sounds like a good time. gotta love music and tv
the other day, I fell asleep on the couch watching tv. I hear a knock at the door, I thought maybe it was my mom. I answer it and there stands po po. he asks me my name and I say "why".. raises no suspicion at all. for a second, it crossed my mind to say someone elses name, but he probably had my license plate pulled up on the computer in his car, with my photo id. wasn't sure if I should get ready to put my hands behind my back. as far as I know, I don't have any warrants, but I do have a few outstanding speeding tickets from a few months ago. anyway, he was looking for some 14 year old hispanic kid, and he said I obviously don't meed the description. 25 year old german guy. afterwards, I noticed I had chili dried on my shirt from falling asleep.. wow, I looked great. I enjoy talking to pigs when stoned. actually.. I would much rather talk to a real pig.
my favorite place to smoke is in a car. you get plenty of first and second hand smoke, so you get nicely baked. the bad thing is all the windows around you, and possibly driving.