Lets make some Femanized auto seeds.


Well-Known Member
No great detail at the moment apart from having four (female) Jack 47 seeds, one to be turned and hold the pollen the other three to be pollenated (hopefully). All will be done outdoors in pots. I will post as things happen.
Fingers crossed we will have seeds at the end and loads of them.
Day 1 seed 1 in a wet paper towel and covered we should see the tap root in a couple of days.
so your hermi pollinated your other girls?
No Bf... The only thing that has happened thus far is I have put one of the four seed in to germinate. This seed will be turned from female to male, I will explain with photos as things develope so you will be getting it more or less real time.
No Bf... The only thing that has happened thus far is I have put one of the four seed in to germinate. This seed will be turned from female to male, I will explain with photos as things develope so you will be getting it more or less real time.
thanks for the clarification :)
How do you plan to flip the female...
I will be making some collodial silver and misting the plant with it. The collodial silver will be made a day or two before I start the misting, I would think the misting will start between the 24th and 30th day. I have every intention of explaining it on here when the time arrives.
Day 3
The first seed has done it's stuff so far. It will be going into its final pot tonight. I wont be overdong the pot size for this seed about 10/15 litre should be fine.second seed will propably be going into germination between day 15-20.002.JPG
I will be making some collodial silver and misting the plant with it. The collodial silver will be made a day or two before I start the misting, I would think the misting will start between the 24th and 30th day. I have every intention of explaining it on here when the time arrives.
It will work, I guarantee it. Don't worry about the strength of the CS as long as it is strong. I let my generator go all night on 3 9volts in series and it made a pretty strong solution from what I can tell.Here's what my flipped plant looks like now.This pic is from 2 days ago and the pods are looking even better now.
View attachment 3464395[/QUOTE]
Hi Choo. Thanks for your vote of confidence.Yor plant with the developing pollen sacks looks good I only hope it produces the quality pollen you are after. I will continue to keep an eye on your thread with interest and obviously wish you nothing but the best.
Here is a photo of a couple of Big Devil plants I finished pollenating a couple of weeks ago followed by a couple of reasonably close up shots of the seeds developing as we speak. I am hopeful of 300 plus seeds from the two plants. I used the same methods as I will be posting on here.


When you flip the plant and it has sac....will the growth be like a full male speed wise....I know males can grow in very low light settings but not females....if I try this I want to be able to but the plant outside on my balcony but it has very low light.

Last time I tried it with 2 plants I got sacs and it started producing seeds but the low light stunted the growth and the seeds weren't done even after 3 months....they didn't even swell....
Warren, what part of the world do you live in? I can imagine the stir in my neighborhood if I sprouted some seeds on my balcony like that :) I'm subbed,. Looking forward to following along.

So, you will spray one plant to get pollen and then spread the pollen to you other plants to get seeds, right?
When you flip the plant and it has sac....will the growth be like a full male speed wise....I know males can grow in very low light settings but not females....if I try this I want to be able to but the plant outside on my balcony but it has very low light.

Last time I tried it with 2 plants I got sacs and it started producing seeds but the low light stunted the growth and the seeds weren't done even after 3 months....they didn't even swell....

Hi Jesus. With respect as I have never grown indoors and never grown a male let alone my lack of real knowledge of the subject, I would be fearful of leading you down a blind alley if I was to suggest anything for them reasons I am unable to offer you any help or advice.
I always grow mine in the sun and try my best to give them what I think they need to be happy. That basic principle seems to serve me well.
Take care.
Warren, what part of the world do you live in? I can imagine the stir in my neighborhood if I sprouted some seeds on my balcony like that :) I'm subbed,. Looking forward to following along.

So, you will spray one plant to get pollen and then spread the pollen to you other plants to get seeds, right?

Yes Sunny your right, I will mist/spray one plant and fingers crossed pollenate 3 plants.
Southern Spain and perhaps to close too the sea for humidity reasons.
All the best.