Americans Favor Bush Over Obama

Hey Darth.

Count to ten and simmer down just a bit. I am not going to get too deep here but our military is made up of all high school or collage grads. We haven't really looked at enlisting drop outs sense the draft and that ended back in the seventies. And they are all retired by now.

For the record.
Actually for the record

According to a new report, three-quarters of young people ages 17-24 are ineligible to enlist in the military because they have either failed to graduate from high school, have a criminal record or are physically unfit.

Approximately one out of four young American adults lacks a high school diploma. And, while students who receive a general equivalency degree (GED) can sometimes receive a waiver of the graduation requirement, most do not score well enough on the military’s entrance exam to qualify. Additionally, about 30 percent of potential recruits with high school diplomas do not pass the entrance exam.

One in 10 young adults is prevented from enlisting by a conviction for a felony or serious misdemeanor.

Obesity is the third major factor identified by the report as preventing enlistment with an estimated 27 percent of young Americans identified as being too overweight to join the military. As the rate of obesity among American adults has more than doubled over the past four decades, America’s youth suffer from an obesity epidemic. Experts expect weight issues to prevent more potential recruits from enlisting in the coming years.

All told, these factors mean that, for 75 percent of young American adults, military service is not a career option. For many, military service also is a way to receive critical job training and reimbursement for college expenses.
Actually for the record

According to a new report, three-quarters of young people ages 17-24 are ineligible to enlist in the military because they have either failed to graduate from high school, have a criminal record or are physically unfit.

Approximately one out of four young American adults lacks a high school diploma. And, while students who receive a general equivalency degree (GED) can sometimes receive a waiver of the graduation requirement, most do not score well enough on the military’s entrance exam to qualify. Additionally, about 30 percent of potential recruits with high school diplomas do not pass the entrance exam.

One in 10 young adults is prevented from enlisting by a conviction for a felony or serious misdemeanor.

Obesity is the third major factor identified by the report as preventing enlistment with an estimated 27 percent of young Americans identified as being too overweight to join the military. As the rate of obesity among American adults has more than doubled over the past four decades, America’s youth suffer from an obesity epidemic. Experts expect weight issues to prevent more potential recruits from enlisting in the coming years.

All told, these factors mean that, for 75 percent of young American adults, military service is not a career option. For many, military service also is a way to receive critical job training and reimbursement for college expenses.

I seen you say they were all drop outs so thanks for posting the facts.
Nitro i am keeping a open mind here not bashing nothing just opening eyes like comparing a grade 12 grad level student to a equivalent student in germany which would be grade 8 who do you think is smarter ??? i would place my bets on the german student
there much more disciplined there fore smarter and not worrying to get home to watch the jetsons , or play there PS3 games lol
For instance in Germany a 12 year old can go into liquor store and buy a bottle of booze whats the age limit in USA ??? kinda gives you a idea on responsibility .. and mind set and most importantly who is more mature ..
Give a american a inch he will take a mile give that kid in europe a inch he will respect it and know what to do with it lol
palruf is not budging so far. even got them to say that it's "buyer beware" and that i should not do business with them.

yeah, like that's gonna stop me from calling a dozen and a half more times today!

the best part is to quote directly from their brochure, "a durable covering for roofing".

yeah, so much for that.

they are aware that i will be calling them endlessly until this is sorted out.
A pair of Russian warplanes that made at least three high-speed passes over a U.S. aircraft carrier stationed in the Sea of Japan in October constituted a much more serious threat than the Pentagon has admitted and were easily in a position to destroy the ship if the planes had had hostile intentions, say Navy personnel.

According to reports, a Russian air force Su-24 “Fencer” accompanied by a Su-27 “Flanker” made unopposed passes over the USS Kitty Hawk on Oct. 9, as the carrier was being refueled.

Russian fighters and reconnaissance planes made a second attempt to get close to the carrier on Nov. 9 — a repeat performance for which the Pentagon, as well as eyewitnesses aboard ship, said the carrier was prepared. But it was the first incident in October that caused alarm.

Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon said during a regularly scheduled press briefing Nov. 30 that the Russian fighters were detected on radar well in advance of their high-speed passes. Naval officers aboard ship who spoke of the incident on the condition of anonymity agreed.

However, at the time the carrier’s combat information center alerted the ship’s commander, Capt. Allen G. Myers, that the Russian fighters were inbound, none of the carrier’s fighters were airborne. The ship carries 85 aircraft, according to Navy figures, and has a crew of over 5,500.

Witnesses said Myers immediately ordered the launch of alert fighters, but the ship’s scheduled fighter squadron was on “Alert-30” status — a minimum launch time of 30 minutes where pilots are “in the ready room” but are not sitting in cockpits waiting to be launched.

Bacon told reporters only that there “may have been a slight delay” in getting the interceptors in the air, explaining that because the Kitty Hawk was taking on fuel, it was not sailing fast enough to launch its aircraft.

One naval officer onboard the ship said, “40 minutes after the CO [commanding officer] called away the alerts,” the Russian planes “made a 500-knot, 200-foot pass directly over the tower” of the carrier.

Before the Kitty Hawk could get a single plane airborne, the Russian fighters made two more passes. Worse, witnesses said, the first plane off the deck was an EA-6B Prowler — a plane used primarily for electronic jamming of an enemy’s radar and air defenses, not a fighter capable of intercepting another warplane.

The EA-6B “ended up in a one-versus-one with a Flanker just in front of the ship,” one witness said. “The Flanker was all over his a.... He was screaming for help when finally an F/A-18 Hornet from our sister squadron got off the deck and made the intercept. It was too late.”

Naval personnel noted that “the entire crew watched overhead as the Russians made a mockery of our feeble attempt of intercepting them.”

The Clinton administration downplayed the incident .... The BBC, however, said that it was evident by the photographs taken by the Russian jets that there was “panic aboard” when the planes made their over-flights.

Our American readers will now perhaps argue that this humiliating incident happened 15 years ago and such a thing is no longer possible nowadays. But most readers of Russia Insider remember the events of April 2014 when the ultra-modern destroyer USS Donald Cook was paralyzed by a single SU-24.

i like that you mention the Chinese and the Russians no one wants to have to deal with those guys lol
pick on the 3rd world a-rabs instead .. easy pickings
palruf is not budging so far. even got them to say that it's "buyer beware" and that i should not do business with them.

yeah, like that's gonna stop me from calling a dozen and a half more times today!

the best part is to quote directly from their brochure, "a durable covering for roofing".

yeah, so much for that.

they are aware that i will be calling them endlessly until this is sorted out.
would you budge ?? if you owned that company one thing is manufacturers defect other is a act of god .. i mean possibly they could give you a 30 percent discount if you wanted another one maybe ,, Even then they do not have to
I think both the west and east use the middle east as proxy wars. It seems we arm one side while they arm the other. My tinfoil hat tells me it's about economics(oil).

“Part of the problem is the Kurds aren’t getting enough arms. The Kurds are the best fighters. The arms are going through Baghdad to get to the Kurds and they’re being siphoned off and they’re not getting what they need. I think any arms coming from us or coming from any European countries ought to go directly to the Kurds. I would draw new lines for Kurdistan and I would promise them a country, I think they would fight like hell if we promised them a country."

- non-interventionist rend pawl

"If I were President, I would call a joint session of Congress. I would lay out the reasoning of why ISIS is a threat to our national security and seek congressional authorization to destroy ISIS militarily."

- non-interventionist rend pawl
would you budge ?? if you owned that company one thing is manufacturers defect other is a act of god .. i mean possibly they could give you a 30 percent discount if you wanted another one maybe ,, Even then they do not have to

they advertised it as "a durable covering for roofing" in the brochure. my flowers stood up better to the hail though.

they don't owe me a damn thing.

but having worked in customer service before, i know exactly how this goes. i waste enough of their time, they make me go away.

i have plenty of time on my hands and don't really wish to spend another couple hundred bucks replacing these.
i understand bro durable coverings and hurricanes are another story right lol just saying
a car manufacturer claims to have the safest car on the road yet i get into a accident are they to blame ?
i understand bro durable coverings and hurricanes are another story right lol just saying
a car manufacturer claims to have the safest car on the road yet i get into a accident are they to blame ?

hurricane? it was a light hail. my baby sunflowers didn't even fall over. my three inch tall pepper plants are still standing.

my "durable covering for roofing" is swiss cheese though.

i'll probably wear them down after a few days and they'll send me a voucher or coupon for half the replacement cost. no one wants to deal with a whiny pain in the ass customer like me for that long.
“Part of the problem is the Kurds aren’t getting enough arms. The Kurds are the best fighters. The arms are going through Baghdad to get to the Kurds and they’re being siphoned off and they’re not getting what they need. I think any arms coming from us or coming from any European countries ought to go directly to the Kurds. I would draw new lines for Kurdistan and I would promise them a country, I think they would fight like hell if we promised them a country."

- non-interventionist rend pawl

"If I were President, I would call a joint session of Congress. I would lay out the reasoning of why ISIS is a threat to our national security and seek congressional authorization to destroy ISIS militarily."

- non-interventionist rend pawl
who made ISIS but yourselfs to begin with whats to say if you ever defeat isis another more intense group comes into play maybe someone right in your back yard
Nitro i am keeping a open mind here not bashing nothing just opening eyes like comparing a grade 12 grad level student to a equivalent student in germany which would be grade 8 who do you think is smarter ??? i would place my bets on the german student
there much more disciplined there fore smarter and not worrying to get home to watch the jetsons , or play there PS3 games lol

I remember watching the jetsons in the early 60s. We didn't have a TV for some of the 60s so I would have to stay with a friend so we could watch the saturday morning cartoons. After that we would play army in the back yard until someone started crying, then we would have to do something else until someone started bleeding. We didn't have video games back then.

I like history to this day and I remember when we played army nobody wanted to be the german or the jap and I am sure they were disciplined , Now if I was to take a guess on who was smarter between the three, German Jap or american I will have to lean towards the winner and we all know who that was without mentioning any names. And I have always told my wife that it was the Meth that made them think they were as smart as they thought they were.
We Miss You GW.

Nitro comparing how you were brought up then and how most are brought up today is totally different lets have a look here

Once largely limited to poor women and minorities, single motherhood is now becoming the new “norm”.

This prevalence is due in part to the growing trend of children born outside marriage — a societal trend that was virtually unheard of decades ago.

About 4 out 10 children were born to unwed mothers.1 Nearly two-thirds are born to mothers under the age of 30.2

Of all single-parent families in the U.S., single mothers make up the majority.

According to U.S. Census Bureau,3 out of about 12 million single parent families in 2014, more than 80% were headed by single mothers.

Today 1 in 4 children under the age of 18 — a total of about 17.4 million — are being raised without a father4 and nearly half (45%) live below the poverty line.5
but hey its no lie even Bill Gates said it culling of the people is a good thing
That this is the desire of the global controllers is no secret. It's not debated. This is what today's politicians, bureaucrats and even some misinformed activists of the "environmental" movement wish to achieve -- the reduction of world population to under one billion people. To them, humanity is seen as a threat to the planet and even to itself.

From one point of view, this analysis may actually be correct. It's difficult to see how today's mindless masses of dumbed-down consumers -- steeped in video games, television and junk food -- can offer any meaningful contributions to the future of human civilization. So, from the point of view of the global controllers, "culling the herd" of humanity is actually a good thing. It makes humanity stronger, they say, in much the same way that culling the weaklings from a herd of wild animals improves the aggregate gene pool of the targeted species as a whole.

The globalists argue that today's human gene pool is stalled. The weak and the stupid reproduce just as much as everybody else -- if not more so. The human gene pool is actually devolving, they say, and the only way to bring it back to a point where we have a species capable of reaching for the stars is to eliminate those who aren't smart enough to deserve a spot in the human gene pool.

Learn more:
but hey its no lie even Bill Gates said it culling of the people is a good thing
That this is the desire of the global controllers is no secret. It's not debated. This is what today's politicians, bureaucrats and even some misinformed activists of the "environmental" movement wish to achieve -- the reduction of world population to under one billion people. To them, humanity is seen as a threat to the planet and even to itself.

From one point of view, this analysis may actually be correct. It's difficult to see how today's mindless masses of dumbed-down consumers -- steeped in video games, television and junk food -- can offer any meaningful contributions to the future of human civilization. So, from the point of view of the global controllers, "culling the herd" of humanity is actually a good thing. It makes humanity stronger, they say, in much the same way that culling the weaklings from a herd of wild animals improves the aggregate gene pool of the targeted species as a whole.

The globalists argue that today's human gene pool is stalled. The weak and the stupid reproduce just as much as everybody else -- if not more so. The human gene pool is actually devolving, they say, and the only way to bring it back to a point where we have a species capable of reaching for the stars is to eliminate those who aren't smart enough to deserve a spot in the human gene pool.

Learn more:
Eugenics has long been championed by the elite.

Yes, the earth would be better off with less people. It would be better off with NO people. Leave it to the tolerant left to feel they have a right to decide who to cull.

We need to learn how to adapt to the changing earth as we have done all throughout history. This eugenics shit started over racism of the left and continues today.
Nitro comparing how you were brought up then and how most are brought up today is totally different lets have a look here

Once largely limited to poor women and minorities, single motherhood is now becoming the new “norm”.

This prevalence is due in part to the growing trend of children born outside marriage — a societal trend that was virtually unheard of decades ago.

About 4 out 10 children were born to unwed mothers.1 Nearly two-thirds are born to mothers under the age of 30.2

Of all single-parent families in the U.S., single mothers make up the majority.

According to U.S. Census Bureau,3 out of about 12 million single parent families in 2014, more than 80% were headed by single mothers.

Today 1 in 4 children under the age of 18 — a total of about 17.4 million — are being raised without a father4 and nearly half (45%) live below the poverty line.5

I will agree things are different now. Its a crying shame. Where are the grand parents? crap. bummer.