Iran never saw it coming

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Is this the same George W Bush we are talking about here, this man will lie

The basis of my post is that George did lie... and that Congress won't fall for that again.

Now I'll sit here and wait for the conspiracy theorists to post that Bush will strike America and claim it was Iran :roll:


Well-Known Member
yea i've been paying very close attention to the Georgia-Russia conflict.

personally i think Russia is just moving military to Iran for support when the US and Europe bombs them. Iran is allied with Russia and China, if you didn't know already.

Iran is where the big battle will be. as you can see from the map in my first post, US military is completely surrounding Iran at the moment and sending a fleet of US/French/UK carriers to the Persian Gulf, which is right under Iran.

it seems like all sides are very aware of the upcoming war and are preparing for it as we speak.
You ARE a freedom fighter aren't you? (I was going to give you a +Rep but I need to spread the love around)

It seems like you can see things for what they are. I (roughly) have the same notion as you. WW3 is just around the corner and most of the American people won't even know what the cause was.

I'm sure the Zionist controlled USA MainStream Media will make up some lies and say that how they (Russia, Iran, etc) are the "bad guys that harbor terrorists", or some kind of lame excuses.

It really amazes me how much of the American people are in the dark. I was talking to a friend the other day that didn't even know "Georgia" was a country, he thought I was talking about the state. I was telling my buddy the news and he thought I was saying that Russia and the US state of Georgia are about to go to war. HAHA:mrgreen:

The US gov't is out of control! 911 was and inside job!

I hope the change can come from within the USA instead of China, Russia and others putting us in our place from WW3! Please educate others about whats going on!

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
We aren't really disagreeing, it's just the fact you think the man that has done all these terrible things won't just keep doing it. He is drawing us in with the GOD DAMN GEORGIA RUSSIAN CONFLICT ARE YOU BLIND? WAIT no you are too busy rolling your eyes to see whats going on. I love you though this wasn't meant to be hurtful. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Its a lot more complicated than that.
I think that Europe cares about Iranian nuclear ambitions.
As does Turkey, China, Saudi, Kuwait, UAE about all of the Sunni dominated Arab countries. Its not as 'trivial' as you make it out to be. And many of the people who worry about where their next meal comes from, have you ever visited or talked to these people? Countries where exports that supply much of the GNP is to the US or Western Europe? Many people in the poorer countries have a grasp of world events. They all seem to have TV's and cell phones and internet cafe's are common.
But I haven't been to the dark reaches of Africa or Latin America tho, so I can't verify for them.


New Member
The big war, duh. WW3 Iran Israel Russia China USA Israel Great Brittan this should be 1 hell of a bang.
Israel will wipe out the middle east, Russia and China will go toe to toe, we'll invade Canada and Mexico, and Europe will re-invent the disco days of the seventies.......?


New Member
But russia and china are allies with iran. I wish i could go to the disco.
Commies don't have allies, they only have enemies.......and the biggest enemy there is, is always the commie country that shares your border, especially when you yourself are commie.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
We aren't really disagreeing, it's just the fact you think the man that has done all these terrible things won't just keep doing it. He is drawing us in with the GOD DAMN GEORGIA RUSSIAN CONFLICT ARE YOU BLIND? WAIT no you are too busy rolling your eyes to see whats going on. I love you though this wasn't meant to be hurtful. :joint:
I'm NOT a Bush supporter. I'm just stating that the President isn't a lone Cowboy .... there are steps to follow and my point is that I don't think Congress will go along with him as long as Iran doesn't strike first.

I guess the argument could be made that by positioning our troops around the Gulf region he is goading Iran into action. I don't see Ahmadinejad falling for that.

As to the Russia / Georgia conflict... same thing... I don't think there is a damn thing we will do, except make grand speeches "warning" Russia to cease and desist. I think the most we will do is continue supplying aide in food and medical supplies.

Now when the next President is in office... who knows. I just don't think Congress is going to give Georgie Porgie any more rope to hang us with unless we are attacked first.