And shoot him in the head, no less. But without the camera, he walks, and is probably cited for being a hero.Clearly murder. What kind of cop, let alone person, would believe it's OK to shoot at a guy sitting in the driver's seat for not showing you his license? Even if the guy stepped on the gas and attempted to bail, which he didn't, it STILL wouldn't justify this cops actions. I hope the judge throws the fuckin' book at this guy.
Clearly murder. What kind of cop, let alone person, would believe it's OK to shoot at a guy sitting in the driver's seat for not showing you his license? Even if the guy stepped on the gas and attempted to bail, which he didn't, it STILL wouldn't justify this cops actions. I hope the judge throws the fuckin' book at this guy.
Even more ridiculous reading it..that cop was being dragged by the guy's car and feared or his life, so he shot the guy in the head to gain control over the vehicle from the outside of it.
I'll be watching this closelyhe was literally running alongside the car to make sure he got the shot in.
I'll be watching this closely
When did this happen?
He clearly shot him in the head @ 1:55, @1:53 "STOP!", 1:45 "STOP!", 1:55 ::shot::can't miss it. go frame by frame as soon as he starts trying to open the door. then sam tries to close the door and leave. the pig tries to put his hand on the dude's chest to stop him (yeah, that'll work) with one hand, while the other hand is up in the air with the gun he just pulled. it looks like it took him at least a few steps to keep up so that he could execute sam.
That was the most unsettling part of the clip.. It seems like Tensing used the absence of a DL as justification for further engagement, not unlike a lot of cops use the smell of marijuana as probable cause.. You don't show me your license, FUCK YOU!.. He was even willing to give him the DL number (I know mine by memory and have used it to verify my driving status without issue..)...i've been pulled over and questioned by cops when i didn't have my license multiple times. they have even asked me if i was suspended. i just politely told them to look up my name, like sam did. they never asked me to very specifically take off my seatbelt as they leaned in and opened my door.
Dude.. It's gettin' pretty hard to say "maybe" these days..Maybe he is just racist.