The Official RIU "Shittiest People Alive" List


Well-Known Member
Here's how it works

1. No members of RIU (nobody here is one of the shittiest people alive no matter how much you believe they are)

2. Members of the list have to be alive when nominated

3. List 2 reasons why you're nominating them to the list

4. You need 2 members to approve of your selection before it goes on the list (simply quote the post and add "approve" to it for your vote to count)

5. If 2 members oppose your selection *with legitimate reason, they don't go on the list

6. You can only nominate 1 person to the list per post

(the official list in the OP will be updated progressively as new members are added)

*Legitimate reason: the reasons provided are false, unfounded, unsupported by evidence, and/or a blatant fabrication (you are required to provide the evidence against the selection if you make any of these accusations)

So to open up the thread, I'll nominate this piece of shit human being, Scott Lively;


1. This piece of shit is responsible for Uganda enacting anti-gay legislation that has led to the death and discrimination of thousands of innocent people

2. This piece of shit believes "global warming" is a Marxist conspiracy to redistribute wealth from rich people to poor people

The Official RIU "Shittiest People Alive" List:

1. Scott Lively (pending approval - 0 votes attained, 2 votes required)
2. Josh Duggar (pending approval - 1 vote attained, 1 vote required)
3. Dick Cheney (pending approval - 1 vote attained, 1 vote required)
4. Al Sharpton (pending approval - 0 votes attained, 1 vote opposed, 2 votes required)
5. Ron Paul (pending approval - 0 votes attained, 1 vote opposed, 2 votes required)
6. Rend Paul (pending approval - 0 votes attained, 1 vote opposed (pending), 2 votes required)
7. Pat Robertson (pending approval - 0 votes attained, 2 votes required)
8. Fidel Castro (pending submissions)
9. Anders Breivik (pending approval - 1 vote attained, 1 vote required)
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Josh Duggar.

1. He molested his own sisters, hired a lawyer to protect himself, and can no longer face charges for his crimes due to the Statute of Limitations.

2. He appeared on the TLC show "19 Kids & Counting" as a supposed young man of character (because they knew his police records were sealed). And was most definitely paid well for doing so.
Josh Duggar.

1. He molested his own sisters, hired a lawyer to protect himself, and can no longer face charges for his crimes due to the Statute of Limitations.

2. He appeared on the TLC show "19 Kids & Counting" as a supposed young man of character (because they knew his police records were sealed). And was most definitely paid well for doing so.

2 reasons and 1 person, kemosabe
Al Sharpton:

1. Incited the Crown Heights riot that caused the death of an innocent guy.
2. Tawana Brawley fiction that drug an innocent man through the most outrageous charges of rape and sodomy.
Ron Paul:

1. Profited off publishing a racist newsletter which incited fellow white supremacists to commit violence and hate crimes against gays, jews, and minorities.
2. Compelled deluded followers to spam RIU for years and years and years even when it was a certainty that the loser could not win, seeing as how he was, is and will always be a loser (like his adoring fans)

Al Sharpton:

1. Incited the Crown Heights riot that caused the death of an innocent guy.
2. Tawana Brawley fiction that drug an innocent man through the most outrageous charges of rape and sodomy.
(pending approval)

How did Al Sharpton "incite the Crown Heights riot"?

I don't believe the "Tawana Brawley" incident qualifies the man for the "Shittiest People Alive" List. If that qualifies an individual there are at least 4 dozen individuals who should also be on the list simply for that fact. That's not to say violence/rape against women isn't important/bad, that's to say there are much worse individuals that deserve to be on this list.
Only 1 allowed for this thread, nominate the worst politician for one of the shittiest people alive

rend pawl

1. wants to eliminate civil rights, one of the most fundamental civil liberties we have.
2. sponsors the federal 'life at conception' act, which would eliminate every woman's right to exercise control over her own body, a fundamental civil liberty every woman should have. would also eliminate birth control, meaning i'd have to wear a condom again. fuck that.
rend pawl

1. wants to eliminate civil rights, one of the most fundamental civil liberties we have.
2. sponsors the federal 'life at conception' act, which would eliminate every woman's right to exercise control over her own body, a fundamental civil liberty every woman should have. would also eliminate birth control, meaning i'd have to wear a condom again. fuck that.

Rend Paul is not one of the shittiest people alive, although I completely disagree with his political platform
(pending approval)

How did Al Sharpton "incite the Crown Heights riot"?

I don't believe the "Tawana Brawley" incident qualifies the man for the "Shittiest People Alive" List. If that qualifies an individual there are at least 4 dozen individuals who should also be on the list simply for that fact. That's not to say violence/rape against women isn't important/bad, that's to say there are much worse individuals that deserve to be on this list.
I'm going to have to oppose Al Sharpton as well, he is not one of the shittiest people alive even if the accusations are legitimate