Following the Curing Rules, But My Weed Sucks!


Hey everyone,

I’ve completed 4 grows now, but keep running up against EXTREMELY harsh weed.

I need help before my next harvest in 2 months.

My process has been this:

Purely organic (subcool’s recipe), ZERO NUTES.

I chop down when the trichomes are where I want them, let hang until dry on the outside (usually 2 days), then put into a jar with hygrometers.

I watch the RH, and burp for a few minutes a day. Usually the RH settles at 65% about a month later and I never store it below 55%.

I've been curing some Jock Horror and Master Kush for almost 4 months now, and they destroy my lungs. The stuff I get from the local dispensary is like inhaling air that's how amazing it is.

I really can’t think of anything more to do at this point, but something has to change because I can’t smoke my own grows :,(

I welcome everyone's advice. Thanks :)


Hey Anzo,

Love the avatar <3 Guess I jumped the gun a bit. I was concerned that the moisture would be lost if I let it hang any longer (can't get moisture back), so I transferred to jars and figured I'd monitor the humidity that way. I guess the initial hang up is pretty important?


Well-Known Member
I was also told to let mine dry longer than I've been doing. My buds can be dry enough to smoke after two or three days hanging in a wire basket in my grow closet. Generally, they'd don't smoke too harsh but some of them taste awful when I vape them. In the last crop I tried to let some of them dry slower by putting them in a clothes closet with no hot lights. I really could not tell much difference with the slower drying. The longer I let them cure, the mellower the smoke usually. I'm thinking your harsh buds will eventually improve with age, but who wants to wait that long?


"The longer I let them cure, the mellower the smoke usually."

This is what I've read and heard too, but it's not my experience. I smoked some last night that has been curing at 60% for almost 4 months, and I haven't coughed that hard in years.


Well-Known Member
"The longer I let them cure, the mellower the smoke usually."

This is what I've read and heard too, but it's not my experience. I smoked some last night that has been curing at 60% for almost 4 months, and I haven't coughed that hard in years.
All I can say is that I try to follow the recommendations to the letter and get results that are confusing as hell. My flowers smoke or vape OK but have zero 'jar appeal,' meaning they look like something a cat coughed up and they are airy as hell. Whatever the secret is, I'm still in the dark. Sorry I can't be more helpful. :???:


All I can say is that I try to follow the recommendations to the letter and get results that are confusing as hell. My flowers smoke or vape OK but have zero 'jar appeal,' meaning they look like something a cat coughed up and they are airy as hell. Whatever the secret is, I'm still in the dark. Sorry I can't be more helpful. :???:
hahah no worries. I appreciate the input anyway. Guess it just comes with experience. Are you doing soil grows? Hydro?


"chop whole plant and dry till stem snaps"

This is something I haven't done. I usually wait until until they're dry, but not snapping. I'll change that for the next harvest.


"I let mine hang dry for about 5-6 days the slower you can dry the better. What's your humidity like where your drying? 2 days is pretty quick."

In CO during the winter humidity is like 15% which is why I don't let them hang dry for more than 2 days. During the summer, you can expect 65% in the house. After reading what you guys are saying, I guess letting the stems snap is the true sign for transferring to jars.


Well-Known Member
"I let mine hang dry for about 5-6 days the slower you can dry the better. What's your humidity like where your drying? 2 days is pretty quick."

In CO during the winter humidity is like 15% which is why I don't let them hang dry for more than 2 days. During the summer, you can expect 65% in the house. After reading what you guys are saying, I guess letting the stems snap is the true sign for transferring to jars.
I don't dry untill the stem snaps but everyone does it different. Cutting the plant and hanging whole like joedan k says would be good for someone in a dry climate like your drying in to make sure that it drys slower.


Well-Known Member
There are no rules LOL

every gardener has different environment to deal with

the longer they take to dry, the better they will be

I live in CO too, I use a humidifier :)

there a lot of tricks, most work great, just need to learn em

I dry in compost piles in a curing chamber I invented

there are several ways to skin a cat :)


"I live in CO too, I use a humidifier :)"

For my last grow I added a humidifier. My buds took a long time to dry. Their potency is perfect, but the harshness is so bad it's hardly worth smoking.

"Did you spray for bugs or mildew during flower?"

I did not. Should I have?


Well-Known Member
"I live in CO too, I use a humidifier :)"

For my last grow I added a humidifier. My buds took a long time to dry. Their potency is perfect, but the harshness is so bad it's hardly worth smoking.

"Did you spray for bugs or mildew during flower?"

I did not. Should I have?
No, just a source of "harshness/bad taste".