RNC says McCain is a hero

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
nitro - take your meds and go to bed. your symptoms are progressing rapidly.
I just got done medicating a few minutes ago and it is just after lunch time here in the beautiful state of Hawaii. I might go to black sand beach and check out the turtles this afternoon for awhile because it's way to early for bed time.


Well-Known Member
I just got done medicating a few minutes ago and it is just after lunch time here in the beautiful state of Hawaii. I might go to black sand beach and check out the turtles this afternoon for awhile because it's way to early for bed time.
be sure to thank the liberals in the federal government for making that a protected environmental area.

punaluu does not deserve to be invaded by racist white trash like you.


Well-Known Member
I just got done medicating a few minutes ago and it is just after lunch time here in the beautiful state of Hawaii. I might go to black sand beach and check out the turtles this afternoon for awhile because it's way to early for bed time.
You should thank the US government's forceable coercion for that being possible.


Well-Known Member
Neither are heroes, both are douche bags.

Don't they both hold the same opinion you do that some people should be jailed for marijuana related activity? Seems like you'd like them both.
Still waiting for that quote where I said people should go to jail.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Still waiting for that quote where I said people should go to jail.

How would you make something illegal to do and expect that some people WOULDN'T go to jail directly or indirectly as a result of disobeying your shitty law proposal?


Well-Known Member
POW doesn't equal war hero. Serving in the military was a choice they made, don't come crying because of the consequences of what you supported. The high regard to which people hold the military personnel, only on the fact that they ARE military personnel, is disturbing. It's also pretty sad that so many people define their lives by their military service even 20,30,40yrs after they got out...just as pathetic as the guys living in the glory of their high school days..

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't expect anyone to be as utterly stupid as you

No. Utterly stupid is thinking it's okay to shit on floors and that being a kinder gentler prohibitionist (like you) is somehow a good thing.

You seem really angry too, you're not going to torture your animals again tonight are you ?


Well-Known Member
No. Utterly stupid is thinking it's okay to shit on floors and that being a kinder gentler prohibitionist (like you) is somehow a good thing.

You seem really angry too, you're not going to torture your animals again tonight are you ?
Not surprising that you get more ignorant with every post of yours

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Not surprising that you get more ignorant with every post of yours
Well, I AM responding to your questions and allegations aren't I?

I have an idea, you don't make any more stupid law proposals to run other peoples lives and I'll forgive your control freak prohibitionist ways? Deal?


Well-Known Member
Well, I AM responding to your questions and allegations aren't I?

I have an idea, you don't make any more stupid law proposals to run other peoples lives and I'll forgive your control freak prohibitionist ways? Deal?
Sorry racist pedo. I dont make deals with your kind


Well-Known Member
Well, I AM responding to your questions and allegations aren't I?

I have an idea, you don't make any more stupid law proposals to run other peoples lives and I'll forgive your control freak prohibitionist ways? Deal?
you actually think you have a position from which you can deal?
You really are a stupid twat

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Sorry racist pedo. I dont make deals with your kind

Well you're half right, half wit. (not!) I'm not a racist pedo, but you DO make deals with your own kind prohibitionist, you want to keep peaceful people in harms way for transacting in deals that are none of yours, mine or your coercive governments business.

You are pathetic, back to the bottom of the sock drawer for you!


Well-Known Member
Well you're half right, half wit. (not!) I'm not a racist pedo, but you DO make deals with your own kind prohibitionist, you want to keep peaceful people in harms way for transacting in deals that are none of yours, mine or your coercive governments business.

You are pathetic, back to the bottom of the sock drawer for you!
You contradict yourself turkey sandwich boy. Children can consent to things you agreed to in an earlier post, you even pointed it out.

I've simply asked you a different question, but in your lust to talk about Pedo things with one hand in your pants, you fail to differentiate the questions, likely intentionally.

I said, how does the nature of an act, even if it is reprehensible change whether it was consented to or not?

You've avoided that question, like a Wendy's janitor avoids his scheduled shift after seeing your car leaving the parking lot.


Well-Known Member
Well, I AM responding to your questions and allegations aren't I?

I have an idea, you don't make any more stupid law proposals to run other peoples lives and I'll forgive your control freak prohibitionist ways? Deal?
Okay. Are you saying children CAN'T make voluntary agreements or act of their own accord?

What they agree to has nothing to do with whether or not they can make an agreement or we like the agreements they may make either though does it dunce?

For instance, two children could make an agreement with each other to warn one another if they ever see a teenaged poopy pervert taking a dump on the floor in a fast food establishment bathroom.

There agreement was voluntary because neither one was coerced. Had they agreed to join you, absent any coercion, that would have been a voluntary shit hat trick!! Now who's the sick fuck?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

So dull normal prohibitionist sock puppet, how does the nature of an act, even if the act is reprehensible affect whether or not the act was consented to or not?

(You should read the question several times before you decide you don't understand it and will fail to answer it succinctly even if you stumble out some absurd reply.)