Prairie Smoker
I pay $15/gram. How much you charge per hour? How does that work fella?I dont get that. How do you sell an ounce? Your like an employee?
I pay $15/gram. How much you charge per hour? How does that work fella?I dont get that. How do you sell an ounce? Your like an employee?
Being a DG in Canada I can say without a doubt you can NOT profit from the sales of Cannabis...even to legal patients.
I pay $15/gram. How much you charge per hour? How does that work fella?I dont get that. How do you sell an ounce? Your like an employee?
Well how do compassion clubs operate than? They make profit to cover expenses and pay employees? How would being a DG differ?
I doubt most compassion club opereators or dispensary operators are going to wade into that shitstorm. My wife is involved with an NPO (non-profit organization), and its no free pass for fuck all, a person would be way farther ahead having an incorporated company, or even sole proprietor. Through a company the tax issues are the biggest concern, an NPO comes under much more scrutiny re: donations, cashflow, overhead, etc... Sooner rather than later some of us are going to be making legal, taxes paid incomes via our legal status, I commend the OP for pursuing this, and more power to ya redi jedi.They register as not for profit business.
Good question??? Compassion clubs and despenseries are at the front of the war but are still illegal in Canada. As of right now selling cannabis is a criminal offence and purchasing or supplying can get you caught up in a wirl wind when they do get busted.
If they actually are paying taxes to the government they are not claiming monies from the sale of cannabis. How I think it works out is they work the price per gram to the customers but when submitting taxes it becomes a total service not a product they sell which is being taxed on.
Until they are legalized be careful, legal patients can loose their license if caught buying or selling product to these businesses. can't have a new DG...yetis anyone else looking for a dg?
I am in Ontario and have northern lights as well as several other strains.
pm me for more info
i know that BCCCS has a CRA case they are appealing because one of their growers got audited for not paying taxes. the argument is that it's medicine therefore it's "zero rated" so no taxes...but even though they had a GST guru at their case-he helped write GST laws i believe and even had some law students come up to him for an autograph!!-they still couldn't get it that there should be no taxes.Technically true (except for the profiting part, you are allowed to sell your medicine to your patient if you are a DG legally, it costs you money and time, you are allowed to charge for it), but all the dispensaries that are long established have won some major court battles.
you got it. just make sure your income is barely over your expenses then you'll owe almost nothing. CRA really doesn't care what you do as long as you pay taxes on it.start a business...use your legal name as the business...
you get a gst pay quarterly on your earnings...less your imput tax credit..
Your four gst reports for the year are your full earnings..
you do your taxes...and pick an industry code that sorta matches what you a business...
Do your taxes fully...take whatever tax breaks you qualify the amount owing...
You now have a fully operational business...
In year two you will receive your statement for quarterly income tax installments based on your prior year...
Pay the taxes in advance and come tax time your should owe nothing...
They don't ask you what you are actually could be a consultant.
H&R Block wouldn't let me claim my MMJ from an LP this year.I thought it would be pretty straight forward also but its not so. I contacted about being a DG and they said you dont need to collect and remit GST/HST from the patient, but they also expect you to operate at a loss as a "compassionate grower". I believe they expect you to make your money from black market deals.
Anyways, I swore I read on HC website that GST/HST does need to be collected and remitted so I contacted a Tax Lawyer by e-mail and although he knew very little about MMAR regs he did say that if I was collecting taxes from my patients, then they (the patient) could claim those expenses on their income tax. The lawyer than said he hasn't encountered anyone who has been able to claim their pot meds because it isn't recognized as a legitimate medication.
To further complicate things, most patients can't afford to buy their meds (especially the ones with 10 plus gram/day) so you couldn't even claim your patient as your revenue stream because they sure as fuck cant be buying that much pot on a disability income.
So to say the least, its far from straight forward if you want to be a DG and do things as legally as possible.