Backbreaking labor.

shit dude, join the club and welcome to a life "well I can't bend like that today"
fractured L3 vertebrae poking the disc between L2 and L3 & developing arthritis at 31 :(
Once the injury heals invest in a TENS machine, it uses electric pulse to help ease the muscle and helps alter the signal on the nerves causing the spasms. That little box did more for my pain & healing than any amount of opiates.
If you don't have one get a lifting belt even with holding the bass it will encourage a good posture and take some of the load off, only wear them for a few hours at a time you don't want your muscles getting lazy.
If it's the lower back light cycling will be a great exercise (when it's better), it allows you to be seated taking some of the load off your back whilst working the hip and pulling lower back muscles out of the tensed position they're in.
IMO ignore the hydrocodone unless your sleep is really fuct

I sometimes sleep with my tens unit on , i use the high pulse as kind of a numbing agent so i dont have to take oxycontin before i sleep , if im allready in pain the tens wont help & i have to use traction .

Best thing for a herniation in the lower back is lumbar traction , the pull form the hydrolic rams stretches the spine & takes pressure off the exposed nerve , i got sick of having to go to physical therapy & showing amateurs how to use their own machine on me so i bought a used machine off ebay that has up to 400 lbs of lumbar pull , i use 100 lbs for the 1st 5 minutes then increase up to 200 lbs before releasing the pull , it has lumbar & cervical traction but i dont fuk with the cervical stuff .
You know what i was just being cheeky but id gladly swap sumat with you. Whatever youy got you dont need its more than amazing trust man here in europe we are literally FUCKED for glass. The other day I met a glass Artist from america by the name of ELBO i was fucking impresssed with his work! Lol he wanted to mooch off my rosin and iu wanted to try his little dinosaur pipe. If id knoiwn he was as big as he was id have asked for his pipe as memorabilia.Any old thing u got will do i got nails man dont worry. All for 18mm. Think of sumat you might want im not sure i can ship food though? otherise id vacuum seal the shit out of some chorizos and stuff.
Wow. First of all, I'm impressed to hear you met elbo, he's pretty huge.

Secondly, you don't have to swap anything with me, and I'm not giving you one of my pieces...haha...I'll buy you a brand new one. Nothing extraordinary, and by no means anything name brand or expensive...

but I'd be more than happy to put together a little care package and just include my return address. I already have ideas of what I wanna put together for you...nothing required in return, but I'll put the address in there in case you wanna send me something.
Sleeping with them on isn't great, mostly for over heating or rolling around funny and sticking the terminals together. I'd be happy with an inversion table, lumbar traction sounds awesome. Pity the tens didn't help your pain I found it very effective
Sleeping with them on isn't great, mostly for over heating or rolling around funny and sticking the terminals together. I'd be happy with an inversion table, lumbar traction sounds awesome. Pity the tens didn't help your pain I found it very effective

I dont have to worry about rolling around durring sleep, i sleep in a skiny ass day bed across the room from my wifes bed where her & her helper dog sleep so there aint no rolling around for me ,plus i wake up every hour on the hour to take a piss , enlarged prostate getting too old fukin bullshit , next thing im waiting on is liver spots on my fukin head:cuss:.

Inversion tables are a form of lumbar traction , only a very weak form but same principle, for lumbar traction to give enough pull where the nerve poking out of the disc will receed back into the disc it takes minumum 50% of your body weight , which for me is 100 lbs , the kids doing PT allways try n set me up at 50lbs which is worthless & makes it hurt worse , at 100 lbs for 5 minutes it gives my back time to stretch then a slow increase up to my full body weight of 200 lbs & then a slow release , its better than 3 80 mg oxycontin it works so fast , i have to limit myself to only using it twice a week .

I sleep in my traction table sometimes for quick naps , when im in the table is the only time im pain free & its heaven , i got my table from an osteopathic doctor on ebay for $300 but the shipping was $1,100 because of its size & weight , if you do get an inversion table have a trusted person pull straight down on your shoulders gently increasing the pull & it'll give you much more relief .

They make portable lumbar traction units the size of suit cases , i have/had one that i took with me when i worked out of town , if i still have the portable lumbar unit you can have it , i'll call my son & see if he wont take a drive to our place tonight & look around for it , if i still have it it's yours .

Just found a pic online of the portable unit i have , the hydrologic rams on each side give up to 200 lbs pull .

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A big problem is the height and weight specs. You want to be able to invert at some point (not your first time) to the full position and relax and let your arms hang as dead weight on the floor. Make sure you can fit into it is the big thing. The problem I had was it hurt my ankles for a few minutes. You could build one out of square stock.
They make portable lumbar traction units the size of suit cases , i have/had one that i took with me when i worked out of town , if i still have the portable lumbar unit you can have it , i'll call my son & see if he wont take a drive to our place tonight & look around for it , if i still have it it's yours .
if that's aimed at me I'm not in the US and postage maybe a little killer, OP will prolly get better benefit

in a couple of months time I'll be getting a little extra cash in, I think either an inversion table or portable traction table will be a high priority
Wow. First of all, I'm impressed to hear you met elbo, he's pretty huge.

Secondly, you don't have to swap anything with me, and I'm not giving you one of my pieces...haha...I'll buy you a brand new one. Nothing extraordinary, and by no means anything name brand or expensive...

but I'd be more than happy to put together a little care package and just include my return address. I already have ideas of what I wanna put together for you...nothing required in return, but I'll put the address in there in case you wanna send me something.

He was with a couple of his friends at the weed club i mostly go to. He tried my wax and rosin :)
Thats trully nice, i will for sure send sumat back man food is the best i can come up with thatd be trully mint. Do you know what the score is with shipping food to america in mail from europe? Are you guys like scared of the spanish diarrhea?
I feel ur pain op. I spend each day lifting cases and pulling pallets of paper and desks and tables and shit. Im countin the days till my backs fucked up.
Thanks everybody.

Been using my time off wisely.

Already have the rough drafts approved for the music store artwork.

Almost finished reshaping the broken knife I've.

My back feels 1000x better. So I guess some R&R was truly what I needed.

That I went through 20x vic in less than 24hrs lol. Then again vics don't every do anything for me unless I take a lot (4+) at one time. Only using it to tie me over until I'm able to re-up on the organic pain killers.
If you work at a job where you are on your feet all day and are lifting/bending down alot throughout your work day you should get yourself a back brace for back support. I also work at a job that requires alot of lifting throughout the day and I have had lower back problems since high school so I got myself a back brace for work and it does wonders for your back by giving you the support you need to not throw your back out again
I sometimes sleep with my tens unit on , i use the high pulse as kind of a numbing agent so i dont have to take oxycontin before i sleep , if im allready in pain the tens wont help & i have to use traction .

Best thing for a herniation in the lower back is lumbar traction , the pull form the hydrolic rams stretches the spine & takes pressure off the exposed nerve , i got sick of having to go to physical therapy & showing amateurs how to use their own machine on me so i bought a used machine off ebay that has up to 400 lbs of lumbar pull , i use 100 lbs for the 1st 5 minutes then increase up to 200 lbs before releasing the pull , it has lumbar & cervical traction but i dont fuk with the cervical stuff .
It sucks. I was in a very severe ATV wreck. The fire you feel in your legs I feel in my arms and hands. Sometimes I crack walnuts with my hands, others I drop a simple cup of water. Happens in public, people look at you like your drunk. I get vertigo to.
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OP, do you find yourself staring into space a lot while the vic are doing "nothing"? :P

lol, no I've actually can't get my brain to shut-up.

It dulls the pain slightly, but no more than regular asprin would. The "high" usually only last maybe 30mins at most.
Be careful not to wear braces all makes ur back lazy for lack of a better description. to wear them for a few hours then take a break from wearing them. Really the best thing u can do for ur back is to strengthen the core muscles and the erector muscles that support your spine. I do a lot of leg work in the gym which helps a lot. It makes me feel light on my feet.
If you work at a job where you are on your feet all day and are lifting/bending down alot throughout your work day you should get yourself a back brace for back support. I also work at a job that requires alot of lifting throughout the day and I have had lower back problems since high school so I got myself a back brace for work and it does wonders for your back by giving you the support you need to not throw your back out again
20+ years as a carpet/floor guy.I've had plenty of back trauma!
The best treatment I ever had? exercise! I did a therapy routine for about a year.all geared for my hurt like hell to workout when I could barely walk but the results were impressive! I've had disc issues in the past, exercising/ working out had me feeling 75% normal 10x faster than anything else..
But I don't workout anymore...
I do work smarter!
ugh steroid injections are just fucking stupid, they dont do anything stuck with steroid injection atrophy for the rest of my life now,

perhaps im bitter on the situation , hope you feel better :D