Important stuff that i learned, lol. Listen to GreaseMonkey!
man you guys are so kind, i appreciate the nice words, a lot of my recipe was inadvertently based on coots recipe, I am learning almost everyday, in fact my "recipe" has gone thorough a lil tweaking, it's all basicly the same, only now I simply mix it all up with the leaves in my compost pile, let it melt for like 6 months or so...wish I would have discovered this earlier. COMPLETELY full of redworms and such.
It's the best stuff ever, I can topdress with just my compost and it literally made my roses, lavender, jasmines, and clerodendrons flower like crazy, nice deep green growth, bright aromatic flowers< it's like the cure-all for plants, I even topdresed a tiny-ass comfrey cutting that was getting a light green, and within a week it was growing fast and a darker green.
The key for me, was using a good nitrogen input for the composting, I used alfalfa meals, alfalfa itself, green cannabis leaves, and leftover high nitrogen guano.
Wasn't scientific, I layered it, sprinkle-style, on top of about an inch and a half of shredded leaves (or about 3 inches if they are whole) I also layered slow release amendments as well, langbeinite, fish bone meal, greensand, crab/shrimp meals, neem meal, kelp meal. Also fresh bullkelp from the beach. Some unfortunate mice that kept shitting on my eating utensils (RIP lil fuckers), my dog's hair, beard shavings... (I know i'm a kooky bastard)
do that all lasagna-like, until your pile is about at
least 2-3 feet high, trust me it'll melt down t like a 15th of the size.
I can also see if I can dig up my old soil recipe also, as it's the same amendments wise, just this composting +nutrients works SO damn well, I won't go back to amending the final mix, seems like an extra pointless step.
Pretty soon i'll be growing in NOTHING but compost and aeration. Granted the compost is amended, but point is no coco or peat.
The pure humus is insane, after it's sifted and filtered it's as soft as a pillow, and as black as ink.
I feel it's important to add that i'm doing it this way NOT because i'm eco-friendly or concerned about peat bogs and such (which sure, I sorta am, but it's not the reason) the reason is simply in the 25+ yrs of growing, I've NEVER seen such a kick-ass amendment to use for growing,
works remarkably well, so simple, and yet kinda sorta complicated.
I can germinate seeds in it, while it's still rich enough to run beginning to end, with nothing added, occasionally I may add shredded comfrey but typically no teas, other than my normal SSTs and coco water.
haven't done any nutrient teas in a while now.
honestly have gotten away from my AACTs also, I think the compost is so insanely healthy not sure the added microbes are beneficial anymore.
Could be wrong... either way, the only teas I do are the SSTs. Don't really count the cocowater.
I still have some leftover comfrey/dandelion ferment that i'm slowly using... but I use that more on my roses, jasmines, lavender, etc.
I'll see if I can find my soil recipe somewhere, if not I can probably go off memory..
scary endeavor for any stoner though..