Purchase and development of the first Private Cannabis Island just for stoners.


You know, that island where the undesirable folk were sent.

Reading the op made me think of Fin, then movie and music pirates, it was a quick jump to the correlation between pot heads, Pirates, Bitcoin enthusiasts and tropical islands.

Take a joke people.
lol I thought you were inferring that I was the op because I did set up a fund me type account to try to pay for George the Lord's flights to Australia once haha
I've looked into owning an island a few times. Your looking at around $100 million min to get an island set up with power, housing ,desalination,etc. If you want living standards anywhere near what most first world countries are used to. Just a habitable island for more than a few people will be $5-10 mil, undeveloped. Sure you can get $50K islands..but they are postage stamp size and no permanent structures can really be built. I think you need to do more research, but with a better, more comprehensive plan, I think it's a good idea.
I think you need to do more research, but with a better, more comprehensive plan, I think it's a good idea.
That is somewhat key here. A lot of ideas sound plausible on the surface, but once the little details--which people take for granted--creep in, it has a tendency to spiral out into branches of complexity.
Somewhat like a really complicated Sudoku puzzle; you'll start off by nailing a couple simple numbers, then you hit that roadblock where all options are filled but no clear path of action is available. At such a juncture one needs to begin applying algorithms of increased complexity (i.e. probabilistic decisions), or just simply 'guess'. This is where such lofty plans begin to develop cracks.

As such, what can be said about Fantasy Island? Let's assume the offer is fully invested, what then? Is there even a preliminary contract or Letter of Offering from Chile?
I have started a campaign to start the first Cannabis Island for all stoners alike. Native plant Marijuana. Weed cost free to all residents and visitors of the island. The island alone will cost $10 million +. That's not including development cost. If all stoners unite this will be a easy task.
With a estimated 158 million plus users in the the world. $1 from each user could easily make this happen.

Campaign page can be found here http://igg.me/at/CannaIsle/x/8763838

Spread the word and share with your friends.
You are way too high.
He should do it like I do the RIU fishing trips. $200 to get on the boat w/$200 jackpot for the biggest fish. So you pay a little more to get on, with a decent chance of going for free....if your lucky......do you feel lucky?
I calculated in a lot of factors and left room for error. The island is already semi-developed. Roads, a few lodges, water, electricity. Things are not always as hard as life and people seem to make it. Somethings you just have to do and worry about failing later.

I say about a million in wind turbines another million in solar. And close to a million for desalination (that's the machine and water tank)
That's around $3 million with all the major factors out way. Plumbing is not that hard. In the states prices are jacked up do to permits and needing to connect to the cities water supply, and contractors. .

There are plenty of new prefab beach houses,villas, cabins and overwater bungalows for sale. Another $3 million would fetch around 1000 or so dwellings.
That puts it at $6 mill not including the purchase of the island
I don't expect it to be a city overnight.
It's a lot easier then people make it out to be. Throwing in the "what if" factor to shake people up doesn't help.