Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Riddle me this. How do plant specific bugs find literally ONE plant in an extremely suburban area to come and fuck up?? I have ONE zucchini plant and it is littered with squash bugs. I've been collecting them in a jar and scraping the eggs off daily. Today I found 2 of these ladybug looking things ravaging my pole beans... ladybugs don't eat plants... turns out I have mexican bean beetles on a mission. Seriously... where do these mexican bean fucks come from?! How do they find the 2 bean plants probably in a 10 mile radius?!
Riddle me this. How do plant specific bugs find literally ONE plant in an extremely suburban area to come and fuck up?? I have ONE zucchini plant and it is littered with squash bugs. I've been collecting them in a jar and scraping the eggs off daily. Today I found 2 of these ladybug looking things ravaging my pole beans... ladybugs don't eat plants... turns out I have mexican bean beetles on a mission. Seriously... where do these mexican bean fucks come from?! How do they find the 2 bean plants probably in a 10 mile radius?!
Idk man, last year my squash/zucchini plants got fucked up by squash vine borers(squash bugs)
Ugly little fuckers
But this year, nothing, not one.o_O
Riddle me this. How do plant specific bugs find literally ONE plant in an extremely suburban area to come and fuck up?? I have ONE zucchini plant and it is littered with squash bugs. I've been collecting them in a jar and scraping the eggs off daily. Today I found 2 of these ladybug looking things ravaging my pole beans... ladybugs don't eat plants... turns out I have mexican bean beetles on a mission. Seriously... where do these mexican bean fucks come from?! How do they find the 2 bean plants probably in a 10 mile radius?!
You should try companion planting. For instance if you plant dill with your potatoes it keeps potato beetles away.
Riddle me this. How do plant specific bugs find literally ONE plant in an extremely suburban area to come and fuck up?? I have ONE zucchini plant and it is littered with squash bugs. I've been collecting them in a jar and scraping the eggs off daily. Today I found 2 of these ladybug looking things ravaging my pole beans... ladybugs don't eat plants... turns out I have mexican bean beetles on a mission. Seriously... where do these mexican bean fucks come from?! How do they find the 2 bean plants probably in a 10 mile radius?!
Riddle me this. How do plant specific bugs find literally ONE plant in an extremely suburban area to come and fuck up?? I have ONE zucchini plant and it is littered with squash bugs. I've been collecting them in a jar and scraping the eggs off daily. Today I found 2 of these ladybug looking things ravaging my pole beans... ladybugs don't eat plants... turns out I have mexican bean beetles on a mission. Seriously... where do these mexican bean fucks come from?! How do they find the 2 bean plants probably in a 10 mile radius?!

I ponder the same thing whenever I look at the 30 dead ash trees out back.
Fuck man. Serious? Now that I'm growing zucchini. Those things look like bugs straight out of gears of war. Grubs
Serious bro, you see that orange/brown stuff on the top of the stem?
That's what you'll see first. It's their shit! The orange and black bug(adult) will lay its eggs in the stem and then they eat their way out.