Stoners Have Bad Memory

Slydexic Native

Well-Known Member
Stoners are always stereotyped for having bad memory. Short term memory loss is the answer. When you are high you experiance short term memory loss. But only certain things you forget. So when you are sober you're not going to remember what you forgot. So our memory isn't bad at all. Our brains are fine, it's just when we're high. ;)

Edited because I was too high and I was misunderstood. Burnt out now...
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Guy's I just had an apiffany, yes I am high. Stoners are always stereotyped for not having the best memory. I have experianced this myself first hand. It is true we have bad memory. But it isn't because of the smoking. It is because when you are high, you tend to be forgetful. You know EXACTLY what I am talking about. So if I tell you my birthday is tommorow and you are sober. You will remember. But if I told you a week ago while you were high, that today is my birthday. You would say ooooooohh yeaaaaaahhhhhh. See?
And it is even worse when you smoke everyday all day. You will never remember a whole lot. That is why I personally think we have "bad memory" when really it isn'f bad at all. We just get forgetful while high, so when you are sobee again you completely have forgotten.
Just short term,I have a photographic memory when I am not high and everything important sticks even if I am completely Blind!My GF is bad though, I could play the same movie every night and She would think it was new.We smoke some pretty potent extracts so its understandable...
Its a sterotype that is wrong. I smoke all day and have a decent memory. You are correct though. Cannabis doesn't make you dumb. What it does is effect how the brain processes and stores short term memories.
100% correct my friend. That is exactly why you remember everything in your life except that one thing you said 2 minutes ago.
I have an amazing memory, and I smoke quite a bit. I do web and audio design and don't write much of anything down as far as passwords/client information goes.(safer that way) And on some of the sites we build you have 10-15 usernames/passwords individually. People that are already prone to crap memory, have crappier memory when they smoke. It's the whole stoner stereotype. Some people smoke and get high and stupid, some are higher functioning and smoke to be brought down to a workable level. If you are dumb, it will make you dumber. If you're smart, it'll mellow you out a bit.
I have an amazing memory, and I smoke quite a bit. I do web and audio design and don't write much of anything down as far as passwords/client information goes.(safer that way) And on some of the sites we build you have 10-15 usernames/passwords individually. People that are already prone to crap memory, have crappier memory when they smoke. It's the whole stoner stereotype. Some people smoke and get high and stupid, some are higher functioning and smoke to be brought down to a workable level. If you are dumb, it will make you dumber. If you're smart, it'll mellow you out a bit.

This pretty much describes me to a T. My mind usually runs too fast and if I go to long without smoking I get stressed out trying to control my thoughts. But if I smoke i'm chill and just slightly less mature than normal.

as far as memory goes, I forget shit mid sentence when I'm stoned and my short term memory has always been crap. But my long term memory is almost photographic.

I am forgetful when I smoke. My short term memory can be bad. I can forget if I ate anything and I don't dare walk away from the kitchen if i'm cooking. Can't smoke and play guitar because I can't remember anything.
Guy's I just had an apiffany, yes I am high. Stoners are always stereotyped for not having the best memory. I have experianced this myself first hand. It is true we have bad memory. But it isn't because of the smoking. It is because when you are high, you tend to be forgetful. You know EXACTLY what I am talking about. So if I tell you my birthday is tommorow and you are sober. You will remember. But if I told you a week ago while you were high, that today is my birthday. You would say ooooooohh yeaaaaaahhhhhh. See?
Nah, that's BS.
I have been talking to people lately and forgetting shit mid sentence. Alot of Bubble though..
Yea, that happens to me sometimes when I'm really baked. I tend to be a story teller when hanging out. Cut up and joke and stuff. I'll be half way into a joke or story and draw a blank and have to ask the other person what was I saying.

Other than that I have good memory. I don't write user names or passwords down. I remember numbers easy to. I was blazing the whole time I went to college for electronics.

Your brain is like anything else, the more you exercise it the stronger it will be. I like playing games on my phone that are puzzle based and you have to think. It will make your mind sharper and quicker.