More people need to grow them some food...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Food Stamp Beneficiaries Have Exceeded 45 Million For 48 Straight Months
Over 22 million households receive SNAP benefits today


BY: Ali Meyer
July 13, 2015 1:20 pm

The number of beneficiaries of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as food stamps, has exceeded 45 million for 48 straight months, according to data released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA).

In April 2015, the latest month from which data is available, there were 45,438,832 beneficiaries of the food stamp program.

The number of food stamp recipients first exceeded 45 million in May 2011. Since then, the number has consistently exceeded 45 million, hitting a record high of about 47,800,000 in December 2012.

In April 2015, households on food stamps received an average benefit of $256.93, and total benefits for the month cost taxpayers $5.7 billion.

The USDA has been tracking data on SNAP participation since fiscal year 1969, at which time average participation stood at about 2,800,000. Average participation in fiscal year 2014 hit about 46,500,000, meaning that since 1969 participation in the program has increased 16-fold.
I wonder how many of those 45 million own land.
Collective neighborhood farming. That's the answer. Homeless people can't buy pots and soil and seeds and be expected to have a productive garden to feed themselves from.

Recycled containers such as yogurt containers etc can be used to start plants in lieu of store bought pots. Many plants can be cloned too such as tomatoes.

A single bag of seed potatoes can proliferate into a a field if done correctly or used to start several container grows.

Each of us "creates" soil daily, but public waste disposal systems get it all wrong....

Recycled containers such as yogurt containers etc can be used to start plants in lieu of store bought pots. Many plants can be cloned too such as tomatoes.

A single bag of seed potatoes can proliferate into a a field if done correctly or used to start several container grows.

Each of us "creates" soil daily, but public waste disposal systems get it all wrong....


"why don't poor people just all own potato fields?"
ok Pol Pot, let's just do away with city life and increase the rice quota.

Pol Pot...not too funny to me. Friends of mine lost their parents in an execution / purge in Cambodia. Executed right in front of them.

You whined about fertilizer cost. I provided a solution.

Another friend uses zero fertilizer and simply grows directly in compost. He has pepper plants with stems that are several inches across and a single plant has dozens of peppers on it.

Learning to feed ourselves is one of the most independence creating things a person can do. Depending on food handouts is a bad policy.
we're doing egg salad sandwiches with home fries tonight. we're gonna save about $1 on eggs because we have chickens, but i have spent at least $40 this season alone installing a window for the coop (which i got for free, just needed to pay for framing lumber) and changing out straw. now much of a win there.

the potatoes and onions are "free" from the garden, saving us about $2. but i spent at least $30 on gas hauling the soil from the dispensary back to the garden, and that was all after building a raised bed for "free" (more gasoline to go pick up the free lumber and a box of nails to smash it all together). i spent about $15 on seed potatoes and onion sets and bunches too.

and although we are providing all the main ingredients straight from the back yard, we still need salt, pepper, oil, mayo, mustard, and so on.

not to mention there are not many half acre lots around this area with a quarter acre for gardening alone, you'd have to move out to th boonies to find that type of land usually. and if you're on food stamps, you probably don't have the scratch to make that kind of a move to that type of area, much less commute to walmart every day without burning a third of the hours you worked in your gas tank.

but maybe one day, robroy will find his utopia.
we're doing egg salad sandwiches with home fries tonight. we're gonna save about $1 on eggs because we have chickens, but i have spent at least $40 this season alone installing a window for the coop (which i got for free, just needed to pay for framing lumber) and changing out straw. now much of a win there.

the potatoes and onions are "free" from the garden, saving us about $2. but i spent at least $30 on gas hauling the soil from the dispensary back to the garden, and that was all after building a raised bed for "free" (more gasoline to go pick up the free lumber and a box of nails to smash it all together). i spent about $15 on seed potatoes and onion sets and bunches too.

and although we are providing all the main ingredients straight from the back yard, we still need salt, pepper, oil, mayo, mustard, and so on.

not to mention there are not many half acre lots around this area with a quarter acre for gardening alone, you'd have to move out to th boonies to find that type of land usually. and if you're on food stamps, you probably don't have the scratch to make that kind of a move to that type of area, much less commute to walmart every day without burning a third of the hours you worked in your gas tank.

but maybe one day, robroy will find his utopia.
I actually love egg salad sandwich. My wife teases, saying it's an old folks meal. I pay her back by farting in the bed all night.
Why the fuck the price of eggs are so damn high right now ?
In our back yard we have 2 cherrie trees, a peach tree apricot tree grapes, black berries, kiwi goose berrys. And a garden.
I'm going to cut down a cherry tree to make room for something else. We have too many cherries. And our garden costs us money
so in think next year it gets plowed under and probably becomes raspberries and strawberries
I actually love egg salad sandwich. My wife teases, saying it's an old folks meal. I pay her back by farting in the bed all night.
Why the fuck the price of eggs are so damn high right now ?

i don't know, they jumped from $2.09 to $2.99 recently and stayed there.

maybe nodrama is not getting as much welfare nowadays or something. or too much.
It's like when people don't have enough money to buy food, they rely on government subsidies

And yet, the people most vocal about the high number of food stamp recipients are also the most opposed to raising the minimum wage..

One or the other, you can bitch about too many people on food stamps or you can bitch about raising the minimum wage. What you don't get to do is bitch about both