Sam Dubose Murdered by Pig.

(CNN)University of Cincinnati Police Officer Ray Tensing was indicted Wednesday on a murder charge in the shooting death of Samuel DuBose.
If convicted, Tensing could go to prison for life, Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said in a news conference. Deters played body camera footage of the traffic stop shooting that appeared to contradict Tensing's version of what happened.
"I've been doing this for over 30 years. This is the most asinine act I've ever seen a police officer make -- totally unwarranted," said Deters. "It's an absolute tragedy in the year 2015 that anyone would behave in this manner. It was senseless."
The prosecutor, who said he was shocked when he first saw the video, was adamant DuBose, who is black, had not acted aggressively toward Tensing, who is white.
"People want to believe that Mr. DuBose had done something violent towards the officer -- he did not. He did not at all. I feel so sorry for his family and what they lost, and I feel sorry for the community, too," Deters said.

Now go to youtube and read the comments from the Reddit coontown members
Clearly murder. What kind of cop, let alone person, would believe it's OK to shoot at a guy sitting in the driver's seat for not showing you his license? Even if the guy stepped on the gas and attempted to bail, which he didn't, it STILL wouldn't justify this cops actions. I hope the judge throws the fuckin' book at this guy.
Clearly murder. What kind of cop, let alone person, would believe it's OK to shoot at a guy sitting in the driver's seat for not showing you his license? Even if the guy stepped on the gas and attempted to bail, which he didn't, it STILL wouldn't justify this cops actions. I hope the judge throws the fuckin' book at this guy.
And shoot him in the head, no less. But without the camera, he walks, and is probably cited for being a hero.
Clearly murder. What kind of cop, let alone person, would believe it's OK to shoot at a guy sitting in the driver's seat for not showing you his license? Even if the guy stepped on the gas and attempted to bail, which he didn't, it STILL wouldn't justify this cops actions. I hope the judge throws the fuckin' book at this guy.

that cop was being dragged by the guy's car and feared or his life, so he shot the guy in the head to gain control over the vehicle from the outside of it.
I'll be watching this closely

When did this happen?

can't miss it. go frame by frame as soon as he starts trying to open the door. then sam tries to close the door and leave. the pig tries to put his hand on the dude's chest to stop him (yeah, that'll work) with one hand, while the other hand is up in the air with the gun he just pulled. it looks like it took him at least a few steps to keep up so that he could execute sam.
can't miss it. go frame by frame as soon as he starts trying to open the door. then sam tries to close the door and leave. the pig tries to put his hand on the dude's chest to stop him (yeah, that'll work) with one hand, while the other hand is up in the air with the gun he just pulled. it looks like it took him at least a few steps to keep up so that he could execute sam.
He clearly shot him in the head @ 1:55, @1:53 "STOP!", 1:45 "STOP!", 1:55 ::shot::

Sam Dubose was murdered by this cop in the distance of 3 seconds.. all over a drivers license dispute..

I'm trying to be rational here.. are cops taught to shoot like this on sight at the refusal of a direct order? "Shoot first, ask questions later"? Do we want cops like this on the police force, assuming guilty until proven innocent? Did this dude really deserve to be killed for believing he didn't violate any laws? Was this cop right in executing him over the violation of a misdemeanour?..

Poor training, poor assessment of judgment...
on second inspection, it looks like he may have just moved forward and shot sam before the car even started moving.

i've been pulled over and questioned by cops when i didn't have my license multiple times. they have even asked me if i was suspended. i just politely told them to look up my name, like sam did. they never asked me to very specifically take off my seatbelt as they leaned in and opened my door.

one time, i was driving home from the store at 11 PM or so with a 6 pack of beer in plain sight. was halfway through harvesting a very stinky plant when i got pulled over right near my home, like sam did. officer asked me for license, registration, insurance, and without hesitation, my medical marijuana card (LOL). i did not have my license on me, but i knew my license number and recited it back to him. handed him the registration and a one day expired insurance card. told him to look up my card by my name, and he said he would.

went back to his car for a bit, then came back. told me he was just waiting on the medical marijuana card to come back. said he could tell that i wasn't high or drinking (both true) and only smelled freshly harvested weed on my hands (very true). he then struck up a conversation about how he has to swear a duty to both state law (legal weed) and federal law (not legal). he apologized for the medical card taking so long to come back. then he started talking about the homeless people and the laws around not removing them from public areas. apologized again for the delay. asked me if i had any weed on me he could see because he liked looking at it, i offered to show him some but realized i removed what was in the car the day before. he seemed bummed. he finally told me he was sorry for the delay and let me go without the medical card verification and started walking away. right then his radio told him i was on the medical list.

i am white though.
i've been pulled over and questioned by cops when i didn't have my license multiple times. they have even asked me if i was suspended. i just politely told them to look up my name, like sam did. they never asked me to very specifically take off my seatbelt as they leaned in and opened my door.
That was the most unsettling part of the clip.. It seems like Tensing used the absence of a DL as justification for further engagement, not unlike a lot of cops use the smell of marijuana as probable cause.. You don't show me your license, FUCK YOU!.. He was even willing to give him the DL number (I know mine by memory and have used it to verify my driving status without issue..)...

Fuck this cop. Like I said before, throw the fuckin' book at him. He has no business enforcing the law.