Nutes beyond the basic grow/bloom: are they really worth it?

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Well-Known Member
I'm planning to buy nutes for a little grow, and I was wondering: have any of you guys ever had a grow where you A/B tested those weirdly-named, ovepriced, jive bullshit supplements vs. simple basic grow and bloom stuff?

I see people listing the products they used for a grow, and it can literally add up to thousands of dollars in these ostensibly voodoo chemicals. Is the gain so significant that it's worth it? Is it just placebo? I mean damn, "Iguana Juice" sounds so much like "snake oil" it's almost as if they named it as a dare...



Well-Known Member
ya not really worth it. Just balanced nute ratios are all that really matters. I do think those micro fungai michrozae? Are pretty awesome. A little molasses towards the end. cal mag if necessary, ur good. Lots of threads and info about this kinda thing on rollitup. Of course, some people swear by iguana juice , that rhino one, ECT. If I grow again after my current I'm getting 10-10-10 slow release pellets and being done with it. Just water ftw.


Well-Known Member
GO BioBud is really good for getting better flowers. Root booster is also nice, but not necessary. Now that you bring the subject of using the whole nutrient line vs grow and bloom, I might do that next grow. would be interesting to see the outcome.


Well-Known Member
I'm planning to buy nutes for a little grow, and I was wondering: have any of you guys ever had a grow where you A/B tested those weirdly-named, ovepriced, jive bullshit supplements vs. simple basic grow and bloom stuff?

I see people listing the products they used for a grow, and it can literally add up to thousands of dollars in these ostensibly voodoo chemicals. Is the gain so significant that it's worth it? Is it just placebo? I mean damn, "Iguana Juice" sounds so much like "snake oil" it's almost as if they named it as a dare...

I used TechnaFlora Recipe for Success in Drip/DWC. Like 7 or 8 bottles of stuff, might mix 4 or 5 every res change and PH down. I didn't see any significant improvement over simple 3 part Flora series from GH. Maybe I didn't do it right but now, I just use Maxibloom powder a little CalMag and always have to add PH up. I don't know if the snake oil works or not to tell the truth. I just want some good smoke and decent yields. Guess I'm just not motivated to figure all of that out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everybody! I'll just get the basic grow/bloom stuff from AN. Good thing that the only necessary nutes seem to also be the cheapest of every line.

GO BioBud is really good for getting better flowers. Root booster is also nice, but not necessary. Now that you bring the subject of using the whole nutrient line vs grow and bloom, I might do that next grow. would be interesting to see the outcome.
Very interesting! I bet it's not often done, because once you actually have the whole line you might as well just use it on all plants, but it would be very cool if you could test this out and keep us posted!


Well-Known Member
I'm planning to buy nutes for a little grow, and I was wondering: have any of you guys ever had a grow where you A/B tested those weirdly-named, ovepriced, jive bullshit supplements vs. simple basic grow and bloom stuff?

I see people listing the products they used for a grow, and it can literally add up to thousands of dollars in these ostensibly voodoo chemicals. Is the gain so significant that it's worth it? Is it just placebo? I mean damn, "Iguana Juice" sounds so much like "snake oil" it's almost as if they named it as a dare...

You pretty much hit it on the head - lots of MAGIC BULLSHIT ( multi bottle ) nutes.
Depending on medium choices ( hydro , coco , soil , etc. ) there are many good 2-3 part nute lines that give fairly complete nutrients and micros. Forget the boosters , if you provide a COMPLETE spectrum of nutrients for your plants , THEY will uptake what they need nothing else.


Well-Known Member
Depending on the booster there may be only one or two chemicals in them that you can buy a pound of powder of for next to nothing.


Well-Known Member
I used TechnaFlora Recipe for Success in Drip/DWC. Like 7 or 8 bottles of stuff, might mix 4 or 5 every res change and PH down. I didn't see any significant improvement over simple 3 part Flora series from GH. Maybe I didn't do it right but now, I just use Maxibloom powder a little CalMag and always have to add PH up. I don't know if the snake oil works or not to tell the truth. I just want some good smoke and decent yields. Guess I'm just not motivated to figure all of that out.
do you just use maxi bloom from veg to flower? do you use a differnet powder for veg?


Well-Known Member
WHAT? The evil AN has risen again? PiK, is that you???

Simple, easy, low cost.
Dyna-Gro Foliage pro - start to finish......After a few grows,,,,maybe try a few things and see for your self.....

AN is fighting words around here.....
LOL...that's what I was thinking, the reincarnation of PiK, but he's not arrogant enough, so I'm thinking he's just the new AN shill
I'm sorry, are you talking about me? Why would a shill compare their products to snake oil?

I can't get Dyna-Gro where I'm at, I only have either BioBizz or AN... When I asked ISK what was wrong with AN's basic nutes it wasn't a rhetorical question; I was actually hoping for an answer, so that I may switch to BioBizz if needed.

Edit: I can also get Atami products. Who should I go with?
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Well-Known Member
Yea mostly I'm just gonna use the Maxibloom all the time from now on. Like this. 7 grams of Maxibloom powder, 1ml CalMag and about 1/2 ml of PH brings the PH to 5.8-6. Feed every other day in a 3-5 gallon Hempy bucket once the plant is established. And that's pretty much it. I also have some GH Floragro left over from my GH 3 part nutes I keep on hand in case I need more N. Other than that I have several left overs from other nutes I've just been mixing and putting on trees and outdoor plants. Just to get rid of them because they are getting really old anyway.

I don't have a journal and I actually followed this one from ISK when I first started using the Lucas Formula. Our methods are very similar although I am kinda lazier about it and ISK puts a bit more effort into his. His journal is a very good example for Hempy Bucket/Lucas Formula and auto growers.

More info on Lucas Formula can be found here. If the site is working again?

I def reco Hempy Bucket and Lucas Formula. I can't think of any cheaper or an easier less time consuming way to grow.

Good luck.
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