If you are using tap water for your plants..


New Member
First. I am a noob to growing. Second. What im about to tell you is not a conspiracy theory.

About 60% of the United States (their goal is 75% by 2010(either 2010 or 2012, dont remember) tap water is "treated" with a heavy metal called Fluoride. Most people are sold on the sham that Fluoride is to help the teeth of people who cannot afford toothpaste, and children especially need fluoride to prevent tooth decay. These are total lies, and have been proven to be so by scientific studies that not only prove fluoride doesnt help your teeth (unless applied topically, like in toothpaste) but it actually can cause ugly browning of teeth, skeletal fluorosis (which can be, and is misdiagnosed as several things including arthritis), brain damage, and possibly Alzheimers disease (fluoride stays in your body, and attaches itself to aluminum, you do not want aluminum all up in your brain). I try to tell people this as often as possible as.. I think this is probably one of American's biggest drug problems. For those of you who enjoy Barrack Obama's socialist views, you can rest assured you already are victim to socialized medicine, as water fluoridation would have be considered mass medication. BTW - Fluoride is just about as poisonous as arsenic. And when you think fluoride or tap water, you should understand that it has a small amount of poison, which is not intended to kill you. Wonder why its there.

Before I get to the point you should also know that the first regime to use fluoride on humans was Adolf Hitler's. His genius scientists found out that if you give fluoride to your inmates, they are apathetic, and calm. INTERESTING.
Another interesting fact, is that the public relations master, Edward Bernays was with ALCOA using propaganda to push fluoride into America's water supply. who was credited with, asbestos in ceilings, lead in paint, cigarette smoking for women and fluoride in water, amongst other things. He was hailed in political circles as the godfather of public relations, his uncle was Sigmund Freud and he died at the ripe age of 103. SO INTERESTING! In Edward Bernay's book "Public Relations" he also says that telling lies to the public is essential for democracy. (THIS IS A REPUBLIC PEOPLE, NOT A DEMOCRACY, IRAQ HAS DEMOCRACY, FUCKING MOB RULE)

The point:
If you read this whole fucking thing, you should already know that Tap Water, even if it sat for 24 hours to get rid of the Chlorine, is no good for you, YOUR CHILDREN, OR your plants. I bought a water distiller for 100 dollars online and since seeing the nasty sludge just 1 gallon of tap can leave behind, I WILL NEVER GO BACK!!

Straight to the point:
If fluoride is strong enough to make children in China and India retarded, then fuck up their teeth, making them retards with fucked up teeth, then it is likely strong enough to rob you of an ounce or two.

Also about distilled water:
All kinds of propaganda about drinking distilled water. I can dispell all this propaganda by reminding you, that distilled water is pure H20. The water was evaporated into steam, then recollected. So its basically just 100% steam water. Don't put distilled water into shitty plastic bottles. If you gotta put it in plastic, put it in clear plastic - Reason being, distilled water is so pure it sucks stuff up, and will suck stuff out of the plastic.... BUT

I was told that distilled water is so pure fuck I dont know the word, but it just sucks shit up. I was told that it even sucks up the carbon dioxide in the air!
SO - This is something to be discovered if it has not already - Can you provide carbon dioxide to your plants through watering with distilled water? Who knows.
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Well-Known Member
Straight to the point:
If fluoride is strong enough to make children in China and India retarded, then fuck up their teeth, making them retards with fucked up teeth, then it is likely strong enough to rob you of an ounce or two.
I just spit a fresh bowl across the room, you win the gold medal of funny.

I agree with the fluoride shit we are living in a doped up world.

However tap water has minerals in it that are essential to plant health, im talking cal mag. Iv always been skeptical of filtering it out and then paying a hydro company to put it back in.


New Member
WTLW about flouride, fellow conspiracy theorist.


Fluoride does not fall into the theory category. Allthough I cant help but to think there most of been conspiring parties. DUH

Watch their eyes glaze over as Bill Oreilly pops into their head "SHUT UP!!!! YOU SHUT UP!!!!!"


New Member
I just spit a fresh bowl across the room, you win the gold medal of funny.

I agree with the fluoride shit we are living in a doped up world.

However tap water has minerals in it that are essential to plant health, im talking cal mag. Iv always been skeptical of filtering it out and then paying a hydro company to put it back in.
I challenge you to split test, two clones of the same mother, tap water vs distilled.
If not for your plants, do it for yourself man. I personally love avoiding anything the government can throw at me from taxes to fluoride.


Well-Known Member
The electricity you use to distill water goes to the government and oil companies...off the cross kiddo. (if you think its negligible think again, water is a specific heat bitch)

I agree to said challenge, I suggest clones grown in 1gal of FFOF. I say that becuase we should not be allowed to use nutes so we can evaluate the water fairly. Can any undergrads add anything else to the process to make it more specific?

Im figuring Satori...ill have the clones ready in a week


New Member
The electricity you use to distill water goes to the government and oil companies...off the cross kiddo. (if you think its negligible think again, water is a specific heat bitch)

I agree to said challenge, I suggest clones grown in 1gal of FFOF. I say that becuase we should not be allowed to use nutes so we can evaluate the water fairly. Can any undergrads add anything else to the process to make it more specific?

Im figuring Satori...ill have the clones ready in a week
Big Gov&Oil may collect fees on my electricity usage, but at least they are not accomplishing their goal of poisoning me or anyone that I feed. Including cats and plants. Fluoride may seem like a small problem compared to the big problems in gov and oil rapists - However I think it may be one of THE problems that allows for the corruption of eveything else - BECAUSE it causes the Apathy, the calm acceptance and the lowered IQ's. We allow big government, big oil to own us through our own Apathy, calm acceptance and stupidity. Smarter, less apathetic, riled masses may have already resisted this mess we're in, if they were allowed to reach their full potential.
Just a theory.

And way to go man. Glad to see you're willing to see if this has any effect on plants - I would but im a noob and would probably fuck it up.

I suggest you do not use C02 on either plants, because of the possible CO2 benefit in distilled.


Well-Known Member
Fuck man, true or not I'm afraid to go get a drink of water right now. I guess I'll go with milk. It may have growth hormones, but who knows, maybe it'll give me some help where I need it most...if you catch my drift.

On a more related note, I'm really interested in seeing how this clone experiment works out. No nutes, CO2, or anything else is being added right? I think my mind just got blown.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if they do the same in oz ,i will never drink another fucking drop if they do, it is beer , or bourbon from now on.


New Member
I wonder if they do the same in oz ,i will never drink another fucking drop if they do, it is beer , or bourbon from now on.
Fluoride is in alot of beer. And anything else that uses municipal water supply within the 60% fluoridated zones(soon to be 75%). I suppose it might even be in your weed, if it was grown with fluoridated water. jesus christ...

Best thing to do is distill or at the very least, reverse osmosis(reduces, but does not remove fluoride) your homes water supply, and buy fluoride free toothpaste. I use Tom's all natural shit - and it actually tastes like toothpaste. Avoid it as much as you can, because when you go to a bar, restaurant or any public place to eat or drink, and you're in Fluoridation territory, you'll be eating and drinking it. O - And dont worry, your body doesnt use Fluoride for jack, you dont need it AT ALL it just accumulates in your bones and your brain and probably makes you watch more TV.

You can see how this is a compounded problem. Now imagine the compounding problems concerning health and intelligence, and how they effect our world, when 60% of the United States is robbed of their full potential as free, intelligent human beings, starting, in most cases, prior to birth. Multiply that over a few generations.... and bask in the glory!!!

People wonder why cancer is becoming such a problem, but they never stop to question "What is this aspartame they put in this diet coke, and why does it turn into ethanol after sitting on the shelf for 3 months" or "What is this fluoride, and why am I drinking my toothpaste" or "Why does that magazine cover state that 98% of all lettuce sold in the United States is covered in a chemical that attacks the thyroid.". I am no coincidence theorist, and I won't assume that the silent chemical warfare in the US is all just a big accident without culprits. My guess is that, groups in politics and industry may be conspiring with the medical industrial complex, to create problems, and increase demand for their expensive, synthetic, patented, solutions.

It doesn't surprise me that Universal Health care has been such a huge issue this election, at least with the national socialist candidates (not to say the others, are any better....with the exception of the good Dr of course.) Pretty soon, we will all have access to their "solutions", at our neighbors and their neighbors expense. Watch, there will be mandatory shots and vaccinations. If you do not take your "vaccinations", you will not be eligible for Universal Healthcare if you break your arm. And if you think "Why not just take the vaccination" - may I refer you back to the big Fluoride fraud.


Well-Known Member
Just for the record I want to let everyone know that a theory is an Unproven fact. If you can read (not being sarcastic) and take a look at all the evidence about fluoride being a poison, and still be in denial because you DON'T want to believe it, then you are mildly retarded :)


New Member
This shit just cracks me up!

"Repeat" - "Repeat":
"This is not a conpiracy theory."
No, the fact that water fluoridation causes brain damage, dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis is not a conspiracy theory. You can deny it blindly like sheep or check it out for yourself. No need to start with your coincidence crap.


New Member
Just for the record I want to let everyone know that a theory is an Unproven fact. If you can read (not being sarcastic) and take a look at all the evidence about fluoride being a poison, and still be in denial because you DON'T want to believe it, then you are mildly retarded :)
Exactly. But the fox news dumbass generation is convinced everything not on FOX is a conspiracy theory. I see it all the time. People should be shot.


Well-Known Member
I just hate when people take the effort to share important information about our shitty gov't (lords), to then be called a "nutty conspiracy theorist".


Active Member
I found your speal quite interesting. I have heard the same thing from my mom for years and believe that it is true, in fact there is a great book about water that I found intreguing. It talks about how no water molecule is alike and that when research was done, it showed water change composition with diffrent vibrations. When the water was subjected to happy vibes compared with loud aggressive language and noise, the molecules were actually affected. So when you think about how much water is covering the planet, it is interesting to think how our own actions are creating a drastic change in the composition of not only our own bodies, but the whole world!