AP Poll: Sharp divisions after high court backs gay marriage


Well-Known Member
the other day, you sponsored the act of literally murdering doctors if they perform abortions. before that, you said that nature did not "intend" for homosexuality to exist and called gays unnatural. before that, you joined a white supremacy group.

and you want to talk about your etiquette?
I did NOT condone killing doctors for performing reasonable abortions. I condemned any doctor that performs the sick "late term" abortions. Tiller was one of only two sick fucks performing such sick abortions in the US, I believe.

I do believe that nature operates in such a way that strongly suggests that heterosexuality is the best outcome.

I never joined a white supremacy group.


Well-Known Member
I did NOT condone killing doctors for performing reasonable abortions.
wow, what you just said means you fully support the assassination of doctors who perform abortions.

you are a right wing christian terrorist.

I condemned any doctor that performs the sick "late term" abortions. Tiller was one of only two sick fucks performing such sick abortions in the US, I believe.

Tiller treated patients who discovered late in pregnancy that their fetuseshad severe or fatal birth defects. He also aborted healthy late-term fetuses in cases where two doctors certified that carrying the fetus to term would cause the woman "substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function."[8]

I do believe that nature operates in such a way that strongly suggests that heterosexuality is the best outcome.
nature cannot have intent you retard.

just like any extremist nutcase, which you are, you are using a logical fallacy in an attempt to justify your homicidal bigotry.

your extremist rhetoric is used by those who want to kill or intern gays too.

I never joined a white supremacy group.
we all know you did. you even had an avatar of zimmerman smiling like a douche after being acquitted for chasing down and murdering an unarmed black child.


Well-Known Member
Some other force besides you and I determined that the human species survives by heterosexuality.

Zimmerman killed in self defense.

I never joined any white supremacy group.


Well-Known Member
That shouldn't even be a question whether or not they have a licence or not. They shouldn't be here. Period!
i can say from experience that every illegal immigrant i have ever met has been rather conservative and catholic who works hard and believes in the american dream. why wouldn't a clearly conservative sockpuppet like yourself want people like that in our country?


Well-Known Member
Some other force besides you and I determined that the human species survives by heterosexuality.

Zimmerman killed in self defense.

I never joined any white supremacy group.
homosexuality is not "unnatural" or "unwanted by nature" as you claim. nature does not have wants or intentions. your argument is used by those who want to kill or intern gays. you are a fucking violent homicidal extremist.

getting out of your car with a loaded gun and chasing down an unarmed kid who is running away is not a self defense move.

and you sure did join a white supremacy group.