The abysmal failure of Citizens United

Oh an "internet rumor" is it? That must totally be why 16 states have already called for a national convention, and 4 have already voted for it, huh?

That's EXACTLY why it's an internet rumor. It's a non-starter. Rub a couple pennies from your life savings together and you'll have a better chance of seeing results.

Four, lol.
"majority of Americans are in favor"
Then you post a chart showing they oppose.
"What I wrote was clear, especially considering I linked "
So what you wrote was clear, if we ignore what you post and go to some other website. Yeah, that's clear.
Dude, you're getting better every day with those quotes! I'm proud of ya

A majority of Americans are in favor of overturning Citizens United, followed by a graph showing "Citizens United v. FEC opinion poll" showing 75-80% OPPOSE the court's decision. If you bothered to even read the link, without going to the page, you would have understood that. Followed by another poll showing zero ambiguities that clearly states "do you believe Citizens United is good or bad for small businesses?" showing a strong majority, 66% of voters, believe "it's bad for small businesses", right there in black and white..

Now you just look like this:


Seriously man, I've never seen you admit a mistake, ever, not even once.

I'm having a great time on RIU today :)
"majority of Americans are in favor"
Then you post a chart showing they oppose.
"What I wrote was clear, especially considering I linked "
So what you wrote was clear, if we ignore what you post and go to some other website. Yeah, that's clear.

Seriously man, I've never seen you admit a mistake, ever, not even once.

That's EXACTLY why it's an internet rumor. It's a non-starter. Rub a couple pennies from your life savings together and you'll have a better chance of seeing results.

Four, lol.
4 states and 90% of Americans

Make me a prediction, will ya! You know how I love your predictions! If that Romney win prediction is any indicator of reality, that amendment should be here even quicker than I think!

Would one of you anti-constitution progressives please supply a list of the books/movies/magazines/phrases to be banned?
So, which books will you ban?
Why would I ban any books? I'm probably the most anti-theistic person you could ever meet and I still wouldn't ban the most dangerous book in existence, the bible

Banning things you don't like is what conservatives do, like sex education & planned parenthood, books that teach kids about homosexual relationships, drugs & alcohol, entertainment like video games and movies, pornography, and the list goes on..

That's some grade A projection right there though :)
Why would I ban any books? I'm probably the most anti-theistic person you could ever meet and I still wouldn't ban the most dangerous book in existence, the bible

Banning things you don't like is what conservatives do, like sex education & planned parenthood, books that teach kids about homosexual relationships, drugs & alcohol, entertainment like video games and movies, pornography, and the list goes on..

That's some grade A projection right there though :)

that white supremacist rat still hasn't stopped by my thread about the GOP banning freedom of speech left and right.
Why would I ban any books? I'm probably the most anti-theistic person you could ever meet and I still wouldn't ban the most dangerous book in existence, the bible

Banning things you don't like is what conservatives do, like sex education & planned parenthood, books that teach kids about homosexual relationships, drugs & alcohol, entertainment like video games and movies, pornography, and the list goes on..

That's some grade A projection right there though :)

Why, then, are you on a Jihad against Citizens United? Book banning, and political speech suppression is what McCain-Feingold was all about. The CU decision simply recognizes that people can make political statements without fear of incumbent politicians silencing them.
Why, then, are you on a Jihad against Citizens United? Book banning, and political speech suppression is what McCain-Feingold was all about. The CU decision simply recognizes that people can make political statements without fear of incumbent politicians silencing them.
You know exactly what CU has done. Combined with anti union laws, voter suppression and redistricting. It's the only hope the dwindling republican white christian male population can hold onto power.
You racists are going to lose
Why, then, are you on a Jihad against Citizens United? Book banning, and political speech suppression is what McCain-Feingold was all about. The CU decision simply recognizes that people can make political statements without fear of incumbent politicians silencing them.

not sure why you want to compare allowing unlimited amounts of dark money into elections with book burning, it's a bad comparison.

if you're really worried about suppression of speech, your fellow right wingers are literally ripping the pages out of textbooks in arizona, silencing anyone who mentions the existence of homosexuality in tennessee schools, disallowing any mention of climate change in florida, and banning political speech of any sort by teachers in arizona.

maybe you might want to focus on that instead, klanman.
Why, then, are you on a Jihad against Citizens United? Book banning, and political speech suppression is what McCain-Feingold was all about. The CU decision simply recognizes that people can make political statements without fear of incumbent politicians silencing them.
You don't have any idea what you're talking about

You're supporting a decision that the overwhelming majority of Americans oppose

If you think we won't overturn it, you're comically mistaken
You don't have any idea what you're talking about

You're supporting a decision that the overwhelming majority of Americans oppose

If you think we won't overturn it, you're comically mistaken

My concern is the interval; the overwhelming majority of Americans agree that marijuana should be legal- but here we are some ninety years after prohibition and it's still schedule one.

I understand that public opinion has shifted 'relatively recently'- but even then it's been at least fifteen years since the first medical marijuana laws were passed in this country (Colorado in 2000 as the example I'm familiar with, Cali in '96? Not sure?) and still there is no movement at the Federal level or in many states.

So how long will we have to live with Citizens United? I don't even hear about it being on the talking points list of any leading presidential candidate.
My concern is the interval; the overwhelming majority of Americans agree that marijuana should be legal- but here we are some ninety years after prohibition and it's still schedule one.

I understand that public opinion has shifted 'relatively recently'- but even then it's been at least fifteen years since the first medical marijuana laws were passed in this country (Colorado in 2000 as the example I'm familiar with, Cali in '96? Not sure?) and still there is no movement at the Federal level or in many states.

So how long will we have to live with Citizens United? I don't even hear about it being on the talking points list of any leading presidential candidate.

It could be a wild card that pops up later when the shit hits the fan during debate time. imo
My concern is the interval; the overwhelming majority of Americans agree that marijuana should be legal- but here we are some ninety years after prohibition and it's still schedule one.

I understand that public opinion has shifted 'relatively recently'- but even then it's been at least fifteen years since the first medical marijuana laws were passed in this country (Colorado in 2000 as the example I'm familiar with, Cali in '96? Not sure?) and still there is no movement at the Federal level or in many states.

So how long will we have to live with Citizens United? I don't even hear about it being on the talking points list of any leading presidential candidate.
That's one of Bernie Sanders top priorities and I guarantee he'll bring it up during the primary debates and force the other candidates to take a stance on it

I'm under no delusion that it'll take some time, but I'm optimistic. We need 34 states to call for a convention, we have 4 so far, and this is one of the only issues in America that has total bipartisan support from the public; campaign finance reform, and that starts with overturning Citizens United & McCutcheon v. FEC.

Campaign finance reform touches every other issue we face, the current system has caused so much income inequality that average Americans are feeling it and asking wtf is going on, and it's only going to get worse. In essence, imo, the system is unsustainable, if nothing significant changes, it will reach a point where debates about the issue won't be necessary, people will take action.