Well-Known Member
shit dude, join the club and welcome to a life "well I can't bend like that today"
fractured L3 vertebrae poking the disc between L2 and L3 & developing arthritis at 31
Once the injury heals invest in a TENS machine, it uses electric pulse to help ease the muscle and helps alter the signal on the nerves causing the spasms. That little box did more for my pain & healing than any amount of opiates.
If you don't have one get a lifting belt even with holding the bass it will encourage a good posture and take some of the load off, only wear them for a few hours at a time you don't want your muscles getting lazy.
If it's the lower back light cycling will be a great exercise (when it's better), it allows you to be seated taking some of the load off your back whilst working the hip and pulling lower back muscles out of the tensed position they're in.
IMO ignore the hydrocodone unless your sleep is really fuct
I sometimes sleep with my tens unit on , i use the high pulse as kind of a numbing agent so i dont have to take oxycontin before i sleep , if im allready in pain the tens wont help & i have to use traction .
Best thing for a herniation in the lower back is lumbar traction , the pull form the hydrolic rams stretches the spine & takes pressure off the exposed nerve , i got sick of having to go to physical therapy & showing amateurs how to use their own machine on me so i bought a used machine off ebay that has up to 400 lbs of lumbar pull , i use 100 lbs for the 1st 5 minutes then increase up to 200 lbs before releasing the pull , it has lumbar & cervical traction but i dont fuk with the cervical stuff .