most famous person you have been in the same room with??

i THINK i was in the elevator with some dude off a tv show called the vikings.

key word think, but it seemed like that, they were actually filming in this area, i was in the only fancy hotel here, he also said
in an accent

"see you on the set tomorrow mate" while exiting the elevator with fancy clothing on ...
billy ray Cyrus. He did a show at fort Campbell when I was a kid. His bus stopped by the fire station where my dad was. My dad called and we went by there and met him.
I use to have a apartment in Gladewater Tx and the apartment buildings use to be hotels, well Gladewater use to have a large concert stage or some shit, and when Elvis would play in town he would request my apartment room 104 no bs.. So I named my pet snake The King.. Now the place is shit hole...

My apartment got raided btw

Gladewater Museum Res Mor Motel.jpg


A bus stopped in Clarksville TN that had cash money on the side. I was a teenager and we talked to a couple of the guys. I couldn't tell you who was who.
Do drug lords count?
Also that Asian chick from charlies angels or whatever.
Lots of relatively "famous" murderers too only female though

Thats not including people ive ran into in this great city. A friend of mine starred in a movie with mathew mcwhatever, the dude that always has his shirt off and says alright alright alright..anyway, he now lives in one of mcwhatevers houses here, its awesome
darnar got my melon racked by a stranger w a club at an apt that jim morrison once lived, atvenice beeshh area.two of em were inpursuit ofa guy. rounded the corner in dim hallway one of em had that ting coocked. glad he wasn't blind. cld a been game changer, first and only time in bldg