The growing threat of right wing terrorism

do you really think someone would have time for that silly shit?
So that's your approach to reducing by-catch. You know those trawling nets don't really help, there are heaps of studies pointing this out. That's why the state of Oregon has to get involved and send those liberals on your boat. Try not to kill any more dolphins.
So that's your approach to reducing by-catch. You know those trawling nets don't really help, there are heaps of studies pointing this out. That's why the state of Oregon has to get involved and send those liberals on your boat. Try not to kill any more dolphins.

I have been fishing sense 1978 and have never killed a dolphin. I don't even know anybody that has killed one. You must be thinking of the foreign gill net fleet or super seiners for tuna? Actually its the Feds that have the observers.
So you only care insofar as laws dictate. This sort of indicates that you would indiscriminantly poach what ever you could if there were no laws.

We could get into the morals of this for sure, but it's odd that you'd jab at someone's ability to catch fish, when you have no regard for environmental concerns insofar as discriminant reduction of bycatch. I guess sustainable is not in your vocabulary.

but didn't you just ask him 'what he used'? what does that have to do with poaching? or is it over my head?:lol:

different waters different methods.
Here we see the growing threat of right wing terrorism.^^
"The superficial distinctions of Fascism, Bolshevism, Hitlerism, are the concern of journalists and publicists; the serious student sees in them only one root-idea of a complete conversion of social power into State power...I wonder how many men in America would know that Communism, New Deal Progressivism, Fascism, Nazism, are merely so-many trade-names for Collectivist Statism, like the trade names for toothpastes which are all exactly alike except for the flavoring."
― Albert Jay Nock
"The superficial distinctions of Fascism, Bolshevism, Hitlerism, are the concern of journalists and publicists; the serious student sees in them only one root-idea of a complete conversion of social power into State power...I wonder how many men in America would know that Communism, New Deal Progressivism, Fascism, Nazism, are merely so-many trade-names for Collectivist Statism, like the trade names for toothpastes which are all exactly alike except for the flavoring."
― Albert Jay Nock
What a mouth breathing republican fucktard.
I know you learned something so feel good about it and move on to something you know more about because like I said, I realize you don't know what you are talking about and I have cut you some slack because of it.
I learned that te only reason you make an effort to reduce by-catch is that the gov't forces you to do so.
I learned that te only reason you make an effort to reduce by-catch is that the gov't forces you to do so.

I thought you were going to stop while you still had some dignity . The by catch reduction effort was not forced by government. It was voluntary research that the fisherman had been working on for years before the state got involved. The Oregon fisherman are pretty creative when it comes to figuring stuff out that improves catch rates and by catch reduction all on there own. The state got involved in working with fisherman after the fact of a lot of improvements had already been made by fisherman. It wasn't until the state got some grant money and used that money to officially record the research and improve on the effort from fisherman.

What was forced was the federal observer program and a GPS tracking device . Now you can say you learned something more.
By all means, say it was because it's profitable to do so. How fucking dumb do you think people are?

You keep stepping on your dick from lack of knowing what you are talking about. When the fisherman figured out how to excluded by catch it opened up areas that you couldn't fish because of to much by catch. And for that reason it became more profitable for all the shrimpers because all of the fishing grounds could be worked with out by catch problems any more.

I am beginning to think you are not as bright as you think you are for the fact you don't know what you are talking about. But you are learning more.
You keep stepping on your dick from lack of knowing what you are talking about. When the fisherman figured out how to excluded by catch it opened up areas that you couldn't fish because of to much by catch. And for that reason it became more profitable for all the shrimpers because all of the fishing grounds could be worked with out by catch problems any more.

I am beginning to think you are not as bright as you think you are for the fact you don't know what you are talking about. But you are learning more.
Wow, considering you say you have been a fisherman so long, I'm beginning to think you're just lying. By-catch isn't an obstacle to profit, never has been. They can just toss the fish they don't want overboard, but so many species are profitable to catch that this rarely happens. What actually happens is that other boats come along and buy it. By-catch is only a problem because the gov't gets in your way. Try not to go in circles ya senile old man. If fishermen made an effort to reduce by-catch before the gov't came along, gov't wouldn't be interfering.

As the scientific studies prove, the exclusion trawling nets are ineffective. Just because you end your idiotic posts with comments about how you're an expert and I'm not clearly isn't winning you the debate. What's happening here is that you've finally come across someone who knows what's up and doesn't fall for the corporate propaganda that keeps you in business poaching endangered species.

The only reason you never caught any dolphin, unless you were lying, is that there are no more tuna near Oregon, at least not nearly enough to justify tuna boats. You see, fishermen used to follow the dolphins in order to find the skipjack and yellowtail schools. When corralling them into nets, of course dolphins also were caught and it was just too costly to save them. This went on right up until the yellowtail and skipjacks were gone, even though the canneries placated Greenpeace by swearing they were dolphin safe.

MSC sells the BS and it's the fisherman's word against the activist, until scientists started proving that populations were dwindling. Now it's a new product and different species being caught in the nets by accident while tuna is farmed.
Loaded question, but since you asked:
When it comes to you, you're so far off the linear scale the log is much more appropriate; that would be -90dBIQ.
So here you are, on a Saturday night, with nothing better to do that write me a love letter about how much you respect my intelligence, which must be an immense amount of respect, since you decided to come out of left field to bring it up by interrupting such that attention is drawn toward yourself. I'm touched, truly. You must really want to take in a whiff of my ass.
Wow, considering you say you have been a fisherman so long, I'm beginning to think you're just lying. By-catch isn't an obstacle to profit, never has been. They can just toss the fish they don't want overboard, but so many species are profitable to catch that this rarely happens. What actually happens is that other boats come along and buy it. By-catch is only a problem because the gov't gets in your way. Try not to go in circles ya senile old man. If fishermen made an effort to reduce by-catch before the gov't came along, gov't wouldn't be interfering.

As the scientific studies prove, the exclusion trawling nets are ineffective. Just because you end your idiotic posts with comments about how you're an expert and I'm not clearly isn't winning you the debate. What's happening here is that you've finally come across someone who knows what's up and doesn't fall for the corporate propaganda that keeps you in business poaching endangered species.

The only reason you never caught any dolphin, unless you were lying, is that there are no more tuna near Oregon, at least not nearly enough to justify tuna boats. You see, fishermen used to follow the dolphins in order to find the skipjack and yellowtail schools. When corralling them into nets, of course dolphins also were caught and it was just too costly to save them. This went on right up until the yellowtail and skipjacks were gone, even though the canneries placated Greenpeace by swearing they were dolphin safe.

MSC sells the BS and it's the fisherman's word against the activist, until scientists started proving that populations were dwindling. Now it's a new product and different species being caught in the nets by accident while tuna is farmed.

You are very uninformed about pretty much everything about what goes on off the Oregon coast. What you said that is in bold letters tells me you are an idiot. Have a good day.
You are very uninformed about pretty much everything about what goes on off the Oregon coast. What you said that is in bold letters tells me you are an idiot. Have a good day.

"I can't refute your arguments, so I'll just insult you instead. What do you mean ad hominem?"

"I can't refute your arguments, so I'll just insult you instead. What do you mean ad hominem?"

When you are using research and examples of what you think I do off the Oregon coast, and it ends up being other fisheries from around the world like super seiner tuna boats that catch dolphins in the south pacific or draggers that catch bottom fish that have by catch that is big enough for some kind of market. It make no sense to debate the subject matter any further .

I already told you that our by catch is smaller than your little finger or it won't go in the net, you some how think boats would transfer these tiny little fish over to other boats at sea for money, so I won't call you an idiot but I want you to think about what you just described . I don't know if the debate is worthy of continuing until you go back and look at the picture of the unsorted tow of shrimp that I posted and look how small and few fish are in the tow. And then tell me if you have ever seen a fish that small for sale in a grocery store? And if you think that boats run around in the Ocean to do an illegal transfer of fish that are worth nothing more than feeding the birds, how would you debate such a silly thought?