now.

i could have put PVC hoops over the raised beds and covered them with 6 mil plastic and it wouldn't have saved anything. we got quarter sized hail here. about an inch of it.

Wow. We got a scattering of- no kidding- little half circle almost donut things about half an inch across and some rain. Got lucky... this time. Tomorrow is another day.

Destroyed PVC panels? Good grief. What does it take to be truly hail resistant?
Wow. We got a scattering of- no kidding- little half circle almost donut things about half an inch across and some rain. Got lucky... this time. Tomorrow is another day.

Destroyed PVC panels? Good grief. What does it take to be truly hail resistant?

just checked the limited warranty on the panels too, does not cover hail.

that's not gonna stop me from calling palruf tomorrow and being an incessant whiny shit until they give in and sent me at least a partial voucher for new panels.

think i'll go with the twinwall polybicarbonate panels for the next greenhouse.

what a shitty state.
@Fogdog You're correct that income inequality began rising with Reagan, but I'm more optimistic that lasting change can be effected. It's gotten so bad that it can't get worse, nor can it remain the same. Therefore, it must get better. The more resistance to this, the better organized the workers will get.

The pendulum has finally stopped its rightward swing and is hesitating before beginning an inexorable swing to the left. I'm sure it will end up just as absurdly liberal at some point... but that's not my problem. MY problem is how to survive now, and if hard asset prices are about to crash as well as paper assets, what does one do?

My answer is to stop believing in paper- assets OR money, and instead deal in REAL goods and services with REAL value, and investing in REAL assets such as REAL estate. Sooner or later the paper economy will come to its senses.
OK, you asked but its kind of boring.

Regarding investments; I think that if the economic system crashes so hard that all paper assets (I assume that means stocks, bonds, the dollar, mutual funds, insurance) become worthless then nothing will be safe, including gold or real estate or my person or my family for that matter.. I don't think the next hard crash will unfold like that anyway. The world has been trading in assets represented by paper for something like 400 years and the system has had ups and down. A recession in the near future will not be the one that pushes us back into the barter and trade system.

The next recession will be triggered by something that I can't predict so I won't try to predict it. I think that people who say they know the next downturn will occur soon are either a wolf or about to be devoured by that wolf. I won't play that game. A diversified set of investments including real estate, broad based stock and bond funds and not gold have been robust to other downturns and recovered value afterward. I'll stick with 400 years of history to help me make my decision. Your ideas on investing in real services, real assets and real estated sound good too. I said it was boring.

Regarding the pendulum swinging back to the left, I'm not so sure that it has just yet.or even if there is a pendulum. As @ttystikk pointed out, our political system is sick. The massive funds gathered into PACs and other groups that seek influence in our government has corrupted our system regardless whether Democrats or Republicans are in control. Also, our banking system has taken over control of the regulators and there is nothing to stop them from bringing about another economic crisis. The wealthy in our country did quite well out of the last one and I see them smacking their lips in anticipation of the next. With their influence and unimpeded funds directed towards corrupting government, the I see government continuing its path towards the left unless direct and severe action is taken to stop it.

If current trends towards erosion of strength of the middle class continues, one of two things will occur. One possibility is as it has in China, an oligarchy in the US will so thoroughly control our political and economic system that the working classes cease to have a voice. With a militarized and brutal police force, surveillance of all forms of communications and near complete control of the economy and military, the oligarchy will be in complete control. Our system will change forever.

Another possibility is that the middle and working classes band together and re-learn the lessons from the late 1800's and 1900's -- that the power of the working classes is in numbers and in concerted action. We have to put away our differences and focus on common interests. I think things will have to get much worse before this can happen with enough force to change our now corrupted system. The system will change quite a bit when this happens too, so who know if this will be a good thing or not. But I choose this over oligarchy.

These are just a "what if" scenarios. I don't claim to know anything. I don't even claim to think that what I just said is true. After all, I'm just a dog that has learned how to type.

What i don't think will happen is that everything will continue as they have forever. All that said, this dog is going to vote Democrat and for Bernie Sanders and I'll vote for Clinton if she's the nominee. I think we have a better chance with them than the other guys. Maybe we can avoid either of the dystopian futures that I laid out.
the hail just destroyed my entire garden. spent months on it, just put out all the sunflowers and tomatoes and pepper plants yesterday. they're all just bare stems now. lettuce is in shambles.

i bet only the onions make it.
I saw the photos you posted after digging up your yard and was wondering how it was going. Nothing you can do about hail you describe. I feel for you.

Rabbits chewed on my tomatoes and got all of my eggplant and basil but I had only myself to blame. I put up a fence and started over maybe I'll get something out of all the effort. At least my mortgage isn't tied to the garden. Farming is not for the faint of heart.
I saw the photos you posted after digging up your yard and was wondering how it was going. Nothing you can do about hail you describe. I feel for you.

Rabbits chewed on my tomatoes and got all of my eggplant and basil but I had only myself to blame. I put up a fence and started over maybe I'll get something out of all the effort. At least my mortgage isn't tied to the garden. Farming is not for the faint of heart.

meh, farmers have crop insurance for that. large scale farming really is simple work nowadays, don't even have to steer the tractor anymore if you can put out some cash for a GPS.

maybe the plants will have enough left on them to grow again. hopefully it was just a lot of severe topping.
meh, farmers have crop insurance for that. large scale farming really is simple work nowadays, don't even have to steer the tractor anymore if you can put out some cash for a GPS.

maybe the plants will have enough left on them to grow again. hopefully it was just a lot of severe topping.
No insurance for the home gardener though. Hopefully it will look better in the morning. I liked your post regarding how you'll pester the greenhouse panels folk. You seem to be a pretty determined type. I bet you get something out of them.
No insurance for the home gardener though. Hopefully it will look better in the morning. I liked your post regarding how you'll pester the greenhouse panels folk. You seem to be a pretty determined type. I bet you get something out of them.

they have these glorious videos about the panels, none of which ever mention hail. the videos show them being used as beautiful rooves and talk about how long lasting they are. should i ever use this in my job as a contractor or recommend it to my fellow contractors?

these are things i will say to them.

if all that pestering doesn't work, i have a ton of scraps that i can use as patches anyway. it won't look as good, but it will keep the rain out all the same.

i'll give it a decent try. i've been on the other end of that call before and know how much those whiny shits get when they whine. squeaky wheel gets the oil.
Americans Favor Bush Over Obama: Poll
International Business Times - Amy Nordrum


© Provided by IBT US Bush

Americans reported higher approval of former President George W. Bush than for President Barack Obama in a new CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Wednesday. Of 1,025 Americans who responded to a phone survey, 52 percent said they viewed the former president in a favorable light, while 49 percent felt the same way about the current commander in chief.

The new results represent a slight change of heart for Americans who have consistently rated Bush unfavorably by a slim margin over the past decade.

It’s not uncommon for a president’s ratings to lift after leaving the White House, and it certainly seems that spending time away from the Oval Office has helped Bush’s image. He suffered chronically low ratings throughout the last half of his presidency. Public opinion bottomed out when 63 percent of respondents reported an unfavorable view of him about a month after he handed over the presidency in 2009.

The new poll reveals a jump for Bush from a year ago when 46 percent of Americans viewed him in a favorable light. Over the same period, the percentage of Americans who express a favorable attitude toward Obama has also improved from 47 percent to 49 percent– but the current president’s favorability is not growing as quickly as the rate for the former.

Meanwhile, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is still expected to throw his hat into the ring as a presidential candidate in the 2016 election. The recent boost in his brother’s ratings led Daniel Strauss at Talking Points Memo to speculate that the former president may play a larger role in his brother’s campaign than previously thought. However, the same advantage may be available to Hillary Clinton whose husband, former President Bill Clinton, outranked Bush in the same poll, with 64 percent of Americans reporting a favorable opinion of him.

The in-depth phone poll was conducted over three days in late May. Pollsters posed dozens of questions to participants about overall job approval and Obama’s performance on specific policy issues. To rate favorability of former presidents and Obama, they asked, “As I read each name, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of these people.”
Thats probably about right. Most Americans are freakin retarded. Bush was a complete freakin idiot. Obama is the anti-christ but.. still better than Bush.
Bush never even considered giving Nuclear bombs to the enemies. Obama is doing it against the worlds objections.

He has done what no President would ever dream of doing, and stands behind the grounds of ..."if he don`t"
Bush never even considered giving Nuclear bombs to the enemies. Obama is doing it against the worlds objections.

He has done what no President would ever dream of doing, and stands behind the grounds of ..."if he don`t"

This is an absolute bold faced lie, created by Netanyahu and enthusiastically repeated by his and our right wing without the benefit of any substantiation whatsoever. But you know, believe what you want. If you seriously think any American president would willingly hand over the keys to a nuclear weapons program, you're pretty gullible. In other words, a good republican.
Thats probably about right. Most Americans are freakin retarded. Bush was a complete freakin idiot. Obama is the anti-christ but.. still better than Bush.

Then maybe it's time We the People took control of our political system back from the corporate stooges, so our government better represents US, instead of the interests of the monied elite(ists).
This is an absolute bold faced lie, created by Netanyahu and enthusiastically repeated by his and our right wing without the benefit of any substantiation whatsoever. But you know, believe what you want. If you seriously think any American president would willingly hand over the keys to a nuclear weapons program, you're pretty gullible. In other words, a good republican.

Evidently, you did not watch him live on his TV address. Find it, read it, and tell me that he did not tell America he fears the consequences if he don`t. He said it loud and clear and I threw out a perfectly good TV right after he said it.

No members of the Nuclear community want this Iran deal to happen,...Obama will sponsor it anyway, against anyone who objects. In return, Pakistan has used their ..."badge" to sell pre-made ready to use Nuclear bombs to Saudi Arabia.

Both are off the air right now. Not news worthy.

Maybe you don`t quite understand what is actually happening.
This is an absolute bold faced lie, created by Netanyahu and enthusiastically repeated by his and our right wing without the benefit of any substantiation whatsoever. But you know, believe what you want. If you seriously think any American president would willingly hand over the keys to a nuclear weapons program, you're pretty gullible. In other words, a good republican.

Oh, you think Obama is doing it willinly, well you`re correct, he is, they are not buying anything, it is being handed to them on trust. For free. Because if he don`t,....That`s what he said to America.

He thinks because a plan in place to monitor has better results, don`t,...look how far they got on their own.....Your willingness to defend your hero against the biggest mistake any man could ever make against his people, will comfort your embarrassment that your hero is flawed and all your support for him helped create this.

That`s very Hillary of you......
Oh, you think Obama is doing it willinly, well you`re correct, he is, they are not buying anything, it is being handed to them on trust. For free. Because if he don`t,....That`s what he said to America.

He thinks because a plan in place to monitor has better results, don`t,...look how far they got on their own.....Your willingness to defend your hero against the biggest mistake any man could ever make against his people, will comfort your embarrassment that your hero is flawed and all your support for him helped create this.

That`s very Hillary of you......
Gays getting married, sand people with Nuclear power...

What's the world coming to, eh?

(You dumb homophobic POS)
You keep hiding behind homophobic, as if you can make that call..... You`re out of your league with me me kid......So keep the same thing coming,....
You keep hiding behind homophobic, as if you can make that call..... You`re out of your league with me me kid......So keep the same thing coming,....

I'm not a homophobe, they just disgust me and don't deserve the same rights as heterosexual people.
I don't have time to read all the comments, but I hope, nah, I actually gave up hope a long time ago ( like when Nixon was reelected by a majority of US citizens, John and Robert Kennedy and MLK were assassinated, and the cities around the country were on fire, like Newark, Detroit, and LA because of racial inequality) for this lying, deceiving POS of a country, that is inhabited by a majority of fucking idiots ( do a search on intelligence levels, the scores on basic math, science, history, and the ability to write proper fucking English compared to fucking India for instance), and that will (should) definitely give you an idea, unless you are another fucking idiot, how fucked up America is. So, in my personal alcoholic, stoned, did as many drugs as possible to escape from the reality of existence here ( I curse the day my father decided to move here), I am not surprised at all, that 7 years later, most Americans have forgotten the economic and military mayhem that was unleashed upon the world by GW Bush. Then they,the voters in this country, who elected these miscreants to represent the most powerful nation in the world ( China anyone?), scratch their conical heads and wonder why the world is so fucked up. You know why? Because they vote. End of fucking story. ( I can't do acid anymore, because I always end up thinking about what I said above, and I freak)
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I was responding to @Darth Vapour 's assertion that nobody but himself can see what's going on in today's economy or that all of 'murica was fooled by Reagan. It may be just DV's writing style but I wasn't fooled by Ronnie Ray-gun's sunny smile, millions of people weren't fooled and @Darth Vapour is no genius.

There were plenty of people, including me, that thought Reagan's tax cuts were a bad idea. I also thought the Republican-driven tax cuts in the 1990's and in the 2000's were bad ideas too. As in these cases, tax cuts that are not balanced by spending cuts raise deficits without good reasons. For that matter, starting the Iraq war and cutting taxes was a stupendously bad idea.

That said, it is OK to run up a deficit is when the country is in a recession. Cutting spending when unemployment is unusually high makes the recession worse. This is where the tired analogy of home budgeting to federal budgets fails. When one's income drops, it is necessary to cut spending. When income from taxes drops due to a recession, cutting government spending puts more people out of work, which triggers a downward spiral in the economy as in what happened in 1929-1932. Fortunately, Obama did not listen to those that insisted on cutting spending at that time. He pushed through additional funding to keep wounded businesses alive which kept more people in work and the Fed's Quantitative Easing policy at that time kept this country from spiraling downward as it did during the Great Depression. The time for cuts in government spending is when things are good, not when they are bad.

For that matter, cutting the deficit and reducing unemployment is where Obama is winning. Although he ran high deficits early in his presidency, now that the economy is better, employment is up, deficits are declining and his presidency is moving this country's fiscal situation in the right direction.

When it comes to the economic situation of the middle class and working poor, I'm not so optimistic. That is a 30-year trend that started with Reagan.

the onus is upon us to change what's really troubling our nation: billionaire class is beyond taxation and it is now being left up to the poor and middle classes. period. end of story.

the way we change this is through..schuylaars formula for democratic success!

~we no longer allow 'annointings'.
~we back the candidate who shuns billionaire money, thereby owing no favors.
~register yourself as an independent in order to shift the primary from hillbill to bernie.
