injunction/court case updates

Well I'm curious as to what will happen if SCC decides with smith then the MMPR reworked, most reasonable way would be for Phelan to release his decision shortly afterwards so HC can't play games. Go at the program once and and get it dealt with. There's no way Phelan is sitting at home thinking about it...he knows what he's going to release just playing games waiting for Ottawa.
The gov's everything.....harpie's probably got a hand in this pie too.
When the shit hits the fan from the auditor generals report...they may need this to distract people...
from the now exposed abuse....of the senator's expense claims...these old coot's have been scamming the tax system
for years and years and years.
This is just the blurb from only took 6 years to get to the SC....this is big boys and girls!

The Supreme Court of Canada is due to rule today on the exact definition of medical marijuana — and whether users have a right to products such as cookies, brownies, tea, lotions and oils.

Currently, federal regulations stipulate that authorized users of physician-prescribed cannabis can only consume dried marijuana. Any other form of consumption other than smoking the dried plant buds can trigger criminal trafficking and narcotics possession charges under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act

The case dates to 2009, when police found more than 200 pot cookies and cannabis-infused olive oil and grapeseed oil in the Victoria apartment of Owen Smith. The former head baker for the Cannabis Buyers Club of Canada was charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking and unlawful possession of marijuana.

Smith was acquitted by a British Columbia judge, who gave the federal government a year to change the laws around extracts.

A B.C. appeal court also ruled in Smith's favour, leading the federal government to take the case to Canada's top court.

The federal government has passed new medical marijuana laws since the case began, but Smith's lawyer, Kirk Tousaw, said the new rules repeat the same ban on edibles and derivatives.

The ruling is expected to be released at 9:45 a.m. ET in Ottawa.
Thanks Owen Smith and your awesome legal team for this great day

shopping list for today:
1. brownie mix
2. unsalted butter
3. butane
4. iso 99.99%
5. jello mix
6. gelatin
it is a wonderful day to bake brownies, high test gummies and make a little wax